
56 résultats pour : christen schjellerup

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The Forum, Pompeii, with Vesuvius in the Distance, 1841. Creator: Christen Kobke.

The Forum, Pompeii, with Vesuvius in the Distance,...

Portrait of Hans Peter Købke, the Artist's Brother, 1841. Creator: Christen Kobke.

Portrait of Hans Peter Købke, the Artist's Brother...

Dosseringen seen from the Sea, 1837. Creator: Christen Kobke.

Dosseringen seen from the Sea, 1837. Creator: Chri...

The artist's nephew, the author and the principal Johan Jacob Krohn as a child, 1846. Creator: Christen Kobke.

The artist's nephew, the author and the principal ...

Dosseringen seen toward Österbro, 1836. Creator: Christen Kobke.

Dosseringen seen toward Österbro, 1836. Creator: C...

Mrs Th Petersen, née Roepstorff, 1833. Creator: Christen Kobke.

Mrs Th Petersen, née Roepstorff, 1833. Creator: Ch...

Portrait of a fisherman boy from Capri,  c.1844. Creator: Christen Kobke.

Portrait of a fisherman boy from Capri, c.1844. C...

Portrait of the Artist´s Sister-in-Law, Susanne Kobke, née Ryder, 1830-1834. Creator: Christen Kobke.

Portrait of the Artist´s Sister-in-Law, Susanne Ko...

Portrait of the Artist´s Cousin, Michael Christian Petersen, 1830-1834. Creator: Christen Kobke.

Portrait of the Artist´s Cousin, Michael Christian...

Portrait of the Artist´s Sister-in-Law Johanne Elisabeth Kobke, née Sundbye, 1842. Creator: Christen Kobke.

Portrait of the Artist´s Sister-in-Law Johanne Eli...

Portrait of Carl Adolf Feilberg, 1835. Creator: Christen Kobke.

Portrait of Carl Adolf Feilberg, 1835. Creator: Ch...

Portrait of the Painter and Lithographer P.H. Gemzoe, 1833. Creator: Christen Kobke.

Portrait of the Painter and Lithographer P.H. Gemz...

View of Dosseringen near the Suburb osterbro outside Copenhagen, Cloudy Sky, 1841-1845. Creator: Christen Kobke.

View of Dosseringen near the Suburb osterbro outsi...

Juliane Dorothea Kobke, née Ratz, the Artist's Mother-in-Law, 1843-1846. Creator: Christen Kobke.

Juliane Dorothea Kobke, née Ratz, the Artist's Mot...

Console Cupboard with af painted motif, shelf with stones, 1840-1939. Creator: Christen Kobke.

Console Cupboard with af painted motif, shelf with...

View of Falkonerallé outside Copenhagen, 1845-1847. Creator: Christen Kobke.

View of Falkonerallé outside Copenhagen, 1845-1847...

Frederiksborg Castle Seen from the Northwest - View near the Montbro Bridge, 1836. Creator: Christen Købke.

Frederiksborg Castle Seen from the Northwest - Vie...

Portrait of the Artist´s Mother, Cecilia Margrethe Kobke, née Petersen, 1836. Creator: Christen Købke.

Portrait of the Artist´s Mother, Cecilia Margrethe...

Frederiksborg Castle seen from the Northwest- View near the Montbro Bridge, 1835. Creator: Christen Købke.

Frederiksborg Castle seen from the Northwest- View...

Portrait of the Artist´s Father, Master Baker Peter Berendt Kobke, 1833-1837. Creator: Christen Købke.

Portrait of the Artist´s Father, Master Baker Pete...

The Gulf of Naples with Vesuvius in the Background, 1838-1839. Creator: Christen Købke.

The Gulf of Naples with Vesuvius in the Background...

View of the Citadel Ramparts Looking Towards Langelinie and the Naval Harbour, 1830-1833. Creator: Christen Købke.

View of the Citadel Ramparts Looking Towards Lange...

The Painter C.W. Eckersberg's Son Julius in his Fathers Studio at Charlottenborg, 1831. Creator: Christen Købke.

The Painter C.W. Eckersberg's Son Julius in his Fa...

View of the Bay near the Copenhagen Limekiln Looking North, 1837. Creator: Christen Købke.

View of the Bay near the Copenhagen Limekiln Looki...

Portrait of an Old Sailor, 1832. Creator: Christen Købke.

Portrait of an Old Sailor, 1832. Creator: Christen...

Studie af skyer;Cloud Study;Air Study, 1831-1834. Creator: Christen Købke.

Studie af skyer;Cloud Study;Air Study, 1831-1834. ...

View of Dosseringen towards Norrebro, 1841-1845. Creator: Christen Købke.

View of Dosseringen towards Norrebro, 1841-1845. C...

Ida Thiele, the future Mrs Wilde, as a Child, 1832. Creator: Christen Købke.

Ida Thiele, the future Mrs Wilde, as a Child, 1832...

The Garden Gate of the Artist's Home at Blegdammen, 1843-1844. Creator: Christen Købke.

The Garden Gate of the Artist's Home at Blegdammen...

View of Copenhagen seen from Dosseringen, 1835-1838. Creator: Christen Købke.

View of Copenhagen seen from Dosseringen, 1835-183...

Portrait of Johanne Ployen, née Bachmann, 1834. Creator: Christen Købke.

Portrait of Johanne Ployen, née Bachmann, 1834. Cr...

Rough Sea on a Rocky Coast, Capri;A Rocky Coast in Stormy Weather, Capri, 1839. Creator: Christen Købke.

Rough Sea on a Rocky Coast, Capri;A Rocky Coast in...

View of a Street in osterbro outside Copenhagen - Morning Light, 1836. Creator: Christen Købke.

View of a Street in osterbro outside Copenhagen - ...

The Painter Christen Kobke, 1839. Creator: Wilhelm Marstrand.

The Painter Christen Kobke, 1839. Creator: Wilhelm...

Portrait of Inger Margrethe Hoyen, née Schroder, the Mother of the Art Historian N.L. Hoyen, 1832. Creator: Christen Købke.

Portrait of Inger Margrethe Hoyen, née Schroder, t...

Self-Portrait, 1831-1834. Creator: Christen Købke.

Self-Portrait, 1831-1834. Creator: Christen Købke.

View Near Copenhagen, 1841-1845. Creator: Christen Købke.

View Near Copenhagen, 1841-1845. Creator: Christen...

Portrait of the Animal Painter C.D. Gebauer, 1829. Creator: Christen Købke.

Portrait of the Animal Painter C.D. Gebauer, 1829....

Portrait of the Naval Lieutenant D. Christen Schifter Feilberg, 1832-1836. Creator: Christen Købke.

Portrait of the Naval Lieutenant D. Christen Schif...

View from the Loft of the Grain Store at the Bakery in the Citadel of Copenhagen, 1831. Creator: Christen Købke.

View from the Loft of the Grain Store at the Baker...

View of the North Bridge of the Citadel. Study, 1835-1839. Creator: Christen Købke.

View of the North Bridge of the Citadel. Study, 18...

The Garden Steps Leading to the Painter Christen Kobke's Studio at Blegdammen, Copenhagen, 1844. Creator: Frants Diderik Bøe.

The Garden Steps Leading to the Painter Christen K...

A Rocky Coast, Capri. After Sunrise;Motif from Capri, Soon after Sunrise, 1841-1843. Creator: Christen Købke.

A Rocky Coast, Capri. After Sunrise;Motif from Cap...

Portrait of Susanne Cecilie Kobke, née Kobke, the Artist´s Wife, 1836. Creator: Christen Købke.

Portrait of Susanne Cecilie Kobke, née Kobke, the ...

Portrait of the Painter Wilhelm Marstrand, 1836. Creator: Christen Købke.

Portrait of the Painter Wilhelm Marstrand, 1836. C...

View from Dosseringen near the Sortedam Lake Looking Towards Norrebro. Study, 1836-1840. Creator: Christen Købke.

View from Dosseringen near the Sortedam Lake Looki...

A View of Lake Sortedam from Dosseringen Looking towards the Suburb Norrebro outside Copenhagen,1838 Creator: Christen Købke.

A View of Lake Sortedam from Dosseringen Looking t...

Portrait of the Artist´s Cousin and Brother-in-Law, the Grocer Christian Petersen, 1833. Creator: Christen Købke.

Portrait of the Artist´s Cousin and Brother-in-Law...

Portrait of the Artist´s Sister, Cecilie Margrethe Petersen, née Kobke, 1835. Creator: Christen Købke.

Portrait of the Artist´s Sister, Cecilie Margrethe...

View from a Window in Toldbodvej Looking Towards the Citadel in Copenhagen, 1831-1834. Creator: Christen Købke.

View from a Window in Toldbodvej Looking Towards t...

Castel dell'Ovo in Naples, 1839-1840. Creator: Christen Købke.

Castel dell'Ovo in Naples, 1839-1840. Creator: Chr...

Portrait of the Animal Painter Christian Holm, 1834. Creator: Christen Købke.

Portrait of the Animal Painter Christian Holm, 183...

Portrait of the Decorative Artist G.C. Hilker, 1835-1838. Creator: Christen Købke.

Portrait of the Decorative Artist G.C. Hilker, 183...

The Transept of Århus Cathedral, 1830. Creator: Christen Købke.

The Transept of Århus Cathedral, 1830. Creator: Ch...

A Stone Tomb in a Forest; verso: Study of a Flower, 1830. Creator: Christen Købke.

A Stone Tomb in a Forest; verso: Study of a Flower...

Valdemar Hjartvar Købke (1813-1893), the Artist's Brother, ca. 1838. Creator: Christen Købke.

Valdemar Hjartvar Købke (1813-1893), the Artist's ...