
8 results for: rectangular wood haft

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Halberd, 1600s. Switzerland, 17th century. Steel; rectangular wood haft with planed corners;

Halberd, 1600s. Switzerland, 17th century. Steel; ...

Halberd, c. 1520. Germany, 16th century. Steel, pierced quatrefoil; rectangular wood haft with

Halberd, c. 1520. Germany, 16th century. Steel, pi...

Halberd, c. 1550. Germany, 16th century. Steel, with pierced trefoils; wood haft (rectangular with

Halberd, c. 1550. Germany, 16th century. Steel, wi...

Halberd, c. 1480-1500. Switzerland, late 15th Century. Steel; wood haft (rectangular with planed

Halberd, c. 1480-1500. Switzerland, late 15th Cent...

Partisan, c. 1600-1620. Italy, early 17th Century. Steel; rectangular wood haft with planed

Partisan, c. 1600-1620. Italy, early 17th Century....

Parade Halberd, c. 1600-1650. Italy, 17th century. Steel, engraved; rectangular wood haft with

Parade Halberd, c. 1600-1650. Italy, 17th century....

Halberd, c. 1500-1525. Germany (?), early 16th Century. Steel, quatrefoil piercing; wood haft

Halberd, c. 1500-1525. Germany (?), early 16th Cen...

Halberd, 1600s. Switzerland, 17th century. Steel; new rectangular wood haft with planed corners;

Halberd, 1600s. Switzerland, 17th century. Steel; ...