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Church Of Saint-Jean Baptiste

Church Of Saint-Jean Baptiste

italie, toscane, tirrenia, le train de la nouvelle ligne côtière à la gare, 1930 1940

italie, toscane, tirrenia, le train de la nouvelle...

europe, italie, calabre, bisignano acli, femmes avec mule sur la nouvelle route nationale 19, 1954

europe, italie, calabre, bisignano acli, femmes av...

italie, campanie, naples, la nouvelle route du parc mussolini, 1935

italie, campanie, naples, la nouvelle route du par...

océanie, nouvelle guinée, un indigène armé du district de hagen, 1952

océanie, nouvelle guinée, un indigène armé du dist...

italie, sicile, messine, vue de la nouvelle ville depuis le cimetière, 1910

italie, sicile, messine, vue de la nouvelle ville ...

Océanie, Nouvelle-Guinée, la coquille dans le nez et les bâtons sur la poitrine confèrent de l'autorité au porteur, 1952

Océanie, Nouvelle-Guinée, la coquille dans le nez ...

europe, angleterre, londres, la nouvelle mode des robes très courtes kensington church street, 1970

europe, angleterre, londres, la nouvelle mode des ...

afrique, libye, tripoli, médecins pendant une opération dans la nouvelle salle d'opération, 1930

afrique, libye, tripoli, médecins pendant une opér...

le bureau de signalisation tci, structure fondamentale dans le travail de "signalisation" des localités en fonction de la "nouvelle circulation" automobile, qui a touché et couvert massivement l'ensem...

le bureau de signalisation tci, structure fondamen...

italie, trentino alto adige, dolomites, catinaccio groupe rosengarten, les grandes excursions nationales organisées par touring dans les années 20 dans les régions "rachetées" (venise tridentina et gi...

italie, trentino alto adige, dolomites, catinaccio...

afghans au travail le long de la nouvelle route, 1960

afghans au travail le long de la nouvelle route, 1...

la nouvelle fiat 500, 1958-1959

la nouvelle fiat 500, 1958-1959

intérieur de la nouvelle gare centrale, 1931

intérieur de la nouvelle gare centrale, 1931

guerre, padoue, bureau des dossiers de nouvelles militaires, 1915 1918

guerre, padoue, bureau des dossiers de nouvelles m...

l'intérieur de la nouvelle gare centrale, 1931

l'intérieur de la nouvelle gare centrale, 1931

les grandes excursions nationales organisées par le touring dans les années 20 dans les régions "rachetées" (venise tridentine et julienne), dans celles plus éloignées et moins accessibles (sardaigne,...

les grandes excursions nationales organisées par l...

l'intérieur de la nouvelle gare centrale, 1931

l'intérieur de la nouvelle gare centrale, 1931

intérieur de la nouvelle gare centrale, 1931

intérieur de la nouvelle gare centrale, 1931

guerre, padoue, bureau des dossiers de nouvelles militaires, 1915 1918

guerre, padoue, bureau des dossiers de nouvelles m...

la nouvelle gare centrale, 1931

la nouvelle gare centrale, 1931

Le Canada,ou Nouvelle France.

Le Canada,ou Nouvelle France.

Representation du feu terrible a Nouvelle Yorck ca. 1778

Representation du feu terrible a Nouvelle Yorck ca...

Exposition Speciale de Soixante Nouvelles Affiches Inedites de Louis Rhead 1897

Exposition Speciale de Soixante Nouvelles Affiches...

Mexico, New Spain - 1656 1656

Mexico, New Spain - 1656 1656

Historical Atlas Title Page 1719

Historical Atlas Title Page 1719

Mappe Monde Nouvelle 1744

Mappe Monde Nouvelle 1744

Theatre of War - 1779 1779

Theatre of War - 1779 1779

Guinee & Balck Africa 1743

Guinee & Balck Africa 1743

New France - 1673 1673

New France - 1673 1673

Central America & The Antilles - 1845 1845

Central America & The Antilles - 1845 1845

Great Lakes Region During French Settlement Period - 1755 1755

Great Lakes Region During French Settlement Period...

New California - 1720 1720

New California - 1720 1720

Canada to Louisiana, Eastern USA - 1756 1756

Canada to Louisiana, Eastern USA - 1756 1756

Mexico & California - 1742 1742

Mexico & California - 1742 1742

French Map of New York, Islands and Harbor 1764

French Map of New York, Islands and Harbor 1764

View of the famous levee of New Orleans 1860. Created by Frank Leslie

View of the famous levee of New Orleans 1860. Crea...

Hawkesbury River, Australia. View of the Hawkesbury River. New South Wales, Australia, circa 1885.,

Hawkesbury River, Australia. View of the Hawkesbur...

View of the Great Pylon entrance to the Luxor temple and the remains of the Abu el Haggag mosque

View of the Great Pylon entrance to the Luxor temp...

Akhenaton kisses his daughter as she sits on his lap

Akhenaton kisses his daughter as she sits on his l...

Statue of Merit, wife of Maya a minister of Tutankhamun and Horemheb

Statue of Merit, wife of Maya a minister of Tutank...

Detail of one of the four pillars from the tomb of Ptahmose depicting an adorant

Detail of one of the four pillars from the tomb of...

The columns of the Hypostyle Hall at the great temple of Amun, Karnak

The columns of the Hypostyle Hall at the great tem...

Kaingaroa caves

Kaingaroa caves

A Maori man wearing traditional dress and a hei-tiki pendant

A Maori man wearing traditional dress and a hei-ti...

The First Courtyard with statues of Ramesses II, situated in front of the triple barque shrine dedicated to the gods Amun, Mut and Khons

The First Courtyard with statues of Ramesses II, s...

Eucalyptuses after a bushfire, Australia. The skeletal remains of a cluster of eucalyptus or gum

Eucalyptuses after a bushfire, Australia. The skel...

Aerial view of Auckland Harbour Bridge. Auckland Harbour Bridge stretches across Waitemata Harbour

Aerial view of Auckland Harbour Bridge. Auckland H...

Mitre Peak at Milford Sound. View of Mitre Peak (left) at Milford Sound. Southland, New Zealand,

Mitre Peak at Milford Sound. View of Mitre Peak (l...

Fragment of an Amarna head

Fragment of an Amarna head

Shabti from the tomb of Tutankhamun

Shabti from the tomb of Tutankhamun

One of the many shabti from the tomb of Tutankhamun

One of the many shabti from the tomb of Tutankhamu...

The unfinished head of Queen Nefertiti, wife of Akhenaton

The unfinished head of Queen Nefertiti, wife of Ak...

Details from Tutankhamuns shrine in the form of the second sactuary of the South (Per Wer)

Details from Tutankhamuns shrine in the form of th...

Details from Tutankhamuns shrine in the form of the sactuary of the feast of Sed

Details from Tutankhamuns shrine in the form of th...

A detail of a wall painting in the tomb of Panekhmen depicting metal workers weighing gold on scales

A detail of a wall painting in the tomb of Panekhm...

Bust from a colossal statue of Akhenaten, one of a series depicting the king in various guises erected at the new solar temple of Aten constructed by the king at Karnak early in his reign

Bust from a colossal statue of Akhenaten, one of a...

Statuette identified as either a priest of Hathor or of Mut, wife of the God Amun, found in the court of the temple of Amun at Karnak

Statuette identified as either a priest of Hathor ...

A detail of the second largest shrine of Tutankhamun

A detail of the second largest shrine of Tutankham...

A detail of wall painting in the tomb of Menna showing the judgement of Osiris who appears in his green form as god of fertility

A detail of wall painting in the tomb of Menna sho...

Fragment of a wall painting showing two kneeling women with lotus flowers

Fragment of a wall painting showing two kneeling w...

A detail from the chariot of Tutankhamun

A detail from the chariot of Tutankhamun

The gold coffin from the tomb of Tutankhamun

The gold coffin from the tomb of Tutankhamun

Detail of the exterior of a coffin, decorated with scenes from the Osirian and solar mythology

Detail of the exterior of a coffin, decorated with...

An ivory panel from a box with a depiction of an Amarna princess picking lotus flowers and grapes

An ivory panel from a box with a depiction of an A...

A fragment of a relief

A fragment of a relief

A bust of Amenhotep IV ( Akhenaton ) wearing the blue crown or khepresh Country of Origin: Egypt

A bust of Amenhotep IV ( Akhenaton ) wearing the b...

A fragment of a relief depicting animal and food offerings

A fragment of a relief depicting animal and food o...

Detail of relief from the tomb of Meryre

Detail of relief from the tomb of Meryre

A detail of a painting of a funeral ceremony from the tomb of Nebamun and Ipuki, sculptors to Akhenaten and Tutankhamun

A detail of a painting of a funeral ceremony from ...

A detail of a painting in a private tomb depicting a woman wearing a wig and a headband

A detail of a painting in a private tomb depicting...

One of the colossal statues of the god Thoth, in his baboon aspect, at Hermopolis Magna

One of the colossal statues of the god Thoth, in h...

The lid of the coffin of Queen Ahhotep

The lid of the coffin of Queen Ahhotep

Head of Tutankhamun emerging from a lotus flower, one of the best portraits of the young Pharaoh

Head of Tutankhamun emerging from a lotus flower, ...

The goddess Isis offering protection

The goddess Isis offering protection

Detail of the second largest shrine of Tutankhamun

Detail of the second largest shrine of Tutankhamun

Incised block (talatat) from an Amarna temple

Incised block (talatat) from an Amarna temple

Incised block (talatat) from an Amarna temple

Incised block (talatat) from an Amarna temple

Incised block (talatat)

Incised block (talatat)

A painting on stucco in the tomb of Sennedjem

A painting on stucco in the tomb of Sennedjem

Portrait of a Maori guide. Portrait of a Maori guide outside an elaborately carved building.

Portrait of a Maori guide. Portrait of a Maori gui...

Head of Wentworth Falls. The head of Wentworth Falls (foreground) in the Blue Mountains. New South

Head of Wentworth Falls. The head of Wentworth Fal...

Relief of a young person with his hair arranged in the side lock of youth

Relief of a young person with his hair arranged in...

Five carved wooden end panels from a storehouse

Five carved wooden end panels from a storehouse

Facsimile of a drawing by Felipe Guaman Poma from his El Primer Nueva Coronica y Buen Gobierno

Facsimile of a drawing by Felipe Guaman Poma from ...

View of the Court of Rameses II with its "papyrus-reed bundle" style columns

View of the Court of Rameses II with its "papyrus-...

Vaulting of the nave looking towards the west

Vaulting of the nave looking towards the west

Statues of Amenophis III later reused by Ramesses II

Statues of Amenophis III later reused by Ramesses ...

Columns, great temple of Amun, Karnak

Columns, great temple of Amun, Karnak

Kaingaroa caves

Kaingaroa caves

Base of a statue of Ramesses II in front of the temple at Luxor

Base of a statue of Ramesses II in front of the te...

View over Port Jackson and Sydney. View over Port Jackson and the city of Sydney, taken from Sydney

View over Port Jackson and Sydney. View over Port ...

Auckland Harbour Bridge, 1966. Auckland Harbour Bridge stretches across Waitemata Harbour towards

Auckland Harbour Bridge, 1966. Auckland Harbour Br...

A tourist launch at Milford Sound. A launch carrying tourists cruises past a waterfall at Milford

A tourist launch at Milford Sound. A launch carryi...

A vignette from the Book of the Dead of Neferrenpet

A vignette from the Book of the Dead of Neferrenpe...

Fragment of an Amarna head

Fragment of an Amarna head

Shabti from the tomb of Tutankhamun

Shabti from the tomb of Tutankhamun

One of the many shabti from the tomb of Tutankhamun

One of the many shabti from the tomb of Tutankhamu...

Details from Tutankhamuns shrine in the form of the second sactuary of the South (Per Wer)

Details from Tutankhamuns shrine in the form of th...

Details from Tutankhamuns shrine in the form of the sactuary of the feast of Sed

Details from Tutankhamuns shrine in the form of th...

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