
7 résultats pour : suffolk regiment

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Testimonial recently presented to Major-General Hall, late of the 1st Life Guards, 1858. Creator: Unknown.

Testimonial recently presented to Major-General Ha...

Visit of Prince Albert to Colchester - Arrival of His Royal Highness and Staff at Wavenhoe Park, 185 Creator: Edmund Evans.

Visit of Prince Albert to Colchester - Arrival of ...

New Corn Exchange at Ipswich, 1850. Creator: Unknown.

New Corn Exchange at Ipswich, 1850. Creator: Unkno...

'Storming of the Boer kopje by the Suffolks at Colesberg, South Africa', Boer War, 1900.Artist: Underwood & Underwood

'Storming of the Boer kopje by the Suffolks at Col...

The 1st Suffolk Regiment at the Tower of London, 1895 (1896).Artist: WW Rouch

The 1st Suffolk Regiment at the Tower of London, 1...

Officers of the 1st Suffolk Regiment at the Tower of London, 1895 (1896).Artist: WW Rouch

Officers of the 1st Suffolk Regiment at the Tower ...

'Suffolk Yeomanry', 1846 (1909). Creator: John Harris the Younger.

'Suffolk Yeomanry', 1846 (1909). Creator: John Har...