
34 résultats pour : canadien

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Canadiens-Français enrolez-vous! ... Reformez les régiments de voltigeurs de Salaberry  1915

Canadiens-Français enrolez-vous! ... Reformez les ...

Attendrons-nous que les nôtres brûlent? Enrôlons-nous et tout de suite dans le 178ième Battalion Canadien Français 1915

Attendrons-nous que les nôtres brûlent? Enrôlons-n...

Bushmen and sawmill hands wanted. Join the 224th Canadian Forestry Battalion  1915

Bushmen and sawmill hands wanted. Join the 224th C...

Emprunt de la libération. On les a. Souscrivez á la London County & Westminster Bank 1918

Emprunt de la libération. On les a. Souscrivez á l...

Bushmen and sawmill hands wanted. Join the 238th Canadian Forestry Battalion  1915

Bushmen and sawmill hands wanted. Join the 238th C...

Heroes of St. Julien and Festubert ... shall we follow their example?  1916

Heroes of St. Julien and Festubert ... shall we fo...

Come now! With the 173rd Overseas Battalion, Canadian Highlanders 1918

Come now! With the 173rd Overseas Battalion, Canad...

Recruits wanted ... fall in boys!  1916

Recruits wanted ... fall in boys! 1916

Achetez des timbres d'épargne de guerre  1915

Achetez des timbres d'épargne de guerre 1915

Construction men, bushmen, sawmill men & chauffeurs wanted. Join the 242nd Canadian Forestry  1915

Construction men, bushmen, sawmill men & chauffeur...

Forward! To victory with the 245 Overseas Canadian Grenadier Guards Battalion  1916

Forward! To victory with the 245 Overseas Canadian...

Canadiens Francais. Venez avec nous dans le 150ieme Battalion C.M.R. Aider a la victoire du coq Gaulois sur l'aigle Prussien 1915

Canadiens Francais. Venez avec nous dans le 150iem...

Canadiens-Francais! Le Prussien est encore sur le sol de France ... Enrolez-vous dans le 189e Battalion, F.E.C.  1915

Canadiens-Francais! Le Prussien est encore sur le ...

Are you one of Kitchener's own?  1917

Are you one of Kitchener's own? 1917

Naval service of Canada. Only strong, healthy and well educated men and boys are required and they must be of good character  1915

Naval service of Canada. Only strong, healthy and ...

Boys to the farm -- bring your chums and do your bit -- S.O.S. 1916

Boys to the farm -- bring your chums and do your b...

The Jews the world over love liberty, have fought for it & will fight for it ... enlist with the infantry Reinforcements  1918

The Jews the world over love liberty, have fought ...

We go next! Irish Canadian Rangers...  1918

We go next! Irish Canadian Rangers... 1918

S.O.S. Soldiers of the Soil - boys to the front  1916

S.O.S. Soldiers of the Soil - boys to the front 1...

Tous les vrais Poil-aux-pattes s'enrôlent au 163e C.-F.  1915

Tous les vrais Poil-aux-pattes s'enrôlent au 163e ...

Canadiens Francais. Enrolez-vous au 150ieme Carabiniers Mont Royal, sous le commandement du Lt. Colonel H. Barré  1915

Canadiens Francais. Enrolez-vous au 150ieme Carabi...

If you cannot put the "I" into fight, you can put the "pay' into patriotism by giving to the Canadian Patriotic Fund 1915

If you cannot put the "I" into fight, you can put ...

Join the Canadian Grenadier Guards  1918

Join the Canadian Grenadier Guards 1918

Attendrons-nous que les nôtres brûlent? Enrôlons-nous et tout de suite dans le 178ième Battalion Canadien Français  1915

Attendrons-nous que les nôtres brûlent? Enrôlons-n...

Attention! ... Canadian Grenadier Guards now recruiting  1916

Attention! ... Canadian Grenadier Guards now recru...

Irish Canadians. Enlist in an Irish and Canadian battalion. 199th Battalion C.E.F. Irish Canadian Rangers 1915

Irish Canadians. Enlist in an Irish and Canadian b...

Le 178ieme Battalion Canadien-Français des cantons de l'est  1915

Le 178ieme Battalion Canadien-Français des cantons...

The happy man today is the man at the front. Royal Highlanders of Canada ... join the 73rd now  1916

The happy man today is the man at the front. Royal...

The navy wants men  1915

The navy wants men 1915

"Send more men." Won't you answer the call 1915

"Send more men." Won't you answer the call 1915

Fight for her. Come with the Irish Canadian Rangers Overseas Battalion, Montreal / Hal Ross Perrigard after Whistler. 1915

Fight for her. Come with the Irish Canadian Ranger...

Why don't they come? ... join the 148th Battalion  1916

Why don't they come? ... join the 148th Battalion ...

Family Canoe Excursion

Family Canoe Excursion

Charles Melville Hays

Charles Melville Hays