
15 résultats pour : haute-vienne

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The Great Fire at Limoges, France: firemen and soldiers clearing out a portion of the ruins…, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The Great Fire at Limoges, France: firemen and sol...

The Great Fire at Limoges, France: the public crier announcing the distribution of relief…, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

The Great Fire at Limoges, France: the public crie...

Scene of the Great Fire at Limoges, France - from a sketch by our special artist, 1864. Creator: Smyth.

Scene of the Great Fire at Limoges, France - from ...

Costumes de Différent Pays, 'Paysanne des Environs de Limoge', c1797. Creator: Jacques Grasset de Saint-Sauveur.

Costumes de Différent Pays, 'Paysanne des Environs...

Costumes de Différent Pays, 'Paysan des Environs de Limoge', c1797. Creator: Jacques Grasset de Saint-Sauveur.

Costumes de Différent Pays, 'Paysan des Environs d...

Costumes de Différent Pays, 'Jeune Paysan des Environs de Limoge', c1797. Creator: Jacques Grasset de Saint-Sauveur.

Costumes de Différent Pays, 'Jeune Paysan des Envi...

Pair of Shells with Portraits Forming a Purse, Limoges, Early 16th century or 19th century. Creator: Limoges Pottery and Porcelain Factories.

Pair of Shells with Portraits Forming a Purse, Lim...

Agnus Dei, France, 1200/25. Creator: Unknown.

Agnus Dei, France, 1200/25. Creator: Unknown.

Baur. Pierre. 41 ans, né à St Leonard (Haute-Vienne). Cordonnier. Anarchiste. 1/3/94., 1894.

Baur. Pierre. 41 ans, né à St Leonard (Haute-Vienn...

Bompeix. Eugène. 53 ans, né à St Martin d'Herbus (Haute-Vienne). Conducteur de machines. Anar. 3/7/94. , 1894.

Bompeix. Eugène. 53 ans, né à St Martin d'Herbus (...

'Richard I,

'Richard I,

'Richard I mortally wounded by an Arrow shot by Bertram de Gourdon from the Walls of the Castle of C Creator: William Walker.

'Richard I mortally wounded by an Arrow shot by Be...

Limoges, France, 1879. Artist: Unknown

Limoges, France, 1879. Artist: Unknown

Combat between English and French knights in a square at Limoges. Artist: Unknown

Combat between English and French knights in a squ...

Depiction of saints rising from their tombs at the time of the Crucifixion, 13th century. Artist: Unknown

Depiction of saints rising from their tombs at the...