
11 results for: van der weyden

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Madonna lactans, c. 1515, mixed media on oak, 46.5 x 31 cm, unmarked, Goossen van der Weyden,

Madonna lactans, c. 1515, mixed media on oak, 46.5...

Woman Reading, End of the 15th Century, Feather in Brown, Sheets: 29.5 x 22.2 cm, Unmarked, Anonym,

Woman Reading, End of the 15th Century, Feather in...

Descent from the Cross, 16th C., oil on oakwood, 40 x 33 cm, unmarked., Crosstitulus: i n r i,

Descent from the Cross, 16th C., oil on oakwood, 4...

Virgin and Child, 1460/65, Workshop of Rogier van der Weyden, Netherlandish, c. 1399-1464, Belgium,

Virgin and Child, 1460/65, Workshop of Rogier van ...

Portrait of Jean Gros, 1460/64, Rogier van der Weyden and Workshop, Netherlandish, c. 1399–1464,

Portrait of Jean Gros, 1460/64, Rogier van der Wey...

Portrait miniature by Samuel Dunlop, portrait miniature painting footage wood paint watercolor ivory ivory backing, clear size

Portrait miniature by Samuel Dunlop, portrait mini...

Portrait miniature by Johanna van der Weyden, portrait miniature painting sculpture wood paint watercolor ivory medium

Portrait miniature by Johanna van der Weyden, port...

Portrait of Isabella of Portugal; Workshop of Rogier van der Weyden, Netherlandish, 1399,1400 - 1464, Netherlands; about 1450

Portrait of Isabella of Portugal; Workshop of Rogi...

Follower of Rogier van der Weyden, Christ Appearing to the Virgin, c. 1475, oil on panel

Follower of Rogier van der Weyden, Christ Appearin...

Rogier van der Weyden (Netherlandish, 1399-1400-1464), Portrait of a Lady, c. 1460, oil on panel

Rogier van der Weyden (Netherlandish, 1399-1400-14...

Portrait of Isabella of Portugal

Portrait of Isabella of Portugal