
125 résultats pour : church of the resurrection

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Mass of St Gregory; Poncher Hours, about 1500. Creator: Master of Jacques de Besancon.

Mass of St Gregory; Poncher Hours, about 1500. Cre...

Initial R: The Resurrection, late 15th or early 16th century. Creator: Antonio da Monza.

Initial R: The Resurrection, late 15th or early 16...

Initial V: The Descent of the Holy Spirit; Breviary, 1153. Creator: Unknown.

Initial V: The Descent of the Holy Spirit; Breviar...

Josaphat Kneels before an Altar with the Man of Sorrows; Barlaam und Josaphat, 1469. Creators: Hans Schilling, Diebolt Lauber.

Josaphat Kneels before an Altar with the Man of So...

The Ascension of Christ; Leaf from the Laudario of Sant'Agnese, about 1340. Creator: Pacino di Bonaguida.

The Ascension of Christ; Leaf from the Laudario of...

The Mass of Saint Gregory; Spinola Hours, about 1510-1520. Creator: Master of the Lubeck Bible.

The Mass of Saint Gregory; Spinola Hours, about 15...

Josaphat Praying before the Man of Sorrows; Barlaam und Josaphat, 1469. Creators: Hans Schilling, Diebolt Lauber.

Josaphat Praying before the Man of Sorrows; Barlaa...

Sir George Elvey, Doctor of Music, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

Sir George Elvey, Doctor of Music, 1871. Creator: ...

The Mass of Saint Gregory the Great, about 1510-1550. Creator: Adriaen Isenbrandt.

The Mass of Saint Gregory the Great, about 1510-15...

Resurrection, study for the right side of the Tampere Cathedral altarpiece, 1907. Creator: Magnus Enckell.

Resurrection, study for the right side of the Tamp...

Christus Resurrexit, sketch for a stained glass window in Pori Church, 1924. Creator: Magnus Enckell.

Christus Resurrexit, sketch for a stained glass wi...

Resurrection, sketch for the Tampere Cathedral altarpiece, 1906. Creator: Magnus Enckell.

Resurrection, sketch for the Tampere Cathedral alt...

The Resurrection of Christ, a sketch of the altarpiece of the current church in Keski-Pori. Creator: Robert Wilhelm Ekman.

The Resurrection of Christ, a sketch of the altarp...

Resurrection of Christ, possibly a sketch of the Vihti church altarpiece..., 1845-1846. Creator: Berndt Godenhjelm.

Resurrection of Christ, possibly a sketch of the V...

The Resurrection, 1861-2. Creator: Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones.

The Resurrection, 1861-2. Creator: Sir Edward Cole...

Sketch for the chancel stained glass window in Turku Cathedral, 1923. Creator: Magnus Enckell.

Sketch for the chancel stained glass window in Tur...

Resurrection, study for the left side of the altarpiece at Tampere Cathedral, 1907. Creator: Magnus Enckell.

Resurrection, study for the left side of the altar...

Saint Peter raised Tabitha from the dead, 1618. Creator: Guercino (1591-1666).

Saint Peter raised Tabitha from the dead, 1618. Cr...

Receiving-House of the Redfern Cemetery, near Sydney, 1870. Creator: Unknown.

Receiving-House of the Redfern Cemetery, near Sydn...

The Descent into Hell, 12th century. Creator: Byzantine Master ().

The Descent into Hell, 12th century. Creator: Byza...

The Bishop of Oxford laying the foundation-stone of an English church at Brussels, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The Bishop of Oxford laying the foundation-stone o...

Church of the Resurrection in the Grove (from the other side), Kostroma, 1910. Creator: Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky.

Church of the Resurrection in the Grove (from the ...

Study; in the courtyard of the Church of the Resurrection, Kostroma, 1910. Creator: Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky.

Study; in the courtyard of the Church of the Resur...

Entrance into the Church of the Resurrection, Kostroma, 1910. Creator: Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky.

Entrance into the Church of the Resurrection, Kost...

Gallery in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, Rostov Velikii, 1911. Creator: Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky.

Gallery in the Church of the Resurrection of Chris...

Iconostasis in the Church of the Resurrection, Rostov Velikii, 1911. Creator: Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky.

Iconostasis in the Church of the Resurrection, Ros...

Church of the Resurrection in the Grove, Kostroma, 1910. Creator: Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky.

Church of the Resurrection in the Grove, Kostroma,...

Torzhok, embankment of the river Tvertsa. In the distance, the Resurrection Monastery, 1910. Creator: Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky.

Torzhok, embankment of the river Tvertsa. In the d...

Church of the Resurrection of Christ, in the Kremlin, Rostov Velikii, 1911. Creator: Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky.

Church of the Resurrection of Christ, in the Kreml...

Downtown Tver'. Visible is the Church of the Resurrection (of the Three Confessors), 1910. Creator: Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky.

Downtown Tver'. Visible is the Church of the Resur...

Church of the Resurrection on the Blood, Saint Petersburg, between 1905 and 1915. Creator: Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky.

Church of the Resurrection on the Blood, Saint Pet...

The International Exhibition: design for the east window of St. George's Church..., 1862. Creator: Unknown.

The International Exhibition: design for the east ...

Detail of church [of the Resurrection on the Blood], between 1905 and 1915. Creator: Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky.

Detail of church [of the Resurrection on the Blood...

Church of the Resurrection, 1900. Creator: Nikolai Apollonovich Charushin.

Church of the Resurrection, 1900. Creator: Nikolai...

A type of hunter from the lower reaches of the Amur, 1909. Creator: Vladimir Ivanovich Fedorov.

A type of hunter from the lower reaches of the Amu...

Resurrection, Study for the Colonel Henry Coffin Nevins Memorial Window, 1894. Creator: John La Farge.

Resurrection, Study for the Colonel Henry Coffin N...

The Procession to the Mausoleum, 1857. Creator: Edmund Evans.

The Procession to the Mausoleum, 1857. Creator: Ed...

Mass of Saint Gregory, c.1500. Creator: Anon.

Mass of Saint Gregory, c.1500. Creator: Anon.

Christ Appearing to the Magdalene as a Gardner, 1460/1480. Creator: Master of the Borders with the Four Fathers of the Church.

Christ Appearing to the Magdalene as a Gardner, 14...

Christ Appearing to Saint Thomas, 1460/1480. Creator: Master of the Borders with the Four Fathers of the Church.

Christ Appearing to Saint Thomas, 1460/1480. Creat...

Sketch for the church of Saint-Eustache : the Resurrection of Christ, before 1856. Creator: Emile Signol.

Sketch for the church of Saint-Eustache : the Resu...

Sketch of the church of Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet : the Raising of Jairus' daughter, c.1819. Creator: Jean Vignaud.

Sketch of the church of Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonne...

Sketch for the church of Saint-Pierre-Saint-Paul de Montreuil-sous-Bois: the Resurrection, c.1874.  Creator: Paul-Dominique Philippoteaux.

Sketch for the church of Saint-Pierre-Saint-Paul d...

Maquette du décor de la chapelle des Morts (dite chapelle des Ames) église Notre-Dame..., c.1836. Creator: Merry Joseph Blondel.

Maquette du décor de la chapelle des Morts (dite c...

Resurection of Christ (banner of the brotherhood of Saint-Sépulcre), between 1701 and 1800.

Resurection of Christ (banner of the brotherhood o...

Retable depicting the Madonna and Child, the Nativity, and the Adoration of the Magi..., c. 1468. Creator: Unknown.

Retable depicting the Madonna and Child, the Nativ...

The Font, Church of St. Stephen, Rochester-Row, Westminster, 1850. Creator: Unknown.

The Font, Church of St. Stephen, Rochester-Row, We...

Altar Frontal depicting The Resurrection with Four Saints, Germany, late-15th century. Creator: Unknown.

Altar Frontal depicting The Resurrection with Four...

The Mass of Saint Gregory, c. 1490/1500.

The Mass of Saint Gregory, c. 1490/1500.

The Mass of Saint Gregory, c. 1480/1485.

The Mass of Saint Gregory, c. 1480/1485.

Christ in the Tomb with Two Angels, 1490/1500.

Christ in the Tomb with Two Angels, 1490/1500.

The Resurrection. Creator: Perugino.

The Resurrection. Creator: Perugino.

Sermon of Saint Albertus Magnus, ca. 1430-95. Creator: Friedrich Walther.

Sermon of Saint Albertus Magnus, ca. 1430-95. Crea...

Altar Cloth, c. 1350. Creator: Unknown.

Altar Cloth, c. 1350. Creator: Unknown.

Saint John the Baptist, c. 1475-1485. Creator: Dieric Bouts (Netherlandish, 1415-1475), circle of.

Saint John the Baptist, c. 1475-1485. Creator: Die...

Upper Paneling from a Sacristy Armoire, c. 1460-1475. Creator: Giuliano da Maiano (Italian, 1432-1490), attributed to.

Upper Paneling from a Sacristy Armoire, c. 1460-14...

Crucifix with Scenes of the Passion, c. 1230-40. Creator: Unknown.

Crucifix with Scenes of the Passion, c. 1230-40. C...

The Resurrection of Christ, c. 1902. Creator: John La Farge (American, 1835-1910).

The Resurrection of Christ, c. 1902. Creator: John...

Pectoral Cross, 1600s. Creator: Unknown.

Pectoral Cross, 1600s. Creator: Unknown.

Painting in the nave of Aal Church, Denmark, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.

Painting in the nave of Aal Church, Denmark, (1928...

The Ascension of Jesus, illuminated capital letter from 'Episcopal Sacramentary of Elna'. Handwri?

The Ascension of Jesus, illuminated capital letter...

The Ascension of Christ with the Hetoimasia, 15th century. Artist: Ritzos, Andreas (1421-1492)

The Ascension of Christ with the Hetoimasia, 15th ...

Interior of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at the site of Golgotha, 1821. Artist: Vorobyev, Maxim Nikiphorovich (1787-1855)

Interior of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at th...

The Resurrection (Manuscript illumination from the Matenadaran Gospel), 1356.

The Resurrection (Manuscript illumination from the...

The Descent into Hell, 1497. Artist: Russian icon

The Descent into Hell, 1497. Artist: Russian icon

The Crucifixion, ca 1466-1467.

The Crucifixion, ca 1466-1467.

The Crucifixion (Manuscript illumination from the Matenadaran Gospel), 14th-15th century.

The Crucifixion (Manuscript illumination from the ...

The Descent into Hell (Manuscript illumination from the Matenadaran Gospel), 1232.

The Descent into Hell (Manuscript illumination fro...

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, ca 1350. Artist: Anonymous

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, ca 1350. Artist: ...

The Resurrection (Manuscript illumination from the Matenadaran Gospel), 1287.

The Resurrection (Manuscript illumination from the...

Church of the Saviour on Blood, St Petersburg, Russia, 2011. Artist: Sheldon Marshall

Church of the Saviour on Blood, St Petersburg, Rus...

Church of the Saviour on Blood, St Petersburg, Russia, 2011. Artist: Sheldon Marshall

Church of the Saviour on Blood, St Petersburg, Rus...

The Descent into Hell with the Scenes of the Passion of the Christ, 16th century.  Creator: Russian icon.

The Descent into Hell with the Scenes of the Passi...

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, 1497. Artist: Russian icon

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, 1497. Artist: Rus...

The Crucifixion, 1497. Artist: Russian icon

The Crucifixion, 1497. Artist: Russian icon

Holy Women at Christ' s Tomb (Manuscript illumination from the Matenadaran Gospel), 1286.

Holy Women at Christ' s Tomb (Manuscript illuminat...

Church of the Saviour on Blood, St Petersburg, Russia, 2011. Artist: Sheldon Marshall

Church of the Saviour on Blood, St Petersburg, Rus...

Year Calendar with the Scenes of the Passion of the Christ, second half of the 19th century. Creator: Russian icon.

Year Calendar with the Scenes of the Passion of th...

The Descent into Hell, with Selected Saints, late 15th century.  Creator: Russian icon.

The Descent into Hell, with Selected Saints, late ...

The Three Young Men in the Fiery Furnace, 17th century. Artist: Adrianoupolitis, Konstantinos (active 17th century)

The Three Young Men in the Fiery Furnace, 17th cen...

Domes of the Church of the Saviour on Blood, St Petersburg, Russia, 2011. Artist: Sheldon Marshall

Domes of the Church of the Saviour on Blood, St Pe...

St. Mark's Basilica, Venice, Italy. Artist: Samuel Magal

St. Mark's Basilica, Venice, Italy. Artist: Samuel...

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, 1500.  Creator: Dionysius (ca. 1450-before 1508).

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, 1500. Creator: D...

The Crucifixion (Manuscript illumination from the Matenadaran Gospel), 1268.

The Crucifixion (Manuscript illumination from the ...

Church of the Saviour on Blood, St Petersburg, Russia, 2011. Artist: Sheldon Marshall

Church of the Saviour on Blood, St Petersburg, Rus...

Church of the Saviour on Blood, St Petersburg, Russia, 2011. Artist: Sheldon Marshall

Church of the Saviour on Blood, St Petersburg, Rus...

'Virgin and child with a pomegranate', c1488. Artist: Sandro Botticelli.

'Virgin and child with a pomegranate', c1488. Arti...

Six Resurrections before the Relics of Saint Stephen. Artist: Gascó, Pere (1502/05-1546)

Six Resurrections before the Relics of Saint Steph...

The Descent into Hell. Artist: Ancient Russian frescos

The Descent into Hell. Artist: Ancient Russian fre...

Fresco on the ceiling, Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar, Zaragoza, Spain, 2007. Artist: Samuel Magal

Fresco on the ceiling, Basilica of Our Lady of the...

Church of the Saviour on Blood, St Petersburg, Russia, 2011. Artist: Sheldon Marshall

Church of the Saviour on Blood, St Petersburg, Rus...

The Descent into Hell. Artist: Russian icon

The Descent into Hell. Artist: Russian icon

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, 1497. Artist: Russian icon

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, 1497. Artist: Rus...

The Baptism of Christ. The Raising of Lazarus (Manuscript illumination from the Matenadaran Gospel),

The Baptism of Christ. The Raising of Lazarus (Man...

The Crucifixion (Manuscript illumination from the Matenadaran Gospel), 1401.

The Crucifixion (Manuscript illumination from the ...

Church of the Saviour on Blood, St Petersburg, Russia, 2011. Artist: Sheldon Marshall

Church of the Saviour on Blood, St Petersburg, Rus...

Church of the Saviour on Blood, St Petersburg, Russia, 2011. Artist: Sheldon Marshall

Church of the Saviour on Blood, St Petersburg, Rus...

The Descent into Hell, Early16th cen.. Artist: Russian icon

The Descent into Hell, Early16th cen.. Artist: Rus...

The Descent into Hell, with Selected Saints, End of 17th cen.. Artist: Russian icon

The Descent into Hell, with Selected Saints, End o...

The Ascension of Christ, 12th century. Artist: Ancient Russian frescos

The Ascension of Christ, 12th century. Artist: Anc...

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