
5 results for: pinkish cream laid paper

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The Judgement of Midas: Apollo and Pan, n.d., Circle of Jacopo Zanguidi, called Bertoia, Italian,

The Judgement of Midas: Apollo and Pan, n.d., Circ...

Et que des yeux sans tete flottaient comme des mollusques, plate XIII of Tentation de St. Antoine,

Et que des yeux sans tete flottaient comme des mol...

Contented Love (valentine), c. 1840, Unknown Artist, English, 19th century, England, Lithograph

Contented Love (valentine), c. 1840, Unknown Artis...

Frontispiece for Iwan Gilkin’s Damnation de l’artiste, 1889, Odilon Redon, French, 1840-1916,

Frontispiece for Iwan Gilkin’s Damnation de l’arti...

Avenue Trudaine on a Rainy Day, 1875, Norbert Goeneutte, French, 1854-1894, France, Etching and

Avenue Trudaine on a Rainy Day, 1875, Norbert Goen...