
9 résultats pour : demonstrating

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Early 1900's postcard of Knocker Up man, known as the Knocker upper, (before alarm clocks) in Accrington, Lancashire, England, U.K. posted September 1918. The Knocker Upper woke up the mill workers in...

Early 1900's postcard of Knocker Up man, known as ...

Welsh Language Society, Cymdeithas yr iaith Gymraeg, protest with Mari Lwyd in Cardiff City Centre, South Wales, UK

Welsh Language Society, Cymdeithas yr iaith Gymrae...

Paris, France, Divers French N.G.O.'s Groups, Feminist Demonstration in Honor of 40th Anniversary of Abortion Law Legalization,,Holding French protest poster "Long Live WOmen's Rights" pro abortion ra...

Paris, France, Divers French N.G.O.'s Groups, Femi...

paris demonstration against abortion

paris demonstration against abortion

Pro-Life supporters at the White House on January 22, 1979, peacefully demonstrating for the life of unborn humans, and against the government-sanctioned killing of the unborn through abortion. (USA)

Pro-Life supporters at the White House on January ...

Paris, France, French N.G.O.'s Groups, Feminist Demonstration in Honor of 40th Anniversary of Abortion Law Legalization, Holding French protest poster, women rally

Paris, France, French N.G.O.'s Groups, Feminist De...

London, UK. 16th March 2014. Over a thousand mainly Ukrainians and their supporters march to the Russian Embassy, protesting against Putin's  "imperialist aggression" as he holds his in/out referendum...

London, UK. 16th March 2014. Over a thousand mainl...

N/A. English: Page from Jean Francois Champollion's 1824 precis, demonstrating the differences between his decipherment and that of Thomas Young . 1824. Jean Francois Champollion 323 Champollion-Young

N/A. English: Page from Jean Francois Champollion'...

Manifestation pacifique en hommage à Martin Luther King

Manifestation pacifique en hommage à Martin Luther...