
13 résultats pour : mayflower

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Former U.S. President Harry Truman with his wife

Former U.S. President Harry Truman with his wife

The Mayflower at Sea

The Mayflower at Sea

Amir Khalid [right] and Amir Faisal

Amir Khalid [right] and Amir Faisal

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt (1st row center), Edith Roosevelt (1st row right) and Guests aboard Mayflower during Review of War Fleet, Oyster Bay, New York, USA, Stereo Card, William H. Rau, Augu...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt (1st row center)...

Theodore Roosevelt, Edith Roosevelt, politics, government, president, U.S. history, historical,

Theodore Roosevelt, Edith Roosevelt, politics, gov...

Battleship Connecticut Saluting the Presidential Yacht Mayflower during Naval Review for U.S. President William Howard Taft, New York Harbor, New York City, New York, USA, Photograph by Bain News Serv...

Battleship Connecticut Saluting the Presidential Y...

Battleship Connecticut Saluting the Presidential Yacht Mayflower during Naval Review for U.S. President William Howard Taft, New York Harbor, New York City, New York, USA, Photograph by Bain News Serv...

Battleship Connecticut Saluting the Presidential Y...

Presidential Yacht Mayflower during Naval Review for U.S. President William Howard Taft, New York Harbor, New York City, New York, USA, Photograph by Bain News Service, October 14, 1912

Presidential Yacht Mayflower during Naval Review f...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt Waving his hat at passing War Ships from the deck of the S.S. Mayflower, Oyster Bay, New York, USA, 1903

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt Waving his hat a...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt and Admiral Robley "Fighting Bob" Evans on Deck of U.S.S. Mayflower, Stereo Card, 1907

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt and Admiral Robl...

Hibiscus Chrysantha, Chromolithograph, H.M. Wall, Mayflower Publishing Co., 1891

Hibiscus Chrysantha, Chromolithograph, H.M. Wall, ...

Lucretia Dewberry, Chromolithograph, H.M. Wall, Mayflower Publishing Co., 1892

Lucretia Dewberry, Chromolithograph, H.M. Wall, Ma...

Improved Dwarf Juneberry, Chromolithograph, H.M. Wall, Mayflower Publishing Co., 1892

Improved Dwarf Juneberry, Chromolithograph, H.M. W...