
366 résultats pour : u.s. president theodore roosevelt

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Theodore Roosevelt on special train

Theodore Roosevelt on special train

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt (center) and Family (l-r)

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt (center) and Fam...

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt

Staff of the 1st US Volunteer Regiment

Staff of the 1st US Volunteer Regiment

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, full-length Portrait, Standing and Holding Horse Whip, Painting, Gari Melchers, Detroit Publishing Company, 1908

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, full-length Por...

James Rudolph Garfield (1865-1950), American Politician and Lawyer, son of U.S. President James A. Garfield, Served as Secretary of the Interior during Theodore Roosevelt's Administration, Seated Port...

James Rudolph Garfield (1865-1950), American Polit...

"American scholarship - capacity to do good original work" - President Roosevelt at Claremont, Cal., Stereo Card, Underwood & Underwood, 1903

"American scholarship - capacity to do good origin...

Crowd at Presidential Inauguration of Theodore Roosevelt, U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C., USA, March 4, 1905

Crowd at Presidential Inauguration of Theodore Roo...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt giving Speech during Ceremony for Installation of General Comte de Rochambeau Statue, Lafayette Park, Washington, D.C., USA, June 1902

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt giving Speech du...

Edith Roosevelt (1861-1948), First Lady of the United States 1901-1909 as Wife of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, Head and Shoulders Portrait, Photograph by S. Schloss, 1901

Edith Roosevelt (1861-1948), First Lady of the Uni...

Edith Roosevelt (1861-1948), First Lady of the United States 1901-1909 as Wife of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, Full-Length Seated Portrait Holding Fan, Photograph by George Prince, 1903

Edith Roosevelt (1861-1948), First Lady of the Uni...

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) 26th President of the United States 1901-09, Three-Quarter Length Portrait, Photograph by Arthur Hewitt, June 7, 1901

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) 26th President of t...

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of the United States 1901-09, Half-Length Portrait, Photograph by Moffett Studio, Chicago, 1910

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of ...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt and Wife Edith Surrounded by their Children, Full-length Portrait, Photograph by Pach Bros., 1907

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt and Wife Edith S...

Theodore Roosevelt, The Master Mason, Full-Length Portrait wearing Freemasonry Accessories Standing with Gavel, Photograph by J.L. Phelps, Spokane, 1912

Theodore Roosevelt, The Master Mason, Full-Length ...

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of the United States 1901-09, Three-quarter Length Seated Portrait, Reading, Photograph by Waldon Fawcett, 1903

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of ...

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of the United States 1901-09, Three-quarter Length Seated Portrait, Photograph by C.M. Bell, 1903

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of ...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt giving Speech to Crowd in front of Texas and Pacific Railroad Company Building, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, Photograph by Charles L. Swartz, April 1905

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt giving Speech to...

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt and Russell J. Coles after Receiving the Degree of Doctor of Science,  Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, USA, June 17, 1918

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt and Russe...

Presidential Election Campaign Card with Montage Showing a Drawn Hand Holding Four Playing Cards Labeled "Sound Money, Expansion, Protection, Prosperity" and Fifth Card with Portrait of Theodore Roose...

Presidential Election Campaign Card with Montage S...

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt wearing Pith Helmet while on Extended African Safari, Smithsonian-Roosevelt African Expedition, March 1910

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt wearing P...

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt Disembarking from Railroad Car, Photograph by American Press Association, July 8, 1910

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt Disembark...

U.S. President-Elect William Howard Taft and U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt Driving to Taft's Inauguration in Horse-Drawn Carriage in Snowstorm, Washington, D.C., USA, Photograph by George Grantham...

U.S. President-Elect William Howard Taft and U.S. ...

William Howard Taft (1857-1930), 27th President of the United States 1909-1913, 10th Chief Justice of the United States 1921-1930, Half-Length Profile Portrait as U.S. Secretary of War under U.S. Pres...

William Howard Taft (1857-1930), 27th President of...

Edith Roosevelt, first lady, woman, politics, historical,

Edith Roosevelt, first lady, woman, politics, hist...

President Roosevelt speaking to the great crowds in front of the Capitol, Denver, Colo., Stereo Card, Underwood & Underwood, 1903

President Roosevelt speaking to the great crowds i...

Full-Length Portrait of Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt in Savannah Landscape while on Extended African Safari, Smithsonian-Roosevelt African Expedition, March 1910

Full-Length Portrait of Former U.S. President Theo...

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt leaning over Flag-Draped Railing during his Homecoming Reception after his trip abroad, New York City, New York, USA, June 1910

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt leaning o...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt (1st row center), Edith Roosevelt (1st row right) and Guests aboard Mayflower during Review of War Fleet, Oyster Bay, New York, USA, Stereo Card, William H. Rau, Augu...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt (1st row center)...

Edith Roosevelt (1861-1948), First Lady of the United States 1901-1909 as Wife of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, Seated Portrait Knitting, 1917

Edith Roosevelt (1861-1948), First Lady of the Uni...

Edith Roosevelt (1861-1948), First Lady of the United States 1901-1909 as Wife of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, Full-Length Portrait Standing Holding Fan, Photograph by George Prince, 1903

Edith Roosevelt (1861-1948), First Lady of the Uni...

President Theodore Roosevelt speaking to a crowd from a platform next to a statue of Henry Ware Lawton, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 1907

President Theodore Roosevelt speaking to a crowd f...

President Theodore Roosevelt with President-Elect William Howard Taft at White House Prior to Presidential Inauguration, Washington, D.C., USA, Harris & Ewing, March 4, 1909

President Theodore Roosevelt with President-Elect ...

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of the United States 1901-09, Half-Length Portrait, Photograph by James Martin Miller, 1904

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of ...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt and Wife Edith Surrounded by their Children, Full-length Portrait, Photograph by Pach Bros., 1907

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt and Wife Edith S...

Theodore Roosevelt being sworn in as President of the United States by Chief Justice Melville Fuller, Washington, D.C., USA, March 4, 1905

Theodore Roosevelt being sworn in as President of ...

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of the United States 1901-09, Three-quarter Length Seated Portrait, Photograph by C.M. Bell, 1903

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of ...

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of the United States 1901-09, Half-Length Portrait Seated at Desk, 1905

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of ...

Theodore Roosevelt, Full-Length Portrait Seated in Chair Outdoor, August 1900

Theodore Roosevelt, Full-Length Portrait Seated in...

Theodore Roosevelt and Col. Alexander O. Brodie, in Uniform, Greeting each other, Surrounded by Horses, Photograph by Paul Thompson, June 1910

Theodore Roosevelt and Col. Alexander O. Brodie, i...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt and Vice President Fairbanks Attending an Event, Canton, Ohio, USA, May 1907

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt and Vice Preside...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt with Group of Men on Wharf upon Arrival, Ponce, Puerto Rico, Photograph by Waldrop Photographic Company, November 21, 1906

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt with Group of Me...

Full-length Portrait of Theodore Roosevelt during U.S. Presidential Campaign, September 1912

Full-length Portrait of Theodore Roosevelt during ...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt on a platform speaking to Crowd, large white pitcher in foreground, Concord, New Hampshire, Stereo Card, January 5, 1907

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt on a platform sp...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt Sitting at Desk Reading, Photograph by Harris & Ewing, 1906

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt Sitting at Desk ...

William Howard Taft (1857-1930), 27th President of the United States 1909-1913, 10th Chief Justice of the United States 1921-1930, Half-Length Portrait as U.S. Secretary of War under U.S. President Th...

William Howard Taft (1857-1930), 27th President of...

Theodore Roosevelt, Edith Roosevelt, politics, government, president, U.S. history, historical,

Theodore Roosevelt, Edith Roosevelt, politics, gov...

Theodore Roosevelt, President, at his desk in the White House, Washington, USA, Stereo Card, Underwood & Underwood, 1903

Theodore Roosevelt, President, at his desk in the ...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt (left) and First Panamanian President Manuel Amador Guerrero making Public Appearance during Inspection Tour of Panama Canal, Panama, November 15, 1906

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt (left) and First...

President and Mrs. Roosevelt at the home of the President's Mother, Roswell, Georgia, USA, Stereo Card, Underwood & Underwood, 1905

President and Mrs. Roosevelt at the home of the Pr...

Edith Roosevelt (1861-1948), First Lady of the United States 1901-1909 as Wife of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, Seated Portrait, 1905

Edith Roosevelt (1861-1948), First Lady of the Uni...

President and Mrs. Roosevelt with President David R. Francis of the Exposition Company at the World's Fair, St. Louis, Stereo Card, Underwood & Underwood, 1904

President and Mrs. Roosevelt with President David ...

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) 26th President of the United States 1901-09, Head and Shoulders Portrait, Engraving by Sidney Lawton Smith, 1905

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) 26th President of t...

Political Campaign Poster with Head and Shoulders portraits of Theodore Roosevelt (left), for President, and, Charles W. Fairbanks, for Vice President, Lithograph by Sackett & Wilhelms Litho. & Prt. C...

Political Campaign Poster with Head and Shoulders ...

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) 26th President of the United States 1901-09, Head and Shoulders Profile Portrait, Harris & Ewing, 1907

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) 26th President of t...

Theodore Roosevelt Holding Grandson Cornelius as Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., Looks on, Photograph by Walter Scott Shinn, 1916

Theodore Roosevelt Holding Grandson Cornelius as T...

Theodore Roosevelt being sworn in as President of the United States by Chief Justice Melville Fuller, Washington, D.C., USA, March 4, 1905

Theodore Roosevelt being sworn in as President of ...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt with Ax in Hand

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt with Ax in Hand

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of the United States 1901-09, Three-quarter Length Seated Portrait Outdoor, July 1903

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of ...

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of the United States 1901-09, Three-quarter Length Seated Portrait, Leaning on desk Holding Papers, Photograph by Barnett McFee Clinedinst, 1903

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of ...

Theodore Roosevelt Standing in Front of Lake Pointing Finger, Arizona, USA, Photograph by Walter J. Lubken, April 1911

Theodore Roosevelt Standing in Front of Lake Point...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt Passing through Canal Zone on Train, Panama Canal, Photograph by William A. Fishbaugh, November 1906

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt Passing through ...

President Roosevelt, with the Mayor of Canton and the Governor of Ohio, Reviewing Parade on McKinley Memorial Day, Canton, Ohio, USA, Stereo Card, Underwood & Underwood, September 30, 1907

President Roosevelt, with the Mayor of Canton and ...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt and Wife Edith Roosevelt inspecting Canal Work from Narrow Gauge Train, L-R: Engineer J. G. Holcombe, Surgeon General Rear Admiral Presley Marion Rixey, Edith Rooseve...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt and Wife Edith R...

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt on Horseback, Holding Rifle, during Safari, Africa, Smithsonian-Roosevelt African Expedition, Photograph by Warrington Dawson, March 1910

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt on Horseb...

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt (center) with L-R: Hunter R. J. Cunninghame, son Kermit Roosevelt,  Edmund Heller, and Hugh H. Heatley, Full-Length Portrait standing with African Buffalo Skul...

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt (center) ...

Theodore Roosevelt Speaking to Crowd at Sagamore Hill, Cove Neck, New York, USA, 1916

Theodore Roosevelt Speaking to Crowd at Sagamore H...

William Howard Taft (1857-1930), 27th President of the United States 1909-1913, 10th Chief Justice of the United States 1921-1930, Three-Quarter Length Seated Portrait as U.S. Secretary of War under U...

William Howard Taft (1857-1930), 27th President of...

Theodore Roosevelt, president, World's Fair, St. Louis, historical,

Theodore Roosevelt, president, World's Fair, St. L...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, Head and Shoulders Portrait, by George Prince, 1904

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, Head and Should...

U.S. President William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt during Presidential Election of 1900, Stereo Card, Underwood & Underwood, October 1900

U.S. President William McKinley and Theodore Roose...

Edith Roosevelt (1861-1948), First Lady of the United States 1901-1909 as Wife of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, Full-Length Portrait Standing near Desk, 1903

Edith Roosevelt (1861-1948), First Lady of the Uni...

"A man who is worth his salt will work" - President Roosevelt at Dunsmuir, Cal., Stereo Card, Underwood & Underwood, 1903

"A man who is worth his salt will work" - Presiden...

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt Speaking to Crowd from Back of Railroad Car, Eugene, Oregon, USA, Photograph by M.S. Photo, April 5, 1911

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt Speaking ...

Theodore Roosevelt, family, president, politics, historical,

Theodore Roosevelt, family, president, politics, h...

Edith Roosevelt (1861-1948), First Lady of the United States 1901-1909 as Wife of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, Seated Portrait on Bench, Holding Parasol, 1904

Edith Roosevelt (1861-1948), First Lady of the Uni...

President and Mrs. Roosevelt at the home of the President's mother, Roswell, Ga., Stereo Card, Underwood & Underwood, 1905

President and Mrs. Roosevelt at the home of the Pr...

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) 26th President of the United States 1901-09, Three-Quarter Length Seated Portrait, Harris & Ewing, 1907

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) 26th President of t...

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of the United States 1901-09, Half-Length Seated Portrait, Photograph by Moffett Studio, Chicago, 1910

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of ...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt taking the Oath of Office at his Inauguration, Washington, D.C., USA, March 4, 1905

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt taking the Oath ...

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of the United States 1901-09, Three-quarter Length Seated Portrait, Photograph by Moffett Studio, 1910

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of ...

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of the United States 1901-09, Seated Portrait at Desk Looking Up, Photograph by Waldon Fawcett, 1903

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of ...

Theodore Roosevelt Standing in front of Automobile, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA, Photograph by W. E. Hannah, 1910

Theodore Roosevelt Standing in front of Automobile...

Theodore Roosevelt, in Open Car, Waving to Crowd during Visit to El Paso, Texas, USA, March 1911

Theodore Roosevelt, in Open Car, Waving to Crowd d...

President Roosevelt, with the Mayor of Canton and the Governor of Ohio, Reviewing Parade on McKinley Memorial Day, Canton, Ohio, USA, Stereo Card, Underwood & Underwood, September 30, 1907

President Roosevelt, with the Mayor of Canton and ...

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt with Harry Houdini, Full-Length Portrait Aboard the S.S. Imperator, 1914

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt with Harr...

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, half-length Portrait with Richelieu, Head of Norwegian Merchant Marines, on Board Queen Maud, during Voyage from Elsinore to Copenhagen, American Press Associ...

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, half-len...

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt with Bull Elephant he Shot while on Extended African Safari, Smithsonian-Roosevelt African Expedition, Meru, Kenya, Charles Scribner's Sons, July 1909

Former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt with Bull...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt on Flag-Draped Platform, smiling to crowd during Speech, Brattleboro, Vermont, USA, September 1, 1902

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt on Flag-Draped P...

Theodore Roosevelt Reaching upwards as he speaks to Crowd from Flag-Draped Platform, Hackensack, New Jersey, USA, May 23, 1912

Theodore Roosevelt Reaching upwards as he speaks t...

Presidential Election Campaign Banner, William McKinley for President, Theodore Roosevelt for Vice President, Head and Shoulders Portrait, Lithograph from Photographs by George Prince, July 1900

Presidential Election Campaign Banner, William McK...

Theodore Roosevelt, the Nation's Chief, Executive Offices, Washington, USA, Stereo Card, H.C. White Co., 1908

Theodore Roosevelt, the Nation's Chief, Executive ...

Former President Theodore Roosevelt Greeting Crowd from Back of Railroad Car, Baldwin, Kansas, USA, Photograph by A. Bridwell, August 31, 1910

Former President Theodore Roosevelt Greeting Crowd...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt Speaking to Crowd from Flag-Draped Platform during 250th Anniversary Celebration of the Town's Founding, Huntington, New York, USA, July 4, 1903

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt Speaking to Crow...

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt and Wife Edith Surrounded by their Children, Full-length Portrait, Photograph by Pach Bros., 1907

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt and Wife Edith S...

Edith Roosevelt (1861-1948), First Lady of the United States 1901-1909 as Wife of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt, Seated Portrait, 1905

Edith Roosevelt (1861-1948), First Lady of the Uni...

President Roosevelt and Party (Dr. Frank Chapman, Philip Battell Stewart) after Nine Hours Ride through Rain and Mud, Rocky Mts., Colorado, Stereo Card, H.C. White, July 1905

President Roosevelt and Party (Dr. Frank Chapman, ...

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) 26th President of the United States 1901-09, Three-Quarter Length Portrait, Photograph by George Prince, May 11, 1907

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) 26th President of t...

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