
595 résultats pour : alarm

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The Gales: wreck of the Royal Adelaide near Portland, 1872. Creator: Unknown.

The Gales: wreck of the Royal Adelaide near Portla...

Scene of the fire at Kentish-Town Station, 1872. Creator: Unknown.

Scene of the fire at Kentish-Town Station, 1872. C...

The Night Alarm: the Advance!, 1871. Creator: Charles West Cope.

The Night Alarm: the Advance!, 1871. Creator: Char...

Female nude, after a figure from Michelangelo's 'Last Judgement', 1772. Creator: James Nevay.

Female nude, after a figure from Michelangelo's 'L...

Wreck of the steamer Batavier in the Thames, near Barking, 1872. Creator: Unknown.

Wreck of the steamer Batavier in the Thames, near ...

Quos Ego - Neptune Calming the Tempest, c1630s. Creator: Peter Paul Rubens.

Quos Ego - Neptune Calming the Tempest, c1630s. Cr...

The Oppressed, the Inquisitors, the Idolaters, 1877. Creator: Charles Verlat.

The Oppressed, the Inquisitors, the Idolaters, 187...

Slaughter Shed, c1860-1900. Creator: Jan Stobbaerts.

Slaughter Shed, c1860-1900. Creator: Jan Stobbaert...

'Mr. Squeers and a New Pupil', c1900.  Creator: Harold Copping.

'Mr. Squeers and a New Pupil', c1900. Creator: Ha...

Vox Dei, 1877. Creator: Charles Verlat.

Vox Dei, 1877. Creator: Charles Verlat.

Startled, 1892. Creator: Frank Dicksee.

Startled, 1892. Creator: Frank Dicksee.

A skeleton and two figures in a Gothic building, c1750s. Creator: George Dance.

A skeleton and two figures in a Gothic building, c...

A ghost appearing to a group of figures, c1750s. Creator: George Dance.

A ghost appearing to a group of figures, c1750s. C...

The Fire at the City Flour-Mills in Upper Thames-Street, 1872. Creator: Unknown.

The Fire at the City Flour-Mills in Upper Thames-S...

Scene with a skeleton appearing to a figure in bed, c1750s. Creator: George Dance.

Scene with a skeleton appearing to a figure in bed...

A Husband Beating his Wife with a Stick; Roman de la Rose, about 1405. Creator: Unknown.

A Husband Beating his Wife with a Stick; Roman de ...

Flight of the Queen of James II., by Alexander Johnston, in the Crystal Palace Art-Gallery, 1872. Creator: Unknown.

Flight of the Queen of James II., by Alexander Joh...

Denise Poncher before a Vision of Death; Poncher Hours, about 1500. Creator: Master of the Chronique Scandaleuse.

Denise Poncher before a Vision of Death; Poncher H...

The Abduction of Europa, 1632. Creator: Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn.

The Abduction of Europa, 1632. Creator: Rembrandt ...

The Burning of Paris: saved from the fire, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

The Burning of Paris: saved from the fire, 1871. C...

Woodcutters daughter (evening)., about 1860. Creator: Unknown.

Woodcutters daughter (evening)., about 1860. Creat...

The Presentation in the Temple; Book of Hours, about 1420. Creator: Unknown.

The Presentation in the Temple; Book of Hours, abo...

A Ghost, about 1865. Creator: London Stereoscopic & Photographic Co.

A Ghost, about 1865. Creator: London Stereoscopic ...

The French Siege of Paris: May morning, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

The French Siege of Paris: May morning, 1871. Crea...

Death of Messalina, about 1704/1712. Creator: Francesco Solimena.

Death of Messalina, about 1704/1712. Creator: Fran...

A Ghost, about 1865. Creator: London Stereoscopic & Photographic Co.

A Ghost, about 1865. Creator: London Stereoscopic ...

Lamp Fragment (Handle Ornament), 1st century A.D. Creator: Unknown.

Lamp Fragment (Handle Ornament), 1st century A.D. ...

Fear in The Woods, 1896. Creator: Hugo Simberg.

Fear in The Woods, 1896. Creator: Hugo Simberg.

Famine Year. Creator: Henry Ericsson.

Famine Year. Creator: Henry Ericsson.

The Bells, 1914. Creator: Ilmari Aalto.

The Bells, 1914. Creator: Ilmari Aalto.

Pietà, 1916. Creator: Magnus Enckell.

Pietà, 1916. Creator: Magnus Enckell.

The Great Fire at Rotherhithe, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

The Great Fire at Rotherhithe, 1871. Creator: Unkn...

The Morning of the Resurrection, c1886, (1900). Creator: Unknown.

The Morning of the Resurrection, c1886, (1900). Cr...

Purgatory, detail of a stained glass composition for the Turku Cathedral, 1923. Creator: Magnus Enckell.

Purgatory, detail of a stained glass composition f...

Cupid and Psyche - Study for the Palace Green Mural - Psyche sent by Venus the Task, 1872. Creator: Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones.

Cupid and Psyche - Study for the Palace Green Mura...

The Perseus Series - The Rock of Doom, c1880s, (1900). Creator: Unknown.

The Perseus Series - The Rock of Doom, c1880s, (19...

St George Series - Moritura, the Princess Draws the Lot, c1860s, (1900). Creator: Unknown.

St George Series - Moritura, the Princess Draws th...

Stampede of cavalry horses at Aldershott Camp, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

Stampede of cavalry horses at Aldershott Camp, 187...

The Chicago Fire: the Randolph-Street Bridge, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

The Chicago Fire: the Randolph-Street Bridge, 1871...

Burned Village, study, 1878-1879. Creator: Albert Edelfelt.

Burned Village, study, 1878-1879. Creator: Albert ...

Afraid of the Dark, Original Sketch. Creator: Gerhard Munthe.

Afraid of the Dark, Original Sketch. Creator: Gerh...

The Last Day of Pompeii, mid 19th century. Creator: Karl Briullov.

The Last Day of Pompeii, mid 19th century. Creator...

Brigands and Captives by Layraud, in the French Gallery, International Exhibition, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

Brigands and Captives by Layraud, in the French Ga...

Hen and ducklings watched by a raven, 1842-1866.  Creator: Wladimir Swertschkoff.

Hen and ducklings watched by a raven, 1842-1866. ...

A Sailor in a U-Boat, 1943. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.

A Sailor in a U-Boat, 1943. Creator: British Pathe...

A Male French Soldier Sitting in a Doorway Dug into the Side of a Trench, 1939. Creator: British Pathe Ltd.

A Male French Soldier Sitting in a Doorway Dug int...

Pair of white egrets, 1930. Creator: Ohara Koson.

Pair of white egrets, 1930. Creator: Ohara Koson.

The Fenian Alarm: the night guard in Plymouth Harbour, 1868. Creator: Unknown.

The Fenian Alarm: the night guard in Plymouth Harb...

Fire bell on VATERLAND, between c1910 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.

Fire bell on VATERLAND, between c1910 and c1915. C...

The steam-ship Chicago stranded on a reef of rocks off Cork Harbour, 1868. Creator: Unknown.

The steam-ship Chicago stranded on a reef of rocks...

Fire at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1868. Creator: Unknown.

Fire at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 186...

A Civilian Couple Wearing Evening Outfits Ready to Leave for an Event, the Male Holds a Top..., 1920 Creator: British Pathe Ltd.

A Civilian Couple Wearing Evening Outfits Ready to...

Charity, c1900. Creator: Elizabeth Adela Forbes.

Charity, c1900. Creator: Elizabeth Adela Forbes.

Embarking elephants at Bombay for the Abyssinian Expedition, 1868. Creator: C. R..

Embarking elephants at Bombay for the Abyssinian E...

Second Scene Of Burglars: The Burglars Arrested, 1810. Creator: Louis Leopold Boilly.

Second Scene Of Burglars: The Burglars Arrested, 1...

The Beacon, by J. Absolon, in the Exhibition of the Institute of Painters in Water Colours, 1864. Creator: W Thomas.

The Beacon, by J. Absolon, in the Exhibition of th...

The War in Denmark: a skirmish near Fredericia, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The War in Denmark: a skirmish near Fredericia, 18...

The peasants' quarrel, 1653. Creator: Adriaen van Ostade.

The peasants' quarrel, 1653. Creator: Adriaen van ...

Mayor Gaynor turning in alarm 3/20/13, 1913. Creator: Bain News Service.

Mayor Gaynor turning in alarm 3/20/13, 1913. Creat...

The Last Days of the Confederate Government... Mr. Jefferson Davis signing acts...by the roadside, 1 Creator: Unknown.

The Last Days of the Confederate Government... Mr....

The Young Captive, 1832. Creator: Ary Scheffer.

The Young Captive, 1832. Creator: Ary Scheffer.

The Last Days of the Confederate Government...crossing the Pe-Dee River, North Carolina, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The Last Days of the Confederate Government...cros...

The Last Days of the Confederate Government - the flight of the Confederates: Sudden Alarm..., 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The Last Days of the Confederate Government - the ...

The late accident on the Great Eastern Railway, near Bradfield, Essex, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The late accident on the Great Eastern Railway, ne...

Mode of capturing wild elephants in Ceylon: herd of wild elephants, 1864.  Creator: Unknown.

Mode of capturing wild elephants in Ceylon: herd o...

Mode of capturing wild elephants in Ceylon: the alarm, 1864.  Creator: Unknown.

Mode of capturing wild elephants in Ceylon: the al...

After the Battle, by P. H. Calderon, A.R.A., 1864. Creator: W Thomas.

After the Battle, by P. H. Calderon, A.R.A., 1864....

The Home that Waits for Me, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The Home that Waits for Me, 1864. Creator: Unknown...

The explosion of gunpowder magazines at Erith: view…from Burrage-road, Plumstead…, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The explosion of gunpowder magazines at Erith: vie...

British motorcycle despatch riders, 27 Oct 1914. Creator: Bain News Service.

British motorcycle despatch riders, 27 Oct 1914. C...

Girl portrait, undated. (c1880s) Creator: Christian Griepenkerl.

Girl portrait, undated. (c1880s) Creator: Christia...

The International Exhibition: Gwynne's Centrifugal Pump, 1862. Creator: Unknown.

The International Exhibition: Gwynne's Centrifugal...

The Great Chandelier by Defries in the International Exhibition, 1862. Creator: Unknown.

The Great Chandelier by Defries in the Internation...

Natives of Siberia Being Brought Under the Tsar's Rule. Kissing the Ataman's Saber..., 19th century. Creator: Nikolay Nikolaevich Karazin.

Natives of Siberia Being Brought Under the Tsar's ...

The War in America: a night alarm in the Federal camp - signalling from the right bank..., 1862. Creator: Unknown.

The War in America: a night alarm in the Federal c...

The International Exhibition: marble group by Flaxman - "The Fury of Athamas..., 1862. Creator: Unknown.

The International Exhibition: marble group by Flax...

A Raised Alarm in the Redoubt of the Fortress, 19th century. Creator: Nikolay Nikolaevich Karazin.

A Raised Alarm in the Redoubt of the Fortress, 19t...

Act Five of the play Chushingura (The Forty-seven Ronin), published in 1849. Creator: Utagawa Kuniyoshi.

Act Five of the play Chushingura (The Forty-seven ...

Else Hartmann, 1901. Creator: Arturo Rietti.

Else Hartmann, 1901. Creator: Arturo Rietti.

The Symposium of Plato, 1648. Creator: Pietro Testa.

The Symposium of Plato, 1648. Creator: Pietro Test...

The Great Fire in Southwark: view from Cotton's Yard, showing the spot where Mr. Braidwood..., 1861. Creator: Unknown.

The Great Fire in Southwark: view from Cotton's Ya...

The Civil War in America: attack on the pickets of the Garibaldi Guard on the east branch..., 1861. Creator: Unknown.

The Civil War in America: attack on the pickets of...

Christmas mummers - drawn by A. Hunt, 1861. Creator: Mason Jackson.

Christmas mummers - drawn by A. Hunt, 1861. Creato...

The Great Fire in Southwark: the ruins of Cotton's Wharf as seen from Tooley-Street, 1861. Creator: Unknown.

The Great Fire in Southwark: the ruins of Cotton's...

Duke Ernst the Iron saves Cimburgis of Mazovia, 1850. Creator: Franz Dobiaschofsky.

Duke Ernst the Iron saves Cimburgis of Mazovia, 18...

The Civil War in America: the stampede from Bull Run - from a sketch by our special artist, 1861. Creator: Unknown.

The Civil War in America: the stampede from Bull R...

The Burning of Capesthorne Hall, Cheshire: the South Front, 1861. Creator: Unknown.

The Burning of Capesthorne Hall, Cheshire: the Sou...

The Fever of Taira no Kiyomori, 1883. Creator: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi.

The Fever of Taira no Kiyomori, 1883. Creator: Tsu...

Allons! Une extraction aussi à celui ci! En avant la musique! Chaud! Chaud la musique!..., 1864. Creator: Cham.

Allons! Une extraction aussi à celui ci! En avant ...

Death and the Maiden, 1915. Creator: Egon Schiele.

Death and the Maiden, 1915. Creator: Egon Schiele.

Want of Confidence, by G. H. Thomas, from the exhibition of the Royal Academy, 1861. Creator: Unknown.

Want of Confidence, by G. H. Thomas, from the exhi...

The Attack at Dawn, 1877. Creator: Alphonse de Neuville.

The Attack at Dawn, 1877. Creator: Alphonse de Neu...

Un Guerrier électrisé, 1844. Creator: Honore Daumier.

Un Guerrier électrisé, 1844. Creator: Honore Daumi...

The Ancient Incident of Umewaka and the Child Seller beside the Sumida River, 1883. Creator: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi.

The Ancient Incident of Umewaka and the Child Sell...

Lord Mashiba Subjugates Korea (image 1 of 2), 1862. Creator: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi.

Lord Mashiba Subjugates Korea (image 1 of 2), 1862...

Les Agrémens du soir/Les Désagrémens de la nuit, 1853. Creator: Honore Daumier.

Les Agrémens du soir/Les Désagrémens de la nuit, 1...

Hayano Kanpei and the Farmer Yoichi, 1859. Creator: Utagawa Kunisada.

Hayano Kanpei and the Farmer Yoichi, 1859. Creator...

Oedipe, 1851. Creator: Honore Daumier.

Oedipe, 1851. Creator: Honore Daumier.

Mitsukuni and the Skeleton Specter (image 1 of 3), Mid 1840s. Creator: Utagawa Kuniyoshi.

Mitsukuni and the Skeleton Specter (image 1 of 3),...

Représentants et Représentés, 1859. Creator: Félicien Rops.

Représentants et Représentés, 1859. Creator: Félic...

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