
5 résultats pour : stahanov movement

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Stakhanovite watch, 1950. Creator: Kotov, Pyotr Ivanovich (1889-1953).

Stakhanovite watch, 1950. Creator: Kotov, Pyotr Iv...

The Constitution of the Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic, July 10, 1918, 1918. Private Collection.

The Constitution of the Russian Socialist Federate...

Work in the USSR is a matter of honour, glory, sacrifice and heroism, 1931. Artist: Klutsis, Gustav (1895-1938)

Work in the USSR is a matter of honour, glory, sac...

Who Is Recognized and Famous in the Socialist State, 1938.

Who Is Recognized and Famous in the Socialist Stat...

Long live Stalin´s generation of Stakhanov Heroes!, 1936. Artist: Klutsis, Gustav (1895-1938)

Long live Stalin´s generation of Stakhanov Heroes!...