
21 results for: s rijks munt

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's Rijks Munt, Medal on the inauguration of William I, Prince of Orange, as sovereign prince, sprinkling penny imagery bronze

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the inauguration of Willia...

's Rijks Munt, Three guilders, the Netherlands, 1830 about 1820, three guilder currency exchange medium silver, regulation

's Rijks Munt, Three guilders, the Netherlands, 18...

's Rijks Munt, Medal at the 25-year official feast of .F.J.. Count van der Duijn of Maasdam, penning footage bronze, left-turned

's Rijks Munt, Medal at the 25-year official feast...

's Rijks Munt, Price medal in honor of King William II as patron of the Royal Dutch Yacht Club, price medal penning footage

's Rijks Munt, Price medal in honor of King Willia...

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the death of Gijsbert Karel van Hogendorp (1762-1834), penning footage silver, slightly used

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the death of Gijsbert Kare...

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the inauguration of William I, Prince of Orange, as sovereign prince, scattering penning footage silver

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the inauguration of Willia...

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the 280th Diës of the Leiden University, penning footage silver, left-facing bust of Charles V, PLVS

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the 280th Diës of the Leid...

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the inauguration of William I, Prince of Orange, as sovereign prince, sprinkling penny imagery bronze

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the inauguration of Willia...

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the visit of Crown Prince Willem Nicolaas Alexander to the National Mint in Utrecht, commemorative medal

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the visit of Crown Prince ...

's Rijks Munt, Medal in honor of Peter de Raadt at the 35th anniversary of the Kostschool Noorthey in Voorschoten, medallion

's Rijks Munt, Medal in honor of Peter de Raadt at...

's Rijks Munt, Medal on Kozakjesdag in Utrecht, or entering the Cossacks in Utrecht fifty years ago, in 1813, commemorated

's Rijks Munt, Medal on Kozakjesdag in Utrecht, or...

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the death of Frederika Louise Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands, wife of King William I, death

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the death of Frederika Lou...

's Rijks Munt, Medal in honor of Peter de Raadt at the 35th anniversary of the Kostschool Noorthey in Voorschoten, penning

's Rijks Munt, Medal in honor of Peter de Raadt at...

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the introduction of the Dutch Constitution, penny footage iron, portrait of King William I to the left

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the introduction of the Du...

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the Ten Day Campaign, penning footage copper wood, left-wended bust of King William I, omschrift WILH: I

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the Ten Day Campaign, penn...

's Rijks Munt, Medal in honor of Peter de Raadt at the 35th anniversary of the Kostschool Noorthey in Voorschoten, medallion

's Rijks Munt, Medal in honor of Peter de Raadt at...

's Rijks Munt, Price medal from the Hollandsche Maatschappij van Landbouw, price medal medal bronze bronze figure 3,6

's Rijks Munt, Price medal from the Hollandsche Ma...

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the death of King William I, death certificate penning footage silver, F: depicts King William I

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the death of King William ...

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the fifty years ago inaugurating the Cossacks in Utrecht in 1813, commemorated in 1863, medallions

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the fifty years ago inaugu...

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the death of King William I, death certificate penning footage silver, silvered F: depicts King William

's Rijks Munt, Medal on the death of King William ...

's Rijks Munt, Medal in honor of Peter de Raadt at the 35th anniversary of the Kostschool Noorthey in Voorschoten, penny footage

's Rijks Munt, Medal in honor of Peter de Raadt at...