
14 results for: waterloo prince

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Medal at the battle of Waterloo and Crown Prince Willem, the later King William II, penning footage bronze silver, silvered

Medal at the battle of Waterloo and Crown Prince W...

Medal at the Battle of Waterloo and Crown Prince Willem, the later King William II, penning footage brass, the Prince of Orange

Medal at the Battle of Waterloo and Crown Prince W...

Medal at the battle of Waterloo and Crown Prince Willem, the later King William II, penning footage bronze, Penning

Medal at the battle of Waterloo and Crown Prince W...

Verwijk, Purple tile tableau, Battle of Waterloo with Crown Prince Willem II of Orange, tile picture ceramic earthenware glaze

Verwijk, Purple tile tableau, Battle of Waterloo w...

Robert van Eijsden, Portrait of Adriaen Theodore Prins (1803-1857), portrait painting canvas linen oil painting, Oval portrait

Robert van Eijsden, Portrait of Adriaen Theodore P...

Medal at the battle of Waterloo and Crown Prince Willem, the later King William II, penning footage bronze, the Prince of Orange

Medal at the battle of Waterloo and Crown Prince W...

Medal at the battle of Waterloo and Crown Prince Willem, the later King William II, penning footage copper, the Prince of Orange

Medal at the battle of Waterloo and Crown Prince W...

Medal at the battle of Waterloo and Crown Prince Willem, the later King William II, penning footage copper nickel, nickel plated

Medal at the battle of Waterloo and Crown Prince W...

P. Mansvelt en Zoon, Medal for the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo, penny visual material tin, F: portrait of King

P. Mansvelt en Zoon, Medal for the 50th anniversar...

Verwijk, Van Traa, Purple tile tableau, Battle of Waterloo (1815) with Crown Prince William of Orange, tile picture material

Verwijk, Van Traa, Purple tile tableau, Battle of ...

Allegory of the Triumphal Procession of the Prince of Orange, later King William II, as the Hero of

Allegory of the Triumphal Procession of the Prince...

Portrait of William II, King of the Netherlands, Philippus Velijn, 1815 - 1836

Portrait of William II, King of the Netherlands, P...

Portrait of Prince William Frederick George Lodewijk to commemorate the Battle of Waterloo,

Portrait of Prince William Frederick George Lodewi...

Commemorative column Battle of Waterloo, Cornelis Bogerts, Monogrammist MVL, c. 1815 - c. 1817

Commemorative column Battle of Waterloo, Cornelis ...