
16 résultats pour : german noble women

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The figures represented here are German women between A.D. 1450 and 1500. They are, from left to

The figures represented here are German women betw...

This illustration, which dates to 1882, shows Germans in period dress from A.D. 1300-1350. They

This illustration, which dates to 1882, shows Germ...

History of Germany. 14th century. From left to right, 1: Count of Thuringia, 2-5-8: knights in

History of Germany. 14th century. From left to rig...

History of Germany. Middle Ages. 1200. From left to right, 1: knight, 2: physician, 3: falconer, 4:

History of Germany. Middle Ages. 1200. From left t...

The figures represent Germans from A.D. 1350 to 1400. They are, from left to right: man of rank,

The figures represent Germans from A.D. 1350 to 14...

Holy Roman Empire, 1000-1100. From left to right, 1-2: warriors, 3-4-5-6-7: prince, princess and

Holy Roman Empire, 1000-1100. From left to right, ...

History of Germany. 1300-1350. From left to right, 1-2: dames, 3-4: noblemen, 5: armed citizen,

History of Germany. 1300-1350. From left to right,...

The figures represented here are German women between A.D. 1450 and 1500. They are, from left to

The figures represented here are German women betw...

History of Germany. Middle Ages. 1200. From left to right, 7: Knight of the Teutonic Order,

History of Germany. Middle Ages. 1200. From left t...

The figures represented here are German women between A.D. 1450 and 1500. They are, from left to

The figures represented here are German women betw...

Pictured here are Germans from a variety of walks of life around 1700. They are, from left to

Pictured here are Germans from a variety of walks ...

The figures represented here are German women between A.D. 1450 and 1500. They are, from left to

The figures represented here are German women betw...

The figures represent Germans from A.D. 1350 to 1400. They are, from left to right: Count of

The figures represent Germans from A.D. 1350 to 14...

Charlotte Luise Antoinette By Schiller

Charlotte Luise Antoinette By Schiller

Man and lady in Schellentracht

Man and lady in Schellentracht

Charlotte Luise Antoinette von Schiller

Charlotte Luise Antoinette von Schiller