
5 results for: pierre charles trémolières

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Academic Male (recto and verso), from Premier Livre de Figures d’Academies gravées en Partie par

Academic Male (recto and verso), from Premier Livr...

The Confirmation, n.d., Pierre Charles Trémolières, French, 1703-1739, France, Etching in black on

The Confirmation, n.d., Pierre Charles Trémolières...

The Bath of Diana, c. 1738, Pierre Charles Trémolières, French, 1703-1739, France, Red chalk on

The Bath of Diana, c. 1738, Pierre Charles Trémoli...

The Confirmation, c. 1730, Pierre Charles Trémolières, French, 1703-1739, France, Etching in brown

The Confirmation, c. 1730, Pierre Charles Trémoliè...

Study of a Woman from the Back. Pierre Charles Trémolière (French, 1703-1739). Etching

Study of a Woman from the Back. Pierre Charles Tré...