
3 résultats pour : 1640-1713

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Fall of the rebel angels: lower sheet, Le Brun, Charles, 1619-1690, Loir, Alexis, 1640-1713, Etching, engraving, black-and-white

Fall of the rebel angels: lower sheet, Le Brun, Ch...

Fall of the Rebel Angels, Loir, Alexis, 1640-1713, after Le Brun, Charles, 1619-1690, Etching and engraving, ca. 1685-1686

Fall of the Rebel Angels, Loir, Alexis, 1640-1713,...

Fall of the rebel angels: upper sheet, Le Brun, Charles, 1619-1690, Loir, Alexis, 1640-1713, Etching, engraving, black-and-white

Fall of the rebel angels: upper sheet, Le Brun, Ch...