
7 résultats pour : blagoevgrad

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St. Demetrius of Thessalonica (ca. 270- ca. 306). Greek Christian martyr who suffered martyrdom in

St. Demetrius of Thessalonica (ca. 270- ca. 306). ...

The Virgin and Child. Mosaic. Byzantine style. 12th-13th centuries. From the Church of St. Nicholas

The Virgin and Child. Mosaic. Byzantine style. 12t...

Bust of a bearded man and a woman. Inscription in Greek. Stele of Ziles, son of Pyroulas, erected

Bust of a bearded man and a woman. Inscription in ...

Family group: busts of two bearded men and a woman. Above: relief depicting Heros, the Thracian

Family group: busts of two bearded men and a woman...

Goddess Bendis and a family group: bust of a child and feasting husband and wife. Inscription in

Goddess Bendis and a family group: bust of a child...

St. Gregory Dekapolite (ca. 762-842). Monk born in Irenopolis, one of the cities of the Decapolis

St. Gregory Dekapolite (ca. 762-842). Monk born in...

Leo I (c. 400-461), known as Leo the Great. Pope of the Catholic Church (440-461). Portrait. Fresco

Leo I (c. 400-461), known as Leo the Great. Pope o...