
5 results for: pavillon de rohan

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Detail of the Decoration of the First Floor, Pavillon de Rohan, Louvre, Paris; Édouard Baldus, French, born Germany, 1813 - 1889

Detail of the Decoration of the First Floor, Pavil...

The Roof of the Pavillon de Rohan, Louvre, Paris; Édouard Baldus, French, born Germany, 1813 - 1889, Paris, France; 1852 - 1857

The Roof of the Pavillon de Rohan, Louvre, Paris; ...

The Pavillon de Rohan, Louvre, Paris; Édouard Baldus, French, born Germany, 1813 - 1889, Paris, France; 1852 - 1857; Salted

The Pavillon de Rohan, Louvre, Paris; Édouard Bald...

Pavillon de Rohan; Édouard Baldus, French, born Germany, 1813 - 1889, Paris, France; 1860s; Albumen silver print

Pavillon de Rohan; Édouard Baldus, French, born Ge...

Ticket Office of the Pavillon de Rohan, Louvre, Paris; Édouard Baldus, French, born Germany, 1813 - 1889, Paris, France; 1852

Ticket Office of the Pavillon de Rohan, Louvre, Pa...