
327 résultats pour : plateau

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Royal Wedding Cake, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

Royal Wedding Cake, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

Landscape, c1600s. Creator: Joos de Momper, the younger.

Landscape, c1600s. Creator: Joos de Momper, the yo...

Causse Méjean, Limestone Highlands, 1890-1899. Creator: Emile-Rene Menard.

Causse Méjean, Limestone Highlands, 1890-1899. Cre...

Review of the Household Brigade by the Queen, in Bushey Park, 1871. Creator: Unknown.

Review of the Household Brigade by the Queen, in B...

Junction of the three tributaries of the Missouri, 1870. Creator: Unknown.

Junction of the three tributaries of the Missouri,...

The Abyssinian Expedition: Koomailee, at the mouth of the pass leading to Senafe, 1868. Creator: Unknown.

The Abyssinian Expedition: Koomailee, at the mouth...

The Expedition to Abyssinia: castle between Mai Wahiz and Ad Abaga, 1868. Creator: Unknown.

The Expedition to Abyssinia: castle between Mai Wa...

Bowl presented to the 68th Regiment in Burmah, 1869. Creator: Unknown.

Bowl presented to the 68th Regiment in Burmah, 186...

The Abyssinian Expedition: view from a point near the King's House, Magdala, 1868. Creator: Unknown.

The Abyssinian Expedition: view from a point near ...

The Abyssinian Expedition: approach to the Abyssinian table-land, from Rayry Guddy, 1868. Creator: Unknown.

The Abyssinian Expedition: approach to the Abyssin...

Testimonial to Mr. Brand, M.P., from the Liberal Party in the House of Commons, 1868. Creator: Unknown.

Testimonial to Mr. Brand, M.P., from the Liberal P...

The Abyssinian Expedition: view of the plateau at Senafe, looking towards the Adowa Peaks, 1868. Creator: Mason Jackson.

The Abyssinian Expedition: view of the plateau at ...

The Isthmus of Suez Maritime Canal: plan of the canal, with the small fresh-water canal, 1869. Creator: Unknown.

The Isthmus of Suez Maritime Canal: plan of the ca...

The War in Abyssinia: the 33rd Foot advancing upon Magdala, from below Islamgee, 1868. Creator: C.R..

The War in Abyssinia: the 33rd Foot advancing upon...

Testimonial to Mr. R. Birkin, ex-Mayor of Nottingham, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

Testimonial to Mr. R. Birkin, ex-Mayor of Nottingh...

Testimonial to George Smith, Esq., L.L.D., late Chairman of the Cornwall Railway Company, 1864. Creator: Unknown.

Testimonial to George Smith, Esq., L.L.D., late Ch...

The International Volunteer Challenge Trophy to be shot for at the Wimbledon Meeting, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

The International Volunteer Challenge Trophy to be...

Testimonial to Mr. W. Jackson...from the shareholders of the Florence and Pistoja Railway, 1865. Creator: Unknown.

Testimonial to Mr. W. Jackson...from the sharehold...

View of the city of Tobolsk from Assumption Cathedral from the northwest, 1912. Creator: Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorsky.

View of the city of Tobolsk from Assumption Cathed...

The International Exhibition: plateau and candelabra by Messrs. Christofle, of Paris, 1862. Creator: Unknown.

The International Exhibition: plateau and candelab...

The Loan Collection, South-Kensington: Silver-gilt ewer, 1862. Creator: Unknown.

The Loan Collection, South-Kensington: Silver-gilt...

The International Exhibition: vase and candelabra..., 1862. Creator: Unknown.

The International Exhibition: vase and candelabra....

The International Exhibition: Group of porcelain articles by Sir James Duke and Nephews, 1862.  Creator: Unknown.

The International Exhibition: Group of porcelain a...

The Watzmann from the Wimbachtal, 1818. Creator: Heinrich Reinhold.

The Watzmann from the Wimbachtal, 1818. Creator: H...

Seiser Alm (South Tyrol), 1914. Creator: Max Kahrer.

Seiser Alm (South Tyrol), 1914. Creator: Max Kahre...

Two Fallow Deer, c1850s-1860s. Creator: Antoine-Louis Barye.

Two Fallow Deer, c1850s-1860s. Creator: Antoine-Lo...

Magnificent service of silver plate and dessert service recently presented to Sir Samuel..., 1860. Creator: Smyth.

Magnificent service of silver plate and dessert se...

'Sur le front Italien, apres Gorizia ; Le general Cadorna, a dos de mulet et suivi d'un officier d'o Creator: Unknown.

'Sur le front Italien, apres Gorizia ; Le general ...

A Modern Prince Genji at Chigogafuchi, Enoshima, 1864. Creator: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi.

A Modern Prince Genji at Chigogafuchi, Enoshima, 1...

The Review of Lancashire Rifle Volunteers in Knowsley Park..., 1860. Creator: Unknown.

The Review of Lancashire Rifle Volunteers in Knows...

''Sur le front Italien, apres Gorizia ; Abri sur le Tcherni-Hrib, a Ouest du Vallone.;, 1916. Creator: Unknown.

''Sur le front Italien, apres Gorizia ; Abri sur l...

'Sur le front Italien, apres Gorizia ; un boyau pres d'Oppacchiasella, a l'Est du Vallone', 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'Sur le front Italien, apres Gorizia ; un boyau pr...

'View near Tchelga, Abyssinian plateau; A journey through Soudan and Western Abyssinia..., 1875. Creator: Unknown.

'View near Tchelga, Abyssinian plateau; A journey ...

'River Berhan, Abyssinian Plateau; A journey through Soudan and Western Abyssinia..., 1875. Creator: Unknown.

'River Berhan, Abyssinian Plateau; A journey throu...

'L'Attaque du 5 mai 1917 sur le Chemin des Dames; Notre avance sur le plateau, en direction..., 1917 Creator: Unknown.

'L'Attaque du 5 mai 1917 sur le Chemin des Dames; ...

Our Romanian Allies; A German blockhouse captured by Romanians on the Marastii..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.

Our Romanian Allies; A German blockhouse captured ...

'Falls of Davezout, Abyssinian Plateau; A journey through Soudan and Western Abyssinia..., 1875. Creator: Unknown.

'Falls of Davezout, Abyssinian Plateau; A journey ...

Grand Fete in Hamstead Park, Berks, in Aid of the Great Western Railway Widows' and..., 1858. Creator: Unknown.

Grand Fete in Hamstead Park, Berks, in Aid of the ...

'Notre Contre-Attaque du 11 juin 1918; le plateau de Belloy repris par nos troupes, le 11 juin..., 1 Creator: Unknown.

'Notre Contre-Attaque du 11 juin 1918; le plateau ...

'Du 16 au 30 avril 1917; Une position allemande du plateau de Craonne, apres le pilonnage..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.

'Du 16 au 30 avril 1917; Une position allemande du...

Italian landscape at Subiaco, c.1787-c.1847. Creator: Josephus Augustus Knip.

Italian landscape at Subiaco, c.1787-c.1847. Creat...

Italian Offensive of Isonzo; An artillery column on the plateau of Vodice, east of Plave, 1917. Creator: Unknown.

Italian Offensive of Isonzo; An artillery column o...

The Dark Hours of Italy; On the roads of the Lower Isonzo, the 3rd Italian army..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.

The Dark Hours of Italy; On the roads of the Lower...

'M. Clemenceau sur le Front; Le president du Couseil sur le plateau de Vimy le 25 fevier 1918', 1918 Creator: Unknown.

'M. Clemenceau sur le Front; Le president du Couse...

'Arret et recul Autrichiens, Val d'Astico, 17 juin 1916; Monte Cengio, sur le rebord..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'Arret et recul Autrichiens, Val d'Astico, 17 juin...

Summit of Mt. Washington from Bigelow's lawn, White Mountains, c1900. Creator: Unknown.

Summit of Mt. Washington from Bigelow's lawn, Whit...

Oreotragus oreotragus (Klipspringer), 1777-1786. Creator: Robert Jacob Gordon.

Oreotragus oreotragus (Klipspringer), 1777-1786. C...

Sylvicapra grimmia (Common Duiker), 1777-1786. Creator: Robert Jacob Gordon.

Sylvicapra grimmia (Common Duiker), 1777-1786. Cre...

The Hon. East India Company's Banquet at the London Tavern to Lieutenant-General Patrick Grant, C.B. Creator: Unknown.

The Hon. East India Company's Banquet at the Londo...

'Les succes Italiens du Carso; le Veliki Hriback, sur lequel le capitaine Gabriele..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'Les succes Italiens du Carso; le Veliki Hriback, ...

The Siege of Sebastopol - Interior of the Redan - from a photograph by Robertson, 1856.  Creator: Unknown.

The Siege of Sebastopol - Interior of the Redan - ...

'Les Russes en perse et en armenie; Sur la route d'Erzeroum: etat-major de la 4th..., 1916 (1924) Creator: Unknown.

'Les Russes en perse et en armenie; Sur la route d...

'Les succes Italiens du Carso; defile de prisonniers autrichiens apres les comabts du 1er..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'Les succes Italiens du Carso; defile de prisonnie...

'L'entrée de l'Italie dans la Guere, le 24 mai 1915; Le corps du capitaine Bruno Garibaldi', 1915. Creator: Unknown.

'L'entrée de l'Italie dans la Guere, le 24 mai 191...

View of Oberwesel and the Rhine. Germany, 1840. Creator: Frederik Hansen Sodring.

View of Oberwesel and the Rhine. Germany, 1840. Cr...

'Les succes Italiens du Carso; ruines du sanctuaire de San Grado di Merna : au fond, les..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'Les succes Italiens du Carso; ruines du sanctuair...

'Les succes Italiens du Carso; renforts italiens escaladant les terrasses de la cote 208..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'Les succes Italiens du Carso; renforts italiens e...

'Une rude campagne d'hiver; Les chasseurs du Caucase descendent du plateau de..., 1916 (1924) Creator: Unknown.

'Une rude campagne d'hiver; Les chasseurs du Cauca...

'Division Picardie; L'assaut du plateau de Touvent: Le 7 juin, le depart des zouaves', 1915. Creator: Unknown.

'Division Picardie; L'assaut du plateau de Touvent...

'Sur les fronts Italiens du Carso et du Trentin; le general Cadorna, a dos de mulet et suivi...,1916 Creator: Unknown.

'Sur les fronts Italiens du Carso et du Trentin; l...

Marriage of Sir Robert Peel and Lady Emily Hay - The Dejeuner in the Waterloo Gallery at Apsley Hous Creator: Unknown.

Marriage of Sir Robert Peel and Lady Emily Hay - T...

'Sur les fronts Italiens du Carso et du Trentin; abris sur le Tcherni Hrib, a l'Ouest de..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'Sur les fronts Italiens du Carso et du Trentin; a...

'Sur les fronts Italiens du Carso et du Trentin; dans le Carso: un boyau pres d'Oppacchiasella',1916 Creator: Unknown.

'Sur les fronts Italiens du Carso et du Trentin; d...

''Un campement de nomades sur les Hauts Plateaux; Afrique du nord', 1914. Creator: Jules Gervais-Courtellemont.

''Un campement de nomades sur les Hauts Plateaux; ...

''Le plateau de Bihe; Afrique Australe', 1914. Creator: Unknown.

''Le plateau de Bihe; Afrique Australe', 1914. Cre...

''Le plateau ethiopien; Le Nord-Est Africain', 1914. Creator: Unknown.

''Le plateau ethiopien; Le Nord-Est Africain', 191...

'La grande attaque du Carso (aout 1916); Sur le Carso de Monfalcone: massif du Mont Cosich', 1916 Creator: Unknown.

'La grande attaque du Carso (aout 1916); Sur le Ca...

'Les Italiens a Gorizia; Croquis perspectif de la vallee de l'Isonzo', 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'Les Italiens a Gorizia; Croquis perspectif de la ...

''Trous et bosses de l'Ouest africain; L'Ouest Africain', 1914. Creator: Unknown.

''Trous et bosses de l'Ouest africain; L'Ouest Afr...

'La grande attaque du Carso (aout 1916); Tranchees autrichiennes du Monte San Michele', 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'La grande attaque du Carso (aout 1916); Tranchees...

The Etsch Valley near Roveredo, 1824. Creator: Johan Christian Dahl.

The Etsch Valley near Roveredo, 1824. Creator: Joh...

'La grande attaque du Carso (aout 1916); La progression italienne sur le Carso', 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'La grande attaque du Carso (aout 1916); La progre...

''Un aspect du Haut Veld; Afrique Australe', 1914. Creator: Unknown.

''Un aspect du Haut Veld; Afrique Australe', 1914....

''Hauts Plateaux de l'Orange; Afrique Australe', 1914. Creator: Unknown.

''Hauts Plateaux de l'Orange; Afrique Australe', 1...

Vue du Plateau de Bellecroix, 1848-1849. Creator: Theodore Rousseau.

Vue du Plateau de Bellecroix, 1848-1849. Creator: ...

'La Campagne d'Hiver des russes en Armenie; L'etat-major de la 4e division des chasseurs..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'La Campagne d'Hiver des russes en Armenie; L'etat...

'La Campagne d'Hiver des russes en Armenie; les chasseurs du Caucase descendent du plateau..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.

'La Campagne d'Hiver des russes en Armenie; les ch...

Esquisse pour la mairie de Fresnes : Sur le plateau - Les batteurs de blé, 1905.

Esquisse pour la mairie de Fresnes : Sur le platea...

Esquisse pour la mairie de Fresnes : Sur le plateau, Une place de Fresnes. Les carrières..., 1905. Creator: Jean Joseph Enders.

Esquisse pour la mairie de Fresnes : Sur le platea...

Esquisse pour la mairie de Fresnes : Sur le plateau, Une place de Fresnes. Les carrières..., 1905. Creator: Jean Joseph Enders.

Esquisse pour la mairie de Fresnes : Sur le platea...

Esquisse pour la mairie de Fresnes : Sur le plateau, Une place de Fresnes. Les carrières..., 1905. Creator: Jean Joseph Enders.

Esquisse pour la mairie de Fresnes : Sur le platea...

Esquisse pour la mairie de Fresnes : Sur le plateau, Une place de Fresnes. Les carrières..., 1905. Creator: Jean Joseph Enders.

Esquisse pour la mairie de Fresnes : Sur le platea...

Silver Service of U.S.S. Idaho, 1912. Creator: Harris & Ewing.

Silver Service of U.S.S. Idaho, 1912. Creator: Har...

The Chateau, at Pau, 1854. Creator: Unknown.

The Chateau, at Pau, 1854. Creator: Unknown.

Surrender of the Tower of Prasto, Bomarsund, 1854. Creator: Unknown.

Surrender of the Tower of Prasto, Bomarsund, 1854....

Sketch for the town hall of Vincennes: the chapel, keep, obelisk, the manoeuvring area..., 1898. Creator: Maurice Chabas.

Sketch for the town hall of Vincennes: the chapel,...

Sketch for the town hall of Vincennes: the chapel, keep, obelisk, the manoeuvring area..., 1898. Creator: Maurice Chabas.

Sketch for the town hall of Vincennes: the chapel,...

Sketch for the town hall of Vincennes: the chapel, keep, obelisk, the manoeuvring area..., 1898. Creator: Maurice Chabas.

Sketch for the town hall of Vincennes: the chapel,...

Sketch for the town hall of Vincennes: the chapel, keep, obelisk, the manoeuvring area..., 1898. Creator: Maurice Chabas.

Sketch for the town hall of Vincennes: the chapel,...

Sketch for the town hall of Vincennes: the chapel, keep, obelisk, the manoeuvring area..., 1898. Creator: Maurice Chabas.

Sketch for the town hall of Vincennes: the chapel,...

Sketch for the town hall of Vincennes: the chapel, keep, obelisk, the manoeuvring area..., 1898. Creator: Maurice Chabas.

Sketch for the town hall of Vincennes: the chapel,...

Santa Fe R.R. train stopping for coal and water, Laguna, New Mexico, 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.

Santa Fe R.R. train stopping for coal and water, L...

A freight train stopping for coal and water at a siding enroute to Gallup, New Mexico, 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.

A freight train stopping for coal and water at a s...

Evening Bells at Ueno (Ueno bansho), from the series "Eight Views of the Eastern..., 1836/37. Creator: Ando Hiroshige.

Evening Bells at Ueno (Ueno bansho), from the seri...

Futakawa: Sarugababa Plateau (Futakawa, Sarugababa), from the series "Fifty-three..., c. 1833/34. Creator: Ando Hiroshige.

Futakawa: Sarugababa Plateau (Futakawa, Sarugababa...

Futakawa: Sarugababa Plateau (Futakawa, Sarugababa), from the series "Fifty-three..., c. 1833/34. Creator: Ando Hiroshige.

Futakawa: Sarugababa Plateau (Futakawa, Sarugababa...

Village in the Himalayas.

Village in the Himalayas.

Glacier plateau, 1906. Creator: Compton, Edward Theodore (1849-1921).

Glacier plateau, 1906. Creator: Compton, Edward Th...

The "Vermillion Cliff," a typical plateau edge, as seen from Jacobs Pool, Arizona..., 1872. Creator: William H. Bell.

The "Vermillion Cliff," a typical plateau edge, as...

Plateau of Sebastopol, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.

Plateau of Sebastopol, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton...

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