
10 results for: northeastern italy

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Initial D: A Monk with his Finger to his Lips; Northeastern Italy, Italy; about 1420; Tempera colors, gold leaf, and ink

Initial D: A Monk with his Finger to his Lips; Nor...

Initial C: Saint Benedict Blessing Maurus; Northeastern Italy, Italy; about 1420; Tempera colors, gold leaf, and ink

Initial C: Saint Benedict Blessing Maurus; Northea...

Initial C: The Creation of the World; Northeastern Italy, Italy; about 1420; Tempera colors, gold leaf, and ink on parchment

Initial C: The Creation of the World; Northeastern...

Initial C: Monks Singing; Northeastern Italy, Italy; about 1420; Tempera colors, gold leaf, and ink on parchment

Initial C: Monks Singing; Northeastern Italy, Ital...

Initial C: Monks Singing; Northeastern Italy, Italy; about 1420; Tempera colors, gold leaf, and ink on parchment

Initial C: Monks Singing; Northeastern Italy, Ital...

Initial S: A Monk Praying in the Water

Initial S: A Monk Praying in the Water

Initial D: A Monk with His Finger to His Lips

Initial D: A Monk with His Finger to His Lips

Initial C: Monks Singing

Initial C: Monks Singing

Initial C: Saint Benedict Blessing Maurus

Initial C: Saint Benedict Blessing Maurus

Initial C: The Creation of the World

Initial C: The Creation of the World