
175 résultats pour : field marshal french

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The Germans in Paris: General Blumenthal stopped at the entrance of the rue de Rivoli, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

The Germans in Paris: General Blumenthal stopped a...

Gen. Sir John French, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.

Gen. Sir John French, between c1915 and c1920. Cre...

Gen. Foch, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.

Gen. Foch, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain ...

Statue of Prince Eugène at Vienna, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

Statue of Prince Eugène at Vienna, 1865. Creator: ...

Sir Jeffrey Amherst, K. B., 1766. Creator: James Watson.

Sir Jeffrey Amherst, K. B., 1766. Creator: James W...

Thomas, Haig, Joffre, Lloyd George,12 Sept 1916. Creator: Bain News Service.

Thomas, Haig, Joffre, Lloyd George,12 Sept 1916. C...

Gen. Sir John French in Paris, between c1914 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.

Gen. Sir John French in Paris, between c1914 and c...

Gen. Sir J. French in Paris, between c1914 and c1915. Creator: Bain News Service.

Gen. Sir J. French in Paris, between c1914 and c19...

Prince Eugene of Savoy as governor of Milan, 1706. Creator: Philipp Heinrich Müller.

Prince Eugene of Savoy as governor of Milan, 1706....

Nude study in dance pose, 1925. Creator: Josef Wawra.

Nude study in dance pose, 1925. Creator: Josef Waw...

Field Marshal Gideon Ernst Freiherr von Loudon, 1877. Creator: Sigmund L'Allemand.

Field Marshal Gideon Ernst Freiherr von Loudon, 18...

'Sur le front Italien, apres Gorizia ; Le general Cadorna, a dos de mulet et suivi d'un officier d'o Creator: Unknown.

'Sur le front Italien, apres Gorizia ; Le general ...

Inter-allied Solidarity; On the steps, Marshal Douglas Haig and General Wilson..., 1918. Creator: Unknown.

Inter-allied Solidarity; On the steps, Marshal Dou...

Dissolution of the Eastern Front; Signing the armistice of Brest-Litovsk.., 1917. Creator: Unknown.

Dissolution of the Eastern Front; Signing the armi...

The Dark Hours of Italy; General Diaz appointed November 8 as Commander in Chief..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.

The Dark Hours of Italy; General Diaz appointed No...

'La Maniere de Petain; Le commandant en chef dans les cantonnements', 1917. Creator: Unknown.

'La Maniere de Petain; Le commandant en chef dans ...

The Field Marshall Erik Sparre, c1580. Creator: Nicolas de Largilliere.

The Field Marshall Erik Sparre, c1580. Creator: Ni...

'Le Premier Coup Allemand; M. Clemenceau, accouru au Grand quartier britannique..., 1918. Creator: Unknown.

'Le Premier Coup Allemand; M. Clemenceau, accouru ...

'Le Baton de Petain; Sur l'esplanade de Metz, le 8 decembre 1918: Le president de la Repub..., 1918. Creator: Unknown.

'Le Baton de Petain; Sur l'esplanade de Metz, le 8...

'Notre entrée a Metz; Les troupes francaises defilent, 19 novembre 1918, sur l'esplanade de..., 1918 Creator: Unknown.

'Notre entrée a Metz; Les troupes francaises defil...

''Le general Cadorna; Commandant en chef des armees Italiennes', 1916. Creator: Unknown.

''Le general Cadorna; Commandant en chef des armee...

'' General Sir J.H.G. Byng', 1917. Creator: Unknown.

'' General Sir J.H.G. Byng', 1917. Creator: Unknow...

''Sir Douglas Haig, commandant en chef des armees Britanniques en France', 1916. Creator: Unknown.

''Sir Douglas Haig, commandant en chef des armees ...

''Les Vainqueurs de Queant-Drocourt; le marechal Haig felicite un detachement..., 1918. Creator: Unknown.

''Les Vainqueurs de Queant-Drocourt; le marechal H...

'Le haut commandement de L'Armee Anglaise; Sir William Robertson. chef d'etat-major..., 1916. Creator: Lucien Jonas.

'Le haut commandement de L'Armee Anglaise; Sir Wil...

'Aux camps d'instruction de la classe 17; le President de la Republique, le general..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'Aux camps d'instruction de la classe 17; le Presi...

'Le jour de gloire; le defile triomphal; le vainqueur de la marne en 1914 et le commandant...,1919. Creator: Unknown.

'Le jour de gloire; le defile triomphal; le vainqu...

'Le general Petar Bolovitch, successeur du voivode Putni', 1916. Creator: Vladimir Betzitch.

'Le general Petar Bolovitch, successeur du voivode...

'Les fetes de la victoire a Londres; le 19 juillet 1919: l'amiral Beatty, au second plan..., 1919. Creator: Ernest Brooks.

'Les fetes de la victoire a Londres; le 19 juillet...

'Le jour de gloire; au coeur de Paris: le defile sur les grands boulevards jusqu'a la place..., 1919 Creator: Unknown.

'Le jour de gloire; au coeur de Paris: le defile s...

'Les fetes de la victoire a Londres; le defile des "Bluejackets" devant la tribune royale..., 1919. Creator: Excelsior Photo.

'Les fetes de la victoire a Londres; le defile des...

'Le jour de gloire; le marechal Sir Douglas Haig', 1919. Creator: Unknown.

'Le jour de gloire; le marechal Sir Douglas Haig',...

'Dix-Sept ans apres Fachoda; Lord Kitchener, apres avoir passe en revue des..., 1915 (1924). Creator: Unknown.

'Dix-Sept ans apres Fachoda; Lord Kitchener, apres...

'Sur les fronts Italiens du Carso et du Trentin; le general Cadorna, a dos de mulet et suivi...,1916 Creator: Unknown.

'Sur les fronts Italiens du Carso et du Trentin; l...

'Le jour de gloire; Le General Mangin, en tete de l'Armee Coloniale, passe sous l'Arc de..., 1919. Creator: Charles-Jules Duvent.

'Le jour de gloire; Le General Mangin, en tete de ...

'Deux departs; sur le quai, avant l'embarquement', 1919. Creator: Unknown.

'Deux departs; sur le quai, avant l'embarquement',...

'Le jour de gloire; le 14 juillet 1919: les Marechaux Foch et Joffre en tete du defile..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.

'Le jour de gloire; le 14 juillet 1919: les Marech...

''Lord Kitchener; L'Illustration 10 juin 1916', 1916. Creator: Unknown.

''Lord Kitchener; L'Illustration 10 juin 1916', 19...

'Sir Douglas Haig; commandant en chef des armees Britanniques en France', 1915 (1924). Creator: Unknown.

'Sir Douglas Haig; commandant en chef des armees B...

Distribution of the Queen's Medals to the French Crimean Troops, by H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge, at Creator: Unknown.

Distribution of the Queen's Medals to the French C...

Distribution of the Queen's Medals to the French Crimean Troops, by H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge, 18 Creator: Unknown.

Distribution of the Queen's Medals to the French C...

''Lord Kitchener of Khartoum en grand uniforme de marechal de l'armee britannique', 1916. Creator: Bassano Studio.

''Lord Kitchener of Khartoum en grand uniforme de ...

'Le roi George V et M Poincare, Sur le front de la Somme; Au Grand Quartier Britannique', 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'Le roi George V et M Poincare, Sur le front de la...

'La cooperation Britannique; Le general en chef de l'armee britannique salue par les marins', 1914 Creator: Unknown.

'La cooperation Britannique; Le general en chef de...

''Sir John French; Commandant en chef de l'armee Britannique', 1914. Creator: Unknown.

''Sir John French; Commandant en chef de l'armee B...

'Le roi George V et M Poincare, Sur le front de la Somme', 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'Le roi George V et M Poincare, Sur le front de la...

'La cooperation Britannique; Le general French et son etat-major arrivent a Boulogne', 1914. Creator: Unknown.

'La cooperation Britannique; Le general French et ...

'Les russes en France; Le general Lokhvitzky goute le bouillon des soldats', 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'Les russes en France; Le general Lokhvitzky goute...

'Les chefs de l'Armee serbe; Le voivode Radomir Putnik, age de 73 ans et malade, qu'il..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'Les chefs de l'Armee serbe; Le voivode Radomir Pu...

''Le voivode Stepanovitch, commandant la 2e armee serbe.', 1916. Creator: Samson Tchernoff.

''Le voivode Stepanovitch, commandant la 2e armee ...

'Le Nouveau Commandant en Chef des Armees Britanniques en France; Visite de Sir Douglas..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'Le Nouveau Commandant en Chef des Armees Britanni...

'Le general Joffre sur les fronts Anglais et Francais; le successeur marechal French..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'Le general Joffre sur les fronts Anglais et Franc...

Lord Raglan and General Canrobert visiting the French Outposts opposite Sebastopol, 1854. Creator: Unknown.

Lord Raglan and General Canrobert visiting the Fre...

Lieutenant-General Sir John Fox Burgoyne, G.C.B., from a daguerreotype by Victor Plumier, 1854. Creator: Unknown.

Lieutenant-General Sir John Fox Burgoyne, G.C.B., ...

The Meeting of His Royal Highness Prince Albert and the Emperor of the French, at Boulogne, 1854. Creator: Unknown.

The Meeting of His Royal Highness Prince Albert an...

Meeting of Prince Albert and the Emperor of the French, at Boulogne, 1854. Creator: Unknown.

Meeting of Prince Albert and the Emperor of the Fr...

Prince Albert, the Emperor of the French, and staff, at the Review at Marquise, 1854. Creator: W Thomas.

Prince Albert, the Emperor of the French, and staf...

The Quarries Field, Head-Quarters of Lord Raglan, off Sebastopol, 1854. Creator: Unknown.

The Quarries Field, Head-Quarters of Lord Raglan, ...

Lord Raglan's Head-Quarters, at Balaclava, 1854. Creator: Unknown.

Lord Raglan's Head-Quarters, at Balaclava, 1854. C...

Grand Military Trophy, at the Concerts for the Benefit of the Patriotic Fund, in the Town..., 1854. Creator: Unknown.

Grand Military Trophy, at the Concerts for the Ben...

'Marshal Arnaud, commander-in-Chief of the French Army in the East', 1854. Creator: Unknown.

'Marshal Arnaud, commander-in-Chief of the French ...

A Council of War: Lord Raglan, Omar Pacha and Pelissier, Taken the eve Before the..., Crimea, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.

A Council of War: Lord Raglan, Omar Pacha and Peli...

Study of Field Marshal John French for "General Officers of World War I", 1920-1922.

Study of Field Marshal John French for "General Of...

Portrait of Field Marshal Prince Mikhail Kutuzov (1745-1813), c. 1790. Private Collection.

Portrait of Field Marshal Prince Mikhail Kutuzov (...

The Council of War on the Morning of the Taking of the Mamelon. Lord Raglan, Omar Pasha, Marshal Pélissier, 1855.

The Council of War on the Morning of the Taking of...

Charles V, duc de Lorraine, 1660. Creator: Robert Nanteuil.

Charles V, duc de Lorraine, 1660. Creator: Robert ...

'Capture of a Boer Convoy by General French's Troops near Kimberley', 1900. Creator: Stanley L Wood.

'Capture of a Boer Convoy by General French's Troo...

'The Battle of Paardeberg', 1900. Creator: Sidney E Paget.

'The Battle of Paardeberg', 1900. Creator: Sidney ...

'General French's Remarkable Position at Colesberg, c15th January', 1900 Creator: Frederick Villiers.

'General French's Remarkable Position at Colesberg...

'The Last Stand Made By The Boers Before Kimberley-Charge of British Cavalry', 1900. Creators: Godfrey Douglas Giles, WS Small.

'The Last Stand Made By The Boers Before Kimberley...

'With General French: New Zealanders Saving a Picket of the Yorkshire Regiment', 1900. Creator: W Small.

'With General French: New Zealanders Saving a Pick...

'Lieut.-General J. D. P. French', 1900. Creator: Unknown.

'Lieut.-General J. D. P. French', 1900. Creator: U...

'Plan of battle of Elandslaagte', 1900. Creator: Unknown.

'Plan of battle of Elandslaagte', 1900. Creator: U...

'Lord Roberts and His Staff Watching the Boer's Retreat from Zand River; General French in Pursuit o Creator: Melton Prior.

'Lord Roberts and His Staff Watching the Boer's Re...

'A Reconnaissance in Force with General French's Cavalry Near Colesberg', 1900. Creator: Richard Caton Woodville II.

'A Reconnaissance in Force with General French's C...

'Map Illustrating the Movements for the Relief of Kimberley and the Capture of Bloemfontein', 1900. Creator: Unknown.

'Map Illustrating the Movements for the Relief of ...

'Monsieur de Ragny', François de la Madeleine, 1587, (1907).  Creator: Unknown.

'Monsieur de Ragny', François de la Madeleine, 158...

'Montmorenci', (1493-1567), 1830. Creator: Unknown.

'Montmorenci', (1493-1567), 1830. Creator: Unknown...

'The Battlefield of Arras', First World War, c1917, (c1920) Creator: Unknown.

'The Battlefield of Arras', First World War, c1917...

General Douglas Haig, First World War, 1915-1916, (c1920).  Creator: Unknown.

General Douglas Haig, First World War, 1915-1916, ...

'Field-Marshal John French', 1915. Creator: Unknown.

'Field-Marshal John French', 1915. Creator: Unknow...

'Map illustrating the German Retirement after the Battle of the Somme', (c1920). Creator: Unknown.

'Map illustrating the German Retirement after the ...

Sir John French arriving at Boulogne,1914

Sir John French arriving at Boulogne,1914

Meeting of Wellington and Blücher at Waterloo, 18 June 1815

Meeting of Wellington and Blücher at Waterloo, 18 ...

'The Last Charge at Waterloo',-1815

'The Last Charge at Waterloo',-1815

The exchange of Blucher for the French marshal Victor, 20 February 1807

The exchange of Blucher for the French marshal Vic...

'Wallenstein and Tilly Holding a Council of War, 1626'

'Wallenstein and Tilly Holding a Council of War, 1...

'A Sketch of the Battle of Waterloo', (18 June 1815 )

'A Sketch of the Battle of Waterloo', (18 June 181...

'The Archduke Charles of Austria', (1771-1847)

'The Archduke Charles of Austria', (1771-1847)

Blücher at the Battle of Ligny, 16 June 1815

Blücher at the Battle of Ligny, 16 June 1815

'The Battle of Waterloo', (18 June 1815)

'The Battle of Waterloo', (18 June 1815)

The death of Schwerin at Prague, 6 May 1757

The death of Schwerin at Prague, 6 May 1757

The 1st Silesian Army crossing the the River Rhine near Kaub, 1 January 1814

The 1st Silesian Army crossing the the River Rhine...

The Surrender at Sedan Castle, 2 September 1870

The Surrender at Sedan Castle, 2 September 1870

Council of war at Versailles,1870

Council of war at Versailles,1870

Duke Ferdinand Von Braun-Schweig,-1936

Duke Ferdinand Von Braun-Schweig,-1936

Episode during the Battle of Dennewitz, 6 September 1813

Episode during the Battle of Dennewitz, 6 Septembe...

'Marshal Blucher at the Battle of Ligny, June 16

'Marshal Blucher at the Battle of Ligny, June 16

Blücher takes possession of Napoleon's medals and hat after,

Blücher takes possession of Napoleon's medals and ...

Field Marshal Von Möllendorff,-1936

Field Marshal Von Möllendorff,-1936

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