
25 results for: whipped riveted

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Brass book fittings with engraved decoration, decorative fittings ground find copper brass metal, whipped riveted engraved

Brass book fittings with engraved decoration, deco...

Copper candlestick or sconce and loose dover, candlestick candle holder dover ground find copper iron metal, whipped riveted

Copper candlestick or sconce and loose dover, cand...

metal worker: Gresnich, Copper miniature skimmer, skimmer kitchenware miniature toy relaxant model copper brass, whipped riveted

metal worker: Gresnich, Copper miniature skimmer, ...

Brass book fittings with simple decoration, decorative fittings ground find copper brass metal, whipped riveted engraved Double

Brass book fittings with simple decoration, decora...

Rectangular torn fragment with batter, probably from cooking pot, batter soil find copper metal, whipped riveted Piece copper

Rectangular torn fragment with batter, probably fr...

Triangular riveted piece of batter with hook and remnant leather, fitting closure soil finding brass leather metal, whipped

Triangular riveted piece of batter with hook and r...

Brass book fitting with end hook, decorative fittings ground find copper brass metal, whipped riveted engraved Double fittings

Brass book fitting with end hook, decorative fitti...

Brass book fittings with decoration, decorative fittings ground find copper brass metal, whipped riveted engraved Double

Brass book fittings with decoration, decorative fi...

Brass book fitting with hook at the end, decorative fittings soil found brass copper metal, whipped riveted engraved Only

Brass book fitting with hook at the end, decorativ...

Brass book fittings with decoration, decorative fittings ground find copper metal, whipped riveted engraved Double horseshoe

Brass book fittings with decoration, decorative fi...

Brass book fittings with linear decoration, decorative fittings ground find copper brass metal, whipped riveted engraved Double

Brass book fittings with linear decoration, decora...

Copper book fittings with linear decoration, decorative fittings soil find copper metal, whipped riveted engraved Red copper

Copper book fittings with linear decoration, decor...

Brass book fittings with linear decoration, decorative fittings ground find copper metal, whipped riveted engraved Double

Brass book fittings with linear decoration, decora...

Brass book fittings, engraved decoration, decorative fittings soil found copper brass metal, whipped riveted engraved Five book

Brass book fittings, engraved decoration, decorati...

Steel knife with machined copper handle, on which JHESUS and MARIA, knife cutlery soil find iron steel bronze metal, forged

Steel knife with machined copper handle, on which ...

Copper lid with knob, lid closure part soil found copper brass metal, whipped cast riveted soldered Copper lid Lightly curved

Copper lid with knob, lid closure part soil found ...

Narrow brass tongue, belt tongue fitting clothing accessory clothing soil found brass metal, whipped riveted Belt tongue

Narrow brass tongue, belt tongue fitting clothing ...

Tray of skimmer, with short piece of stem, skimmer kitchenware soil find copper iron metal, w 11.0 whipped shaped drilled

Tray of skimmer, with short piece of stem, skimmer...

Copper sconce, candle holder, sconce candlestick lighting means soil find copper metal, tray 11.0 whipped shaped riveted Copper

Copper sconce, candle holder, sconce candlestick l...

Brass book fittings with fanned ends, decorative fittings soil found copper brass metal, whipped riveted engraved Double batter

Brass book fittings with fanned ends, decorative f...

Brass book fitting with end hook, decorative fittings ground find copper brass metal, whipped riveted engraved Double batter

Brass book fitting with end hook, decorative fitti...

Metal book fitting with tulip-shaped end, decorative fittings soil finds copper? metal, whipped riveted engraved Book fittings

Metal book fitting with tulip-shaped end, decorati...

Brass book fittings with simple, linear decoration, decorative fittings ground find copper brass metal, whipped riveted engraved

Brass book fittings with simple, linear decoration...

Copper kettle or aker with nailed bottom and tires, iron handle, kettle cooking pot tableware holder kitchenware soil find

Copper kettle or aker with nailed bottom and tires...

Decorative fittings with four-leaf ornament and stamping, decorative fittings ground find copper metal, whipped riveted stamped

Decorative fittings with four-leaf ornament and st...