
21 résultats pour : nubie

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Three Arabias - 1654 1654

Three Arabias - 1654 1654

West Africa - 1679 1679

West Africa - 1679 1679

The pyramids of the Meroitic kings and queens in the north cemetery, Meroe

The pyramids of the Meroitic kings and queens in t...

Relief from the White Chapel of Sesostris I, with head of a Nubian

Relief from the White Chapel of Sesostris I, with ...

The pyramids of the Meroitic kings and queens in the north cemetery, Meroe, on a ridge overlooking the ruins of the city

The pyramids of the Meroitic kings and queens in t...

A small 'chapel' building at the Meroitic royal temple complex of Naga

A small 'chapel' building at the Meroitic royal te...

Statue of King Taharqa

Statue of King Taharqa

The Lion temple at Naga

The Lion temple at Naga

The 'kiosk' or entryway at Naga, part of a Meroitic temple complex, blends local and Graeco-Roman architectural and iconographic features

The 'kiosk' or entryway at Naga, part of a Meroiti...

Facsimile of an inscribed votive tablet of red slate from the Lion Temple at Naga

Facsimile of an inscribed votive tablet of red sla...

The "kiosk" or entryway at Naga, part of a Meroitic temple complex, blends local and Graeco-Roman architectural and iconographic features

The "kiosk" or entryway at Naga, part of a Meroiti...

Camels sit in the shade of a tree before the ancient Meroitic temple complex at Naga

Camels sit in the shade of a tree before the ancie...

A frieze of elephants on a building at the Meroitic temple of Musawarat-as-Safra

A frieze of elephants on a building at the Meroiti...

The Lion temple at Naga

The Lion temple at Naga

The great enclosure at the Meroitic temple complex of Musawarat-as-Safra

The great enclosure at the Meroitic temple complex...

Tomb painting

Tomb painting

Ivory inlay from Nimrud

Ivory inlay from Nimrud

The 'kiosk' or entryway at Naga, part of a Meroitic temple complex, blends local and Graeco-Roman architectural and iconographic features

The 'kiosk' or entryway at Naga, part of a Meroiti...

The pyramids of the Meroitic kings and queens in the north cemetery Meroe built on a ridge overlooking the ruined city

The pyramids of the Meroitic kings and queens in t...

Fragment of a wall painting from the tomb chapel of Sobekhotep, showing Nubians presenting exotic gifts to Tuthmose IV

Fragment of a wall painting from the tomb chapel o...

The pyramids of the Meroitic kings and queens in the north cemetery, Meroe, photographed in the 1920's

The pyramids of the Meroitic kings and queens in t...