
5 résultats pour : coffee can

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Coffee Can and Saucer, c. 1790, Wedgwood Manufactory, England, founded 1759, Burslem, Stoneware:

Coffee Can and Saucer, c. 1790, Wedgwood Manufacto...

Black with flower motifs painted plate cans of coffee pot with cylindrical kettle and built-in drawer console in pedestal, two

Black with flower motifs painted plate cans of cof...

Manufacturer: Wed. J. van Nelle, Yellow and red rectangular coffee and tea tin, with hinged lid, with Van Nelle for Coffee

Manufacturer: Wed. J. van Nelle, Yellow and red re...

Black lacquered tap jug with decoration in gold, standing on three high legs, with separate lid, tap and jug holder tin copper

Black lacquered tap jug with decoration in gold, s...

Breakfast; Children; Kitchen; Cat; 1877; , children; pots; pans; kitchen; stool; soup; spoon;

Breakfast; Children; Kitchen; Cat; 1877; , childre...