
5 résultats pour : jaïrus' daughter

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Leopold Wiener, Medal on the introduction of the episcopal hierarchy in the Netherlands and the institution of five dioceses

Leopold Wiener, Medal on the introduction of the e...

Leopold Wiener, Medal on the introduction of the episcopal hierarchy in the Netherlands and the institution of five dioceses

Leopold Wiener, Medal on the introduction of the e...

The Raising of Jairus's Daughter; Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany; about 1400 - 1410; Tempera colors, gold, silver paint, and ink

The Raising of Jairus's Daughter; Regensburg, Bava...

Jesus Raises Jairus's Daughter from the Dead, from a Mirror of Holiness (Mir’at al-quds) of Father

Jesus Raises Jairus's Daughter from the Dead, from...

The raising of the daughter of Jairus, Willem Hendrik Schmidt, 1830 - 1849

The raising of the daughter of Jairus, Willem Hend...