
60 résultats pour : le monde

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europa, italie, turin, colonie permanente 3 janvier, tout le monde sous la douche, 1930

europa, italie, turin, colonie permanente 3 janvie...

la transformation du pays créée par la formation de grandes et moyennes concentrations industrielles coexiste avec des aspects d'extrême retard, surtout dans le monde de l'agriculture. un groupe de mo...

la transformation du pays créée par la formation d...

la reprise de la construction navale a eu lieu en 1927 grâce à l'intervention de l'état, obéissant avant tout aux critères d'une politique de prestige qui insérait le drapeau italien dans le trafic ma...

la reprise de la construction navale a eu lieu en ...

dès 1906, alors que le trafic automobile se développait malgré un réseau routier totalement inadapté, le comité des industriels italiens a convoqué une réunion de l'industrie automobile et a proposé l...

dès 1906, alors que le trafic automobile se dévelo...

tour éolienne de nogent-le-roi, la plus haute du monde, 1958

tour éolienne de nogent-le-roi, la plus haute du m...



Comfort of a Bed of Roses, ca. 1806, James Gillray engraver

Comfort of a Bed of Roses, ca. 1806, James Gillray...

World map on the plane of the equator. Northern Hemisphere

World map on the plane of the equator. Northern He...

The God of the Wind of Virginia natives

The God of the Wind of Virginia natives

Mexico, Idols of Campeche and Yucatan

Mexico, Idols of Campeche and Yucatan

Cacao Poulain; Inonde le Monde

Cacao Poulain; Inonde le Monde

Le Tour d'un Monde en 80 Minutes

Le Tour d'un Monde en 80 Minutes

Women from the land of fire at cape horn, . the face painted as ornament 1885 publisher : le t du monde 1885, 1er semestre

Women from the land of fire at cape horn, . the fa...

Sugar plant, in mauritius in 1863. le t du monde paris 1863 publisher 1863

Sugar plant, in mauritius in 1863. le t du monde p...

Native woman from new foundland, ( cap breton ) old tribe of the micmacs 1863  publisher : le t du monde, paris 1863 1er semestre

Native woman from new foundland, ( cap breton ) ol...

Lakshmi, hindu godess of the wealth and abundance, wife of vishnu 1885 publisher: le t du monde 1885

Lakshmi, hindu godess of the wealth and abundance,...

Native boy from cap breton, new foundland, the old tribe of the micmacs 1863 publisher : le t du monde, paris 1863 / 1

Native boy from cap breton, new foundland, the old...

Souscrivez au IVéme Emprunt et le drapeau tricolore, á Strasbourg, annonçera au monde le règne de la paix, de la liberté, de la justice; subscribe to the 4th Loan and the [French] tricolor flag, at St...

Souscrivez au IVéme Emprunt et le drapeau tricolor...

History of a Traitor - Dreyfus

History of a Traitor - Dreyfus

Mappe Monde Nouvelle 1744

Mappe Monde Nouvelle 1744

Mappe-Monde Celeste Terrestre et Historique; Stereographic Projection 1786

Mappe-Monde Celeste Terrestre et Historique; Stere...

Statue of Merit, wife of Maya a minister of Tutankhamun and Horemheb

Statue of Merit, wife of Maya a minister of Tutank...

Osaka woodcut portraying an actor of the Kabuki theatre playing an unknown role

Osaka woodcut portraying an actor of the Kabuki th...

Relief from the mastaba of the high official Ti (no

Relief from the mastaba of the high official Ti (n...

Samurai ethics were portrayed in the Kabuki theatre and in prints drawn from Kabuki such as this showing the actor Arashi Rikan II playing the role of Asahina Tobei, carrying off stolen money in the s...

Samurai ethics were portrayed in the Kabuki theatr...

The Valley of the Kings

The Valley of the Kings

Samurai ethics were portrayed in the Kabuki theatre and in prints drawn from Kabuki such as this depicting an actor in the role of Yuruki Saemon

Samurai ethics were portrayed in the Kabuki theatr...

Artemis as the Lady of Ephesus

Artemis as the Lady of Ephesus

A 19th century copy of a 17th century woodblock print depicting two ladies playing a board game

A 19th century copy of a 17th century woodblock pr...

A detail of a painting on stucco in the tomb of Sennedjem showing the tomb owner ploughing and his wife seeding flax or wheat in the mythical fields of Iaru

A detail of a painting on stucco in the tomb of Se...

Statue of Merit, wife of Maya a minister of Tutankhamun and Horemheb

Statue of Merit, wife of Maya a minister of Tutank...

The Valley of the Kings, Western Thebes

The Valley of the Kings, Western Thebes

Painting from the tomb of Nakht depicting the gathering if grapes from an arbour, the treading of the grapes and the storage of the wine in hars

Painting from the tomb of Nakht depicting the gath...

Petroglyph of a small fish near Tongariki

Petroglyph of a small fish near Tongariki

The Valley of the Kings Western Thebes

The Valley of the Kings Western Thebes

A woodblock print depicting a Japanese lady preparing water for tea

A woodblock print depicting a Japanese lady prepar...

A detail of the painting of the 6th section of the Book of Caverns on the wall of the sarcophagus hall of the tomb of Ramses VI

A detail of the painting of the 6th section of the...

Double statue of Maya and his wife Merit waiting for a sacrificial meal and wearing their finest clothing

Double statue of Maya and his wife Merit waiting f...

A wall in the tomb of Tuthmosis III painted with a scene from the Am Duat, The Book of That Which is the Netherworld which contained spells needed to protect the soul of the deceased on the voyage thr...

A wall in the tomb of Tuthmosis III painted with a...

The funerary temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari

The funerary temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir el...

A detail of a woodblock print depicting sumo wrestlers

A detail of a woodblock print depicting sumo wrest...

Double statue of Maya and his wife Merit waiting for a sacrificial meal and wearing their finest clothing

Double statue of Maya and his wife Merit waiting f...

A wall in the tomb of Tuthmosis III painted with a scene from the Am Duat, The Book of That Which is the Netherworld which contained spells needed to protect the soul of the deceased on the voyage thr...

A wall in the tomb of Tuthmosis III painted with a...

The funerary temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir-el-Bahari Western Thebes

The funerary temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir-el...

Model of a walled garden with central pool and columned portico from the tomb of the nobleman Meketre

Model of a walled garden with central pool and col...

Sunk relief from the facade of a shrine showing Akhenaten and Nefertiti offering libations to Aten, the sun god

Sunk relief from the facade of a shrine showing Ak...

Sunk relief from the facade of a shrine showing Akhenaten and Nefertiti offering libations to Aten, the sun god

Sunk relief from the facade of a shrine showing Ak...

Wooden model depicting fishing boats from the tomb of Meketre

Wooden model depicting fishing boats from the tomb...

Sunk relief from the facade of a shrine showing Akhenaten and Nefertiti offering libations to Aten, the sun god

Sunk relief from the facade of a shrine showing Ak...

A gold pendant in the form of a stylized head

A gold pendant in the form of a stylized head

Sunk relief from the facade of a shrine showing Akhenaten and Nefertiti offering libations to Aten, the sun god

Sunk relief from the facade of a shrine showing Ak...

Every 52 years an Aztec fire festival called the Tying up of Years was held

Every 52 years an Aztec fire festival called the T...

Relief depicting an enthroned Darius I receiving a Median dignitary

Relief depicting an enthroned Darius I receiving a...

A detail of the painting of the 6th section of the Book of Caverns on the wall of the sarcophagus hall of the tomb of Ramses VI

A detail of the painting of the 6th section of the...

A detail of a painting from the tomb of Nakht depicting three ladies at a feast

A detail of a painting from the tomb of Nakht depi...

Head of a youth Country of Origin: Greece

Head of a youth Country of Origin: Greece

Des passagers d’entrepont à bord du SS Haverford

Des passagers d’entrepont à bord du SS Haverford

Lady Duff-Gordon, survivante du naufrage du Titanic

Lady Duff-Gordon, survivante du naufrage du Titani...

Illustration situant l'épave du RMS Titanic sur une carte de l’océan atlantique. Construit par

Illustration situant l'épave du RMS Titanic sur un...

Article du journal anglais "The Shere", situant l’épave du RMS Titanic, sur une carte de l’océan

Article du journal anglais "The Shere", situant l’...