
160 résultats pour : premiers

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The caption for this engraving is: Louis XIII at the armoury. The work was titled: Royal armory...

The caption for this engraving is: Louis XIII at t...

Thai Premier Songgram with the Federal Councillors Feldmann and Petitpierre, 1955.

Thai Premier Songgram with the Federal Councillors...

Thailand's Premier Songgram in front of the Swiss parliament building, 1955.

Thailand's Premier Songgram in front of the Swiss ...

Arrival of Thailand's Premier Songgram in Kloten, 1955.

Arrival of Thailand's Premier Songgram in Kloten, ...

Kruschev Examines U-2 Wreckage

Kruschev Examines U-2 Wreckage

Sir Sikander Hyat Khan

Sir Sikander Hyat Khan

Marquis Deeguilles as President A Mortier of AIX.

Marquis Deeguilles as President A Mortier of AIX.

Stanley Baldwin.

Stanley Baldwin.



Celebrities To See New Cars

Celebrities To See New Cars

service de l'éruption du vésuve du 4 avril 1906, vésuve, premiers signes d'éruption, vue de naples, 1906

service de l'éruption du vésuve du 4 avril 1906, v...

le premier atelier de cartes itinérantes mis en place pour préparer les cartes du guide de l'italie, 1915-1940

le premier atelier de cartes itinérantes mis en pl...

rapport sur l'éruption du vésuve du 4 avril 1906, vésuve, premiers signes d'éruption, 1906

rapport sur l'éruption du vésuve du 4 avril 1906, ...

campini-caproni premier avion à réaction, 1954

campini-caproni premier avion à réaction, 1954

Puits de pétrole et berger avec son troupeau au premier plan, 1955

Puits de pétrole et berger avec son troupeau au pr...

le camion de céréales lors de son voyage de propagande à travers l'italie, à l'un de ses premiers arrêts, à ariccia. 1915-40

le camion de céréales lors de son voyage de propag...

dès 1906, alors que le trafic automobile se développait malgré un réseau routier totalement inadapté, le comité des industriels italiens a convoqué une réunion de l'industrie automobile et a proposé l...

dès 1906, alors que le trafic automobile se dévelo...

mine de kainite de san cataldo et agriculteur au premier plan, 1962

mine de kainite de san cataldo et agriculteur au p...

italie, milan, corso venezia, milan-monza tramway à traction hippomobile, 1885 l'un des premiers moyens de transport permettant de sortir de la ville

italie, milan, corso venezia, milan-monza tramway ...

l'un des fameux littorine, comme on appelait les premiers wagons, construits à turin par fiat, qui en quelques décennies était devenu la première industrie du pays 1915-40

l'un des fameux littorine, comme on appelait les p...

l'hélicoptère ascanio, le premier en italie, en 19 31

l'hélicoptère ascanio, le premier en italie, en 19...

milan, policiers de la circulation lors d'un cours de premiers secours, 1964

milan, policiers de la circulation lors d'un cours...

Monseigneur odoric tchen, premier préfet apostolique indigène en chine, 1924

Monseigneur odoric tchen, premier préfet apostoliq...

italie, aéroport de malpensa, alitalia, tourisme scolaire, premier vol, 1960

italie, aéroport de malpensa, alitalia, tourisme s...

premier câble entre l'amérique et l'angleterre ligne côtière à oban en écosse, 1956

premier câble entre l'amérique et l'angleterre lig...

le premier ministre soviétique nikita kruscev visite l'exposition fiat, 1962

le premier ministre soviétique nikita kruscev visi...

autostrade del sole, premier tronçon inachevé, 1958

autostrade del sole, premier tronçon inachevé, 195...

le premier biplan caproni entièrement italien aussi dans le moteur anzani, malpensa, 27.5.1910

le premier biplan caproni entièrement italien auss...

Le pape Pie XI bénissant le premier central téléphonique, 1930

Le pape Pie XI bénissant le premier central téléph...

l'un des premiers et des plus célèbres grands hôtels d'europe, le palais s. domenico de taormine, transformé d'un couvent du XVIe siècle dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle.

l'un des premiers et des plus célèbres grands hôte...

italie, ligurie, un groupe de cyclistes de sanremo près de l'un des premiers panneaux tci, 1905

italie, ligurie, un groupe de cyclistes de sanremo...

voiture fiat modèle 8HP,, premier modèle à moteur avant. Cette voiture a effectué la première tournée en Italie, en mai 1901.

voiture fiat modèle 8HP,, premier modèle à moteur ...

carte postale du premier grand hôtel du lac de como, la grande bretagne à bellagio, fin du 19e siècle

carte postale du premier grand hôtel du lac de com...

plate-forme de forage agip à imola et agriculteur au premier plan, 1954

plate-forme de forage agip à imola et agriculteur ...

automobile de dion et bouton, paris, premier exemple de voiture utilitaire, 1899-900

automobile de dion et bouton, paris, premier exemp...

Deng Xiaoping & Jimmy Carter

Deng Xiaoping & Jimmy Carter



Premier Empire

Premier Empire

1959, China

1959, China

Nikita Khrushchev and  Andrei Gromyko

Nikita Khrushchev and Andrei Gromyko

Premier league ice hockey team GKS „Górnik” from Katowice, Poland ca. 1973

Premier league ice hockey team GKS „Górnik” from K...

Reportage: Dr. Jim Yong Kim, U.S. Nominee for the World Bank Presidency on "global listening tour" - meeting with Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan 3/31/2012

Reportage: Dr. Jim Yong Kim, U.S. Nominee for the ...

Francois d'aligre premier president

Francois d'aligre premier president

Chou En Lai

Chou En Lai

Japanese Premier Tojo aarriving at the Manila Airport

Japanese Premier Tojo aarriving at the Manila Airp...

Ceremony honoring Russians killed in WWII

Ceremony honoring Russians killed in WWII

President Ford and Staff

President Ford and Staff

Marlia Poster 1944 - Don't be a dummy. . avoid malaria!. . keep covered! use repellent!.

Marlia Poster 1944 - Don't be a dummy. . avoid mal...

Chao Ping Chun

Chao Ping Chun

Eldora, premier equilibrist and juggler of the world

Eldora, premier equilibrist and juggler of the wor...

Madame Zhuo Lin

Madame Zhuo Lin

Madame Zhuo Lin and Rosalynn Carter

Madame Zhuo Lin and Rosalynn Carter

Tanks of the 11th Armored Division, 1945

Tanks of the 11th Armored Division, 1945

President Nixon shaking hands with Chou EnLai

President Nixon shaking hands with Chou EnLai

Nixon and Premier CHou En-lai

Nixon and Premier CHou En-lai

Madame Zhuo Lin

Madame Zhuo Lin

President Nixon using chopsticks

President Nixon using chopsticks

Deng Xiaoping and Jimmy Carter

Deng Xiaoping and Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter and Muriel Humpphrey

Jimmy Carter and Muriel Humpphrey

President Richard Nixon and Premier Chou En-Lai

President Richard Nixon and Premier Chou En-Lai

Deng Xiaoping Jimmy Carter Madame Zhuo Lin and Rosalynn Carter

Deng Xiaoping Jimmy Carter Madame Zhuo Lin and Ros...

Tojo, Hideki

Tojo, Hideki

1980 - Vice Premier Geng Biao, People's Republic of China, looks at the scope of the sonar screen aboard the guided missile cruiser USS FOX (CG-33)..

1980 - Vice Premier Geng Biao, People's Republic o...

Farewell honors are given to Vice Premier Geng Biao of China and his delegation.  Vice President Walter Mondale's official aircraft is in the background..

Farewell honors are given to Vice Premier Geng Bia...

Vice Premier Geng Biao of China and his wife wave goodbye as they prepare to leave California aboard Vice President Walter Mondale's official aircraft..

Vice Premier Geng Biao of China and his wife wave ...

Churchill, FDR, Stalin, Chiang WWII Poster

Churchill, FDR, Stalin, Chiang WWII Poster

Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev (left) gives Cuban Premier Fidel Castro an affectionate pat on the back as the latter arrives for dinner at the Soviet legation. Both were in New York City for the 15t...

Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev (left) gives Cuba...

Soviet Premier Nikita Krushchev (center) shakes his fist, as he launches into a bitter tirade at his farewell press conference 5-18-60, after he had attended the Summit conference. At his right is Soc...

Soviet Premier Nikita Krushchev (center) shakes hi...

Cuban Premier Fidel Castro (left), Ernesto 'Che' Guevara, Cuban National Bank President (center), and Soviet First Deputy, Premier, Anastas Mikoyan (right) are shown together in the garden of the hous...

Cuban Premier Fidel Castro (left), Ernesto 'Che' G...

Gomulka & Cyranciewicz

Gomulka & Cyranciewicz

Praise for Yuri Gagarin

Praise for Yuri Gagarin

Sir Charles Tupper, 1st Baronet,,

Sir Charles Tupper, 1st Baronet,,

Sir Charles Tupper

Sir Charles Tupper

The Graphic Newspaper/Magazine June 1st 1897

The Graphic Newspaper/Magazine June 1st 1897

A treaty on peace and principles of mutual relations between the russian federation and the chechen republic of ichkeria has been signed today, on may 12, 1997 by president boris yeltsin and chechen l...

A treaty on peace and principles of mutual relatio...

A treaty on peace and principles of mutual relations between the russian federation and the chechen republic of ichkeria has been signed today, on may 12, 1997 by president boris yeltsin and chechen l...

A treaty on peace and principles of mutual relatio...

Chinese premier zhou enlai giving a press conference in cairo, egypt before going on to algeria, morocco and albania, december 1963, he said his trip did not include the soviet union.

Chinese premier zhou enlai giving a press conferen...

Mikhail gorbachev and george bush waving to crowds during the soviet premier's visit to the united staes in 1987.

Mikhail gorbachev and george bush waving to crowds...

Chinese premier zhou enlai at the peking (beijing) airport on february 9, 1971.

Chinese premier zhou enlai at the peking (beijing)...

moscow,russia, november 5 2002: eu-russia energy dialogue technology centre opens in moscow, russian vice-premier viktor khristenko (r) greets european commission's director general for transport and ...

moscow,russia, november 5 2002: eu-russia energy d...

Communist leaders from two continents at the bolshoi theater in moscow at a meeting in honor of josef stalin's 70th birthday on december 21, 1949, (left to right: politburo member l,m, kaganovich; cha...

Communist leaders from two continents at the bolsh...

During the premier of dmitry shostakovich's symphony #13 which was performed to the words of yevgeny yevtushenko by the moscow philharmonic orchestra conducted by konstantin kondrashin, december 1962.

During the premier of dmitry shostakovich's sympho...

Chairman of the ussr council of ministers a,n, kosygin meeting with the premier of the people's republic of china state council zhou enlai in peking (beijing), china on september 11, 1969, the meeting...

Chairman of the ussr council of ministers a,n, kos...

Moscow, russia, russian president boris yeltsin (r) shaking hands with premier vladimir putin, october 1999, boris yeltisn declared on friday, dec,31, that he resigned from the post of the president a...

Moscow, russia, russian president boris yeltsin (r...

Aleksandr nikolayevich shelepin, cpsu central committee secretary, october 1961, head of the kgb from 1958-1961, he was one of four officials promoted to the rank of deputy premier by khrushchev in 19...

Aleksandr nikolayevich shelepin, cpsu central comm...

Moscow, russia, november 23, 2006, rusal chairman oleg deripaska attends a meeting between russia's first deputy premier (unseen) and members of the fund for support of russian olympians.

Moscow, russia, november 23, 2006, rusal chairman ...

Presidents boris yeltsin of russia /in centre/ and geidar aliyev of azerbaijan /left/ paying an official visit to russia, and first vice-premier of the russian government boris nemtsov are pictured sm...

Presidents boris yeltsin of russia /in centre/ and...

Moscow, russia, august 16, 1999, russia's acting premier vladimir putin shown prior to his address to the mps, on monday, russia's state duma lower house of parliament approved vladimir putin for the ...

Moscow, russia, august 16, 1999, russia's acting p...

Chinese premier zhou enlai with enver hoxha at the airport uppon his arrival in albania, 1963.

Chinese premier zhou enlai with enver hoxha at the...

Russian premier victor chernomyrdin and president geidar aliyev of azerbaijan shake hands and smile during the meeting in the house of government jan,18, as a result of the intergovernmental talks an ...

Russian premier victor chernomyrdin and president ...

Tv host, athlete vladimir turchinsky, a,k,a, dynamite, (l) and actor sergei rost at moscow's oktyabr cinema where quentin tarantino's highway thriller death proof received its russian premiere, june 5...

Tv host, athlete vladimir turchinsky, a,k,a, dynam...

Soviet premier, nikita khrushchev speaking to soviet and foreign journalists at a press conference on july 12, 1960, he made a statement about the downing of the u2 spy plane piloted by francis gar po...

Soviet premier, nikita khrushchev speaking to sovi...

The premier performance of the play 'under the skin of the statue of liberty' by yevgeny yevtushenko staged at the moscow drama and comedy theater in taganka square, artists greeting the writer (left)...

The premier performance of the play 'under the ski...

Soviet premier nikita khrushchev, gdr state council chairman walter ulbricht, and the minister council chairman of poland jozef cyrankiewicz being welcomed with flowers in the town hall of frankfurt p...

Soviet premier nikita khrushchev, gdr state counci...

Chinese vice-premier deng xiaoping and us president jimmy carter during the signing of the us/china scientific and technological cooperation agreement and a cultural agreement at the white house on ja...

Chinese vice-premier deng xiaoping and us presiden...

Chinese premier zhou enlai in moscow in 1964.

Chinese premier zhou enlai in moscow in 1964.

Aleksandr nikolayevich shelepin, cpsu central committee secretary, head of the kgb from 1958-1961, he was one of four officials promoted to the rank of deputy premier by khrushchev in 1962.

Aleksandr nikolayevich shelepin, cpsu central comm...

Soviet premier, nikita khrushchev, showing photographs of objects found in the u2 spy plane that was shot down over soviet territory on may 1st, 1960, joint session of council of the union and council...

Soviet premier, nikita khrushchev, showing photogr...

Personalities following the coffin of stalin as it is borne on a gun caisson through red square, moscow, march 9, 1953, right to left: premier zhou en-lai, premier g, m, malenkov, marshal k, voroshilo...

Personalities following the coffin of stalin as it...

The coffin of stalin is being carried out of the house of trade unions, moscow, march 9, 1953, right to left: l, p, beria (far right), premier g, m, malenkov, general vassily stalin, v, m, molotov, ma...

The coffin of stalin is being carried out of the h...

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