
146 résultats pour : cotton industry

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Young Doffer

Young Doffer

Group of Young Cotton Mill Workers

Group of Young Cotton Mill Workers

Two Young Girls at Spoolers, Lincoln Cotton Mills, Evansville, Indiana, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, October 1908

Two Young Girls at Spoolers, Lincoln Cotton Mills,...

Young Doffer Boy in Cotton Mill, Lincolnton, North Carolina, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, November 1908

Young Doffer Boy in Cotton Mill, Lincolnton, North...

Warren Frakes, 6 years old, Full-Length Portrait, Cotton Picker, Comanche County, Oklahoma, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, October 1916

Warren Frakes, 6 years old, Full-Length Portrait, ...

Portrait of Young Girl Working as Spinner at Cotton Mill, Vermont, USA, Lewis Hine, 1910

Portrait of Young Girl Working as Spinner at Cotto...

Group of Sweepers, Cotton Mill, North Carolina, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, November 1908

Group of Sweepers, Cotton Mill, North Carolina, US...

Young Girl Working in Textile Mill, Cherryville, North Carolina, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, November 1908

Young Girl Working in Textile Mill, Cherryville, N...

Pearl, 10 years old, Half-Length Portrait, Helps her Mother in Weave Room at Pickett Cotton Mill, High Point, North Carolina, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, October 1912

Pearl, 10 years old, Half-Length Portrait, Helps h...

Group of Drop-Wire Boys and Sweepers, Half-Length Portrait, Granite Mill #2, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, Fall River, Massachusetts, USA, June 1916

Group of Drop-Wire Boys and Sweepers, Half-Length ...

Group of young mill workers

Group of young mill workers

Boy at warping machine

Boy at warping machine

Cleaner and Sweeper

Cleaner and Sweeper

Charlie Lott

Charlie Lott

Group of young girls working in cotton mill

Group of young girls working in cotton mill

Worker at Mary-Leila Cotton Mill

Worker at Mary-Leila Cotton Mill

John Tidwell

John Tidwell

Female Worker

Female Worker

Worker at Mary-Leila Cotton Mill

Worker at Mary-Leila Cotton Mill

Worker at Mary-Leila Cotton Mill

Worker at Mary-Leila Cotton Mill

Workers arriving at change of Shift

Workers arriving at change of Shift

Worker at Mary-Leila Cotton Mill

Worker at Mary-Leila Cotton Mill

Female Worker at Loom

Female Worker at Loom

Worker at Mary-Leila Cotton Mill

Worker at Mary-Leila Cotton Mill

Female Worker

Female Worker

Female Worker at Mary-Leila Cotton Mill

Female Worker at Mary-Leila Cotton Mill

Laborers Hoeing Cotton in Field, South Texas, USA, Dorothea Lange, Farm Security Administration, August 1936

Laborers Hoeing Cotton in Field, South Texas, USA,...

Weighing Bales of Cotton, South Texas, USA, Dorothea Lange, Farm Security Administration, August 1936

Weighing Bales of Cotton, South Texas, USA, Doroth...

General View in Large Printing Room of Cotton Mills, Lawrence, Mass., Single Image of Stereo Card, circa 1916

General View in Large Printing Room of Cotton Mill...

General View in Large Printing Room of Cotton Mills, Lawrence, Mass., Stereo Card, circa 1916

General View in Large Printing Room of Cotton Mill...

Spinning Cotton Yarn in the Great Textile Mills, Lawrence, Mass., Single Image of Stereo Card, circa 1916

Spinning Cotton Yarn in the Great Textile Mills, L...

Young Girl Working in Spinning Room of Cotton Mill, Augusta, Georgia, USA, 1909

Young Girl Working in Spinning Room of Cotton Mill...

Spinning Cotton Yarn in the Great Textile Mills, Lawrence, Mass., Stereo Card, circa 1916

Spinning Cotton Yarn in the Great Textile Mills, L...

Bales of Cotton at Railway Depot, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 1900

Bales of Cotton at Railway Depot, New Orleans, Lou...

Two Japanese Women Spinning Cotton, Hand Colored Albumen Photograph, circa 1880

Two Japanese Women Spinning Cotton, Hand Colored A...

Eli Whitney (1765-1825), American Inventor Best Known for Inventing the Cotton Gin, Portrait, Engraving

Eli Whitney (1765-1825), American Inventor Best Kn...

Political Cartoon, Giving the Other Fellow a Chance, Puck Magazine Cover, March, 13, 1885

Political Cartoon, Giving the Other Fellow a Chanc...

Norma Lawrence, 10 years old, Full-Length Portrait, Cotton Picker, Picks 100 to 150 pounds of Cotton per day, Comanche County, Oklahoma, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, October 191...

Norma Lawrence, 10 years old, Full-Length Portrait...

Young Girl Working in Yarn Mill, Full-Length Portrait, Anniston, Alabama, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, November 1910

Young Girl Working in Yarn Mill, Full-Length Portr...

Wife and Children of Mill Worker, Portrait on Porch Steps of Home in Rundown Cotton Mill Village, Matoaca, Virginia, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, June 1911

Wife and Children of Mill Worker, Portrait on Porc...

Giles Edmund Newsom, Young Cotton Mill Worker, 12 years old, Fell on to Spinning Machine and his hand went to into unprotected gearing, losing two fingers, Half-length Portrait, Sanders Spinning Mill,...

Giles Edmund Newsom, Young Cotton Mill Worker, 12 ...

Group of Typical Mill Girls at Cotton Mill, Seated Portrait, Dallas, Texas, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, October 1913

Group of Typical Mill Girls at Cotton Mill, Seated...

Back Boy, 14 years old, Full-Length Portrait, Mule Room, Berkshire Cotton Mills, Adams, Massachusetts, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, July 1916

Back Boy, 14 years old, Full-Length Portrait, Mule...

Girl at Spinning Machine, Lincoln Cotton Mills, Evansville, Indiana, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, October 1908

Girl at Spinning Machine, Lincoln Cotton Mills, Ev...

Four Young Doffer Boys, Full-Length Portrait, Usually Work 12 hours without any hour off for lunch, Daniel Manufacturing Company, Lincolnton, North Carolina, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor C...

Four Young Doffer Boys, Full-Length Portrait, Usua...

Jo Bodeon, a 'Back Roper" in Mule Room, Half-Length Portrait, Chace Cotton Mill, Burlington, Vermont, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, May 1909

Jo Bodeon, a 'Back Roper" in Mule Room, Half-Lengt...

Overseer and Two Doffer Boys, Full-length Portrait, Avondale Cotton Mills, Birmingham, Alabama, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, November 1910

Overseer and Two Doffer Boys, Full-length Portrait...

Ronald Webb, 12-year-old Doffer Boy, Frank Robinson, 7-year-old Sweeper, Full-Length Portrait in Cotton Mills, Roanoke Virginia, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, May 1911

Ronald Webb, 12-year-old Doffer Boy, Frank Robinso...

Earl Carpenter, Half-Length Portrait, Young Doffer in Cannon Mill, Concord, North Carolina, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, October 1912

Earl Carpenter, Half-Length Portrait, Young Doffer...

14-year-old Spinner, Full-Length Portrait, Brazos Valley Cotton Mill, West, Texas, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, November 1913

14-year-old Spinner, Full-Length Portrait, Brazos ...

Spooler Tender, 14 years old, Berkshire Cotton Mills, Adams, Massachusetts, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, July 1916

Spooler Tender, 14 years old, Berkshire Cotton Mil...

Young Girl Spinning Cotton at Cotton Mill, Lancaster, South Carolina, USA, Lewis Hine, 1908

Young Girl Spinning Cotton at Cotton Mill, Lancast...

Portrait of Young Workers at Cotton Mill, Augusta, Georgia, USA, Lewis Hine, 1909

Portrait of Young Workers at Cotton Mill, Augusta,...

Girls at Weaving Machines, Lincoln Cotton Mills, Evansville, Indiana, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, October 1908

Girls at Weaving Machines, Lincoln Cotton Mills, E...

Young Girl and Boys Working in Textile Mill, Cherryville, North Carolina, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, November 1908

Young Girl and Boys Working in Textile Mill, Cherr...

Spinning Room, Cotton Mill, Magnolia, Mississippi, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, March 1911

Spinning Room, Cotton Mill, Magnolia, Mississippi,...

Young Doffer, said his age was 12 because he couldn't work unless he was 12, Half-Length Portrait, Birmingham, Alabama, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, November 1910

Young Doffer, said his age was 12 because he could...

Young Spinner in Cotton Mill, Roanoke Virginia, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, May 1911

Young Spinner in Cotton Mill, Roanoke Virginia, US...

Michael Keefe, Cornelius Hurley, 13 or 14 years old, Young Mill Workers in No. 1 Mill Room, Merrimac Mill, Lowell, Massachusetts, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, October 1911

Michael Keefe, Cornelius Hurley, 13 or 14 years ol...

Two Young Boys Working in Mule Room #4, Full-Length Portrait, Wamsutta Mill, New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, January 1912

Two Young Boys Working in Mule Room #4, Full-Lengt...

Young Worker, Appears to be 11 years old, Half-Length Portrait, Nokomis Cotton Mill, Lexington, North Carolina, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, October 1912

Young Worker, Appears to be 11 years old, Half-Len...

Sweeper, 15 years old, Full-Length Portrait, Spinning and Spooling Room, Berkshire Cotton Mills, Adams, Massachusetts, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, July 1916

Sweeper, 15 years old, Full-Length Portrait, Spinn...

Group of Young Spinners and Doffers at Cotton Mill, Lancaster, South Carolina, USA, Lewis Hine, 1908

Group of Young Spinners and Doffers at Cotton Mill...

Man, Sampling Cotton in Classing Room of Cotton Factor's Office, Memphis, Tennessee, USA, Marion Post Wolcott for Farm Security Administration, November 1939

Man, Sampling Cotton in Classing Room of Cotton Fa...

Harold Walker, 5 years old, Full-Length Portrait, Cotton Picker, Comanche County, Oklahoma, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, October 1916

Harold Walker, 5 years old, Full-Length Portrait, ...

Young Spinner, Full-Length Portrait, Daniels Manufacturing Company, Lincolnton, North Carolina, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, November 1908

Young Spinner, Full-Length Portrait, Daniels Manuf...

Two Young Girls Working Alongside Adult in Textile Mill, Lincolnton, North Carolina, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, November 1908

Two Young Girls Working Alongside Adult in Textile...

Spinning Room, Cotton Mill, Magnolia, Mississippi, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, March 1911

Spinning Room, Cotton Mill, Magnolia, Mississippi,...

Young Doffer, Half-Length Profile, Avondale Mills, Birmingham, Alabama, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, November 1910

Young Doffer, Half-Length Profile, Avondale Mills,...

Young Spinners with Supervisor in Yarn Mill, Yazoo City, Mississippi, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, May 1911

Young Spinners with Supervisor in Yarn Mill, Yazoo...

Young Workers in Spinning Room, Cornell Mill, Fall River, Massachusetts, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, January 1912

Young Workers in Spinning Room, Cornell Mill, Fall...

Ruth Rous, said she was 11 years old, but others said she is not yet 10, Full-length Portrait, Works at Deep River Cotton Mills, Randleman, North Carolina, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Com...

Ruth Rous, said she was 11 years old, but others s...

Farmer with his Cotton Samples Discussing Prices with Cotton Buyer, Clarksdale, Mississippi, USA, Marion Post Wolcott for Farm Security Administration, November 1939

Farmer with his Cotton Samples Discussing Prices w...

Young Girls Working at Warping Machines at Loray Mill, Gastonia, North Carolina, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, November 1908

Young Girls Working at Warping Machines at Loray M...

3-year-old Daughter of Overseer, Visits and Plays at the Mill, Ivey Mill, Hickory, North Carolina,

3-year-old Daughter of Overseer, Visits and Plays ...

John Dempsey, 11 or 12 years old, Worker in Mule-Spinning Room, Jackson Mill, Fiskeville, Rhode Island, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, April 1909

John Dempsey, 11 or 12 years old, Worker in Mule-S...

Young Eight-Year-Old Boy, 48 inches high, Picks up Bobbins at 15 cents per day, Elk Cotton Mills, Fayetteville, Tennessee, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, November 1910

Young Eight-Year-Old Boy, 48 inches high, Picks up...

Group of Doffers, Some Younger than the Mandatory 14-year age limit, Full-Length Portrait, Washington Cotton Mills, Fries, Virginia, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, May 1911

Group of Doffers, Some Younger than the Mandatory ...

Group of Young Doffer and Spinner Boys, Full-Length Portrait, Seaconnet Mills, Fall River, Massachusetts, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, January 1912

Group of Young Doffer and Spinner Boys, Full-Lengt...

14-year-old Doffer Pushing Cart of Empty Bobbins in Card Room, King Philip Mills, Fall River, Massachusetts, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, June 1916

14-year-old Doffer Pushing Cart of Empty Bobbins i...

Two Doffer Boys, Indian Orchard Cotton Mill, Indian Orchard, Massachusetts, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, June 1916

Two Doffer Boys, Indian Orchard Cotton Mill, India...

Portrait of Teen Girl Working as Spinner at Cotton Mill, Lancaster, South Carolina, USA, Lewis Hine, 1908

Portrait of Teen Girl Working as Spinner at Cotton...

Young Spinner Looking out Window, Rhodes Manufacturing Company, Lincolnton, North Carolina, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, November 1908

Young Spinner Looking out Window, Rhodes Manufactu...

6-Year-Old Boy, Full-Length Portrait, Daniel Manufacturing Company, Lincolnton, North Carolina, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, November 1908

6-Year-Old Boy, Full-Length Portrait, Daniel Manuf...

Young Spinner, Full-Length Portrait, Globe Cotton Mill, Augusta, Georgia, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, January 1909

Young Spinner, Full-Length Portrait, Globe Cotton ...

Young Boy on Warping Machine, Elk Cotton Mills, Fayetteville, Tennessee, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, November 1910

Young Boy on Warping Machine, Elk Cotton Mills, Fa...

Group of Adolescent Spinners, Full-Length Portrait, Washington Cotton Mills, Fries, Virginia, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, May 1911

Group of Adolescent Spinners, Full-Length Portrait...

Henry Fournier, Full-Length Portrait, Sweeper and Cleaner, #2 Spinning Room, Salem, Massachusetts, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, October 1911

Henry Fournier, Full-Length Portrait, Sweeper and ...

Flint Cotton Mill, Fall River, Massachusetts, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, January 1912

Flint Cotton Mill, Fall River, Massachusetts, USA,...

Giles Edmund Newsom, Young Cotton Mill Worker, 12 years old, Fell on to Spinning Machine and his hand went to into unprotected gearing, losing two fingers, Half-length Portrait, Sanders Spinning Mill,...

Giles Edmund Newsom, Young Cotton Mill Worker, 12 ...

Young Spinner in Cotton Mill, Indian Orchard, Massachusetts, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, June 1916

Young Spinner in Cotton Mill, Indian Orchard, Mass...

Two Doffer Boys, Indian Orchard Cotton Mill, Indian Orchard, Massachusetts, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, June 1916

Two Doffer Boys, Indian Orchard Cotton Mill, India...

Three Young Workers at Quitting Time at Loray Mill, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, Gastonia, North Carolina, USA, November 1908

Three Young Workers at Quitting Time at Loray Mill...

Young Spinner, Mollahan Mills, Newberry, South Carolina, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, December 1908

Young Spinner, Mollahan Mills, Newberry, South Car...

Group of Young Doffer Boys, Half-Length Portrait, Bibb Mill No. 1, Macon, Georgia, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, January 1909

Group of Young Doffer Boys, Half-Length Portrait, ...

Jo Bodeon, a 'Back Roper" in Mule Room, Chace Cotton Mill, Burlington, Vermont, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, May 1909

Jo Bodeon, a 'Back Roper" in Mule Room, Chace Cott...

Young Doffers, Elk Cotton Mills, Fayetteville, Tennessee, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, November 1910

Young Doffers, Elk Cotton Mills, Fayetteville, Ten...

Young Spinner, Full-Length Portrait, Spinning Room #7, Chicopee, Massachusetts, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, November 1911

Young Spinner, Full-Length Portrait, Spinning Room...

Typical Group of Mill Boys, Highland Park Settlement, Rock Hill, South Carolina, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, May 1912

Typical Group of Mill Boys, Highland Park Settleme...

Herman Parker, 6 years old, Half-Length Portrait, Underage Worker at Cannon Mills, Kannapolis, North Carolina, USA, Lewis Hine for National Child Labor Committee, October 1912

Herman Parker, 6 years old, Half-Length Portrait, ...

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