
5 résultats pour : spanish hat

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An exhibition exploring the life of George IV reunites for the first time items that were commissioned and worn by the king at his famously flamboyant coronation at Westminster Abbey , London ,in 1821...

An exhibition exploring the life of George IV reun...

Artist Pablo Picasso sitting with Jean Cocteau at a bullfight

Artist Pablo Picasso sitting with Jean Cocteau at ...

a handmade tio de nadal, a typical christmas character of catalonia, spain, with some blank space on the right

a handmade tio de nadal, a typical christmas chara...

a handmade Tio de Nadal, a typical Christmas character of Catalonia, Spain

a handmade Tio de Nadal, a typical Christmas chara...

28 JULY 2018, BARCELONA, SPAIN: Tourist traveler woman enjoying view of the Bellesguard tower architecture in Barcelona

28 JULY 2018, BARCELONA, SPAIN: Tourist traveler w...