
17 résultats pour : copperbelt

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Pouring copper at Nkana-Kitwe mines. Copper is poured into a furnace during the refining process at

Pouring copper at Nkana-Kitwe mines. Copper is pou...

Kenneth Kaunda arriving at United National Independence Party rally. Kenneth Kaunda (born 1924),

Kenneth Kaunda arriving at United National Indepen...

Kenneth Kaunda at United National Independence Party rally. Kenneth Kaunda (born 1924), President

Kenneth Kaunda at United National Independence Par...

Moulding copper, Nkana-Kitwe. A smith oversees the pouring of refined copper from a furnace into

Moulding copper, Nkana-Kitwe. A smith oversees the...

Pouring copper at Nkana-Kitwe mines. Copper is poured into a furnace during the refining process at

Pouring copper at Nkana-Kitwe mines. Copper is pou...

Moulding copper, Nkana-Kitwe. A smith oversees the pouring of refined copper from a furnace into

Moulding copper, Nkana-Kitwe. A smith oversees the...

Molten copper at Nkana-Kitwe. Moulds containing molten copper rotate on a conveyor belt at a copper

Molten copper at Nkana-Kitwe. Moulds containing mo...

United National Independence Party rally. A member of the United National Independence Party waves

United National Independence Party rally. A member...

Scout leaders at a jamboree. Uniformed scout leaders from all over central Africa line up for the

Scout leaders at a jamboree. Uniformed scout leade...

Policeman at United National Indepence Party rally. A policeman on watch at a United National

Policeman at United National Indepence Party rally...

United National Indepence Party political rally. Two politicians address an unseen crowd at a

United National Indepence Party political rally. T...

Crowds at an United National Independence Party rally. Supporters at the United National

Crowds at an United National Independence Party ra...

Sir Rennie meets General Shea. Sir Gilbert McCall Rennie (right), the Governor of Northern

Sir Rennie meets General Shea. Sir Gilbert McCall ...

United National Independence Party rally. Policemen and organizers await the arrival of the United

United National Independence Party rally. Policeme...

Kenneth Kaunda at United National Independence Party rally. Kenneth Kaunda (born 1924) steps up to

Kenneth Kaunda at United National Independence Par...

Crowd at United National Independence Party rally. View over a crowd of followers at a political

Crowd at United National Independence Party rally....

Crowd at United National Independence Party rally. A crowd of Zambian supporters sit and watch a

Crowd at United National Independence Party rally....