
138 résultats pour : usine

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europe, italie, toscane, florence, femmes au travail dans le département de couture d'une usine de soie, 1930

europe, italie, toscane, florence, femmes au trava...

europe, italie, sicile, acireale, vue de l'usine d'eau minérale près de pizzillo, 1930

europe, italie, sicile, acireale, vue de l'usine d...

europe, italie, umbria, deruta, usine de deruta, un ouvrier au tour électrique, années 1930

europe, italie, umbria, deruta, usine de deruta, u...

europe, italie, piedmont, elva, usine de perruques, cheveux de troupeau, 1969

europe, italie, piedmont, elva, usine de perruques...

italie, basilicate, stigliano, aqueduc des Pouilles, usine de levage, 1920 1930

italie, basilicate, stigliano, aqueduc des Pouille...

europe, italie, umbria, deruta, usine de deruta, le département des tours à pédale, années 30

europe, italie, umbria, deruta, usine de deruta, l...

italie, toscane, montecatini terme, intérieur de l'usine regina, 1920 1930

italie, toscane, montecatini terme, intérieur de l...

europe, italie, umbria, deruta, usine de deruta, bassin de décantation en faïence, 1930

europe, italie, umbria, deruta, usine de deruta, b...

usine de ceramique, ceramique a san giovanni alla vena, vicopisano, toscane, italie 1958

usine de ceramique, ceramique a san giovanni alla ...

moyen-orient, israel, ashdod, usine de traitement des agrumes, 1963

moyen-orient, israel, ashdod, usine de traitement ...

europe, italie, toscane, florence, femmes au travail dans le département de tissage de l'usine de soie, 1930

europe, italie, toscane, florence, femmes au trava...

europe, italie, umbria, deruta, usine de deruta, un bistugio ou entrepôt de biscuits, 1930

europe, italie, umbria, deruta, usine de deruta, u...

europe, italie, umbria, deruta, usine de deruta, le directeur de l'usine alpinolo magnini et le plus ancien ouvrier, 1930

europe, italie, umbria, deruta, usine de deruta, l...

italie, toscane, montecatini terme, intérieur de l'usine il tettuccio, 1935

italie, toscane, montecatini terme, intérieur de l...

italie, toscane, montecatini terme, kiosque de l'orchestre de l'usine tettuccio, 1920 1930

italie, toscane, montecatini terme, kiosque de l'o...

europe, italie, umbria, deruta, usine de deruta, le département des tours électriques, années 30

europe, italie, umbria, deruta, usine de deruta, l...

europe, italie, ombrie, deruta, usine de deruta, zipirovich avec certaines de ses majoliques, 1930

europe, italie, ombrie, deruta, usine de deruta, z...

europe, italie, ombrie, deruta, usine de deruta, département de décoration du professeur zipirovich, années 30

europe, italie, ombrie, deruta, usine de deruta, d...

japon, gifu ; intérieur d'une usine de rayonne, 1960 1970

japon, gifu ; intérieur d'une usine de rayonne, 19...

usine de soie, florence 1930

usine de soie, florence 1930

italie, toscane, chianciano, intérieur de l'usine acqua santa, 1955

italie, toscane, chianciano, intérieur de l'usine ...

une phase de traitement de la laine à l'usine rossi de vicenza, 1923

une phase de traitement de la laine à l'usine ross...

piles de peupliers pour les usines de papier, 1956

piles de peupliers pour les usines de papier, 1956

usine de textile à pul-i-khumri, 1960

usine de textile à pul-i-khumri, 1960

industrie de guerre, usine de torpilles, 1939

industrie de guerre, usine de torpilles, 1939

le conditionnement du tabac dans une usine de lecce. 1920

le conditionnement du tabac dans une usine de lecc...

usine de chapeaux de paille au montappone, 1955

usine de chapeaux de paille au montappone, 1955

milan, usine innocenti, département peinture et chromage, 1955

milan, usine innocenti, département peinture et ch...

milan, intérieur d'usine alfa romeo, 1956

milan, intérieur d'usine alfa romeo, 1956

ouvriers quittant une usine, 1958

ouvriers quittant une usine, 1958

usine métallurgique à stalingrad, 1920 1930

usine métallurgique à stalingrad, 1920 1930

vue aérienne de l'usine o.m., 1963

vue aérienne de l'usine o.m., 1963

milan, usine innocenti, tours moyens, 1955

milan, usine innocenti, tours moyens, 1955

baleine capturée sur le pont d'une usine flottante, 1957

baleine capturée sur le pont d'une usine flottante...

des enfants visitent l'usine de panettone motta, 1966

des enfants visitent l'usine de panettone motta, 1...

usine de chaussures à victoria, 1956

usine de chaussures à victoria, 1956

usine de reliure, 1952

usine de reliure, 1952

usine olivetti à ivrea, 1960

usine olivetti à ivrea, 1960

ouvriers quittant l'usine de breda, 1963

ouvriers quittant l'usine de breda, 1963

tableau synoptique des champs et usines d'essais de pneus pirelli, 1969

tableau synoptique des champs et usines d'essais d...

fiat 500 à la sortie de l'usine, 1957

fiat 500 à la sortie de l'usine, 1957

industrie de la guerre, usine d'armes pietro beretta, 1919

industrie de la guerre, usine d'armes pietro beret...

usine d'assemblage d'accordéons à castelfidardo, 1965

usine d'assemblage d'accordéons à castelfidardo, 1...

usine de chaussures de ski et d'alpinisme, 1956

usine de chaussures de ski et d'alpinisme, 1956

vue d'ensemble d'une usine de soufre dans la zone d'agrigento 1915-40

vue d'ensemble d'une usine de soufre dans la zone ...

industrie de la guerre, usine d'armes pietro beretta, 1919

industrie de la guerre, usine d'armes pietro beret...

sri lanka, une usine de thé dans une plantation de thé, 1920 1930

sri lanka, une usine de thé dans une plantation de...

BonBons Klaus

BonBons Klaus

Weuman in Farman machine 1910

Weuman in Farman machine 1910

The shoemaker's strike at Lynn, Mass. 1860. Artist unidentified

The shoemaker's strike at Lynn, Mass. 1860. Artist...

Sparks fly at a railway workshop. A publicity photograph from the East African Railways and

Sparks fly at a railway workshop. A publicity phot...

Tour of an industrial factory. A group of smartly dressed European men and women take a tour of an

Tour of an industrial factory. A group of smartly ...

Convicts on drilling duty, South Africa. African convicts on drilling duty at the Premier Diamond

Convicts on drilling duty, South Africa. African c...

Extracting asphalt from the Pitch Lake. Labourers load lumps of asphalt extracted from Trinidad's

Extracting asphalt from the Pitch Lake. Labourers ...

Craftsman operating a lathe, Ghana. A craftsman operates a wood-turning lathe to shape a section of

Craftsman operating a lathe, Ghana. A craftsman op...

Sugar cane outside a sugar factory. Large bundles of sugar cane arrive in carts outside a sugar

Sugar cane outside a sugar factory. Large bundles ...

Aerial view of Kalinzu sawmill. Aerial view of a sawmill in Kalinzu Forest. A related caption

Aerial view of Kalinzu sawmill. Aerial view of a s...

Starching threads. Machines starch threads at a factory producing goods for Sisal Products Ltd.

Starching threads. Machines starch threads at a fa...

Railway engineering students, Nairobi. A publicity photograph from the East African Railways and

Railway engineering students, Nairobi. A publicity...

Limestone freight train. A publicity photograph from the East African Railways and Harbours

Limestone freight train. A publicity photograph fr...

Sewing sacks in a sugar mill. African workers sew rows of sugar sacks closed at the Miwani Sugar

Sewing sacks in a sugar mill. African workers sew ...

Female workers at the De Beers diamond mine. Six African women, employed as workers for the De

Female workers at the De Beers diamond mine. Six A...

Craftsman operating a lathe, Ghana. A craftsman operates a wood-turning lathe to shape a section of

Craftsman operating a lathe, Ghana. A craftsman op...

Spinning bobbins. A factory worker spins sisal fibre onto bobbins at Sisal Products Ltd. Grown

Spinning bobbins. A factory worker spins sisal fib...

Loading cement onto a train. A publicity photograph from the East African Railways and Harbours

Loading cement onto a train. A publicity photograp...

Testing samples at a sugar mill. An Indian worker tests a sample of sugar from an industrial

Testing samples at a sugar mill. An Indian worker ...

Sacks of cotton outside a factory in India. Sacks of cotton are piled high in a yard outside a

Sacks of cotton outside a factory in India. Sacks ...

Bullock transporting sugar cane. A bullock stands outside a sugar processing factory, harnessed to

Bullock transporting sugar cane. A bullock stands ...

Weaving sisal. Factory workers operate weaving machines at Sisal Products Ltd. Grown commercially

Weaving sisal. Factory workers operate weaving mac...

EA Breweries. Three men stand next to brewing machinery at an EA Breweries factory. The black

EA Breweries. Three men stand next to brewing mach...

Assembling a locomotive. A publicity photograph from the East African Railways and Harbours

Assembling a locomotive. A publicity photograph fr...

Testing juice at a sugar mill. An African worker dips a testing pot into a trough of juice being

Testing juice at a sugar mill. An African worker d...

Craftsman operating a lathe, Ghana. A craftsman operates a wood-turning lathe to decorate the shell

Craftsman operating a lathe, Ghana. A craftsman op...

Labourers dig asphalt at the Pitch Lake. Labourers use pickaxes to extract lumps of asphalt from

Labourers dig asphalt at the Pitch Lake. Labourers...

Sugar factory, Trinidad and Tobago. View of the sugar processing factory and outbuildings on a

Sugar factory, Trinidad and Tobago. View of the su...

Workers in a goggle factory, Calcutta. Indian factory workers inspect and box up hundreds of pairs

Workers in a goggle factory, Calcutta. Indian fact...

Overhead view of the Premier Diamond Mine. Overhead view of the Premier Diamond Mine, showing

Overhead view of the Premier Diamond Mine. Overhea...

Moulding copper, Nkana-Kitwe. A smith oversees the pouring of refined copper from a furnace into

Moulding copper, Nkana-Kitwe. A smith oversees the...

Khyber Railway tunnel. A European supervisor and several Indian armed guards stand at the entrance

Khyber Railway tunnel. A European supervisor and s...

Digging for gold at Coolgardie. Two miners work with pickaxes in an external trench at a Coolgardie

Digging for gold at Coolgardie. Two miners work wi...

Locomotive Department's machine shop, Trinidad. The interior of a machine shop belonging to

Locomotive Department's machine shop, Trinidad. Th...

View of Premier Diamond Mine. Overhead view of the Premier Diamond Mine, showing labourers busy at

View of Premier Diamond Mine. Overhead view of the...

Panning for gold at Kalgoorlie. A miner concentrates as he pans for gold outside a Kalgoorlie shaft

Panning for gold at Kalgoorlie. A miner concentrat...

Sugar processing factory. A sugar processing factory on a sugar plantation. Trinidad and Tobago,

Sugar processing factory. A sugar processing facto...

Extracting asphalt from the Pitch Lake. A labourer uses a pickaxe to extract lumps of asphalt from

Extracting asphalt from the Pitch Lake. A labourer...

Moulding copper, Nkana-Kitwe. A smith oversees the pouring of refined copper from a furnace into

Moulding copper, Nkana-Kitwe. A smith oversees the...

Off-duty diamond mine workers. African workers from the De Beers diamond mine rest outside their

Off-duty diamond mine workers. African workers fro...

Asphalt manufacturing plant. A factory worker pours liquid asphalt taken from the Pitch Lake at La

Asphalt manufacturing plant. A factory worker pour...

Mr Bitware speaks at Mafuga sawmill. Mr J. Bitwari addresses a crowd of Ugandan chiefs, villagers

Mr Bitware speaks at Mafuga sawmill. Mr J. Bitwari...

Wesselton mine at Kimberley. The mine workings at Wesselton pit, part of the De Beers diamond mine

Wesselton mine at Kimberley. The mine workings at ...

De Beers diamond mine in Kimberley. A tall, smoking chimney stands beside a factory building at the

De Beers diamond mine in Kimberley. A tall, smokin...

The Arcadia Sugar Estate. View across a sugar plantation looking towards the factory and mill of

The Arcadia Sugar Estate. View across a sugar plan...

Molten copper at Nkana-Kitwe. Moulds containing molten copper rotate on a conveyor belt at a copper

Molten copper at Nkana-Kitwe. Moulds containing mo...

Outside Red Cloud gold mine. A team of donkeys and horses wait, harnessed to an empty cart, at Red

Outside Red Cloud gold mine. A team of donkeys and...

Locomotive workshop in Nairobi. A publicity photograph illustrating the multiracial nature of the

Locomotive workshop in Nairobi. A publicity photog...

Off-duty diamond mine workers. African workers from the De Beers diamond mine rest outside their

Off-duty diamond mine workers. African workers fro...

Panning for gold at Kakamega. African labourers pan for gold in the dried-up Wacheche River,

Panning for gold at Kakamega. African labourers pa...

Labourers dig asphalt at the Pitch Lake. Labourers use pickaxes to extract lumps of asphalt from

Labourers dig asphalt at the Pitch Lake. Labourers...

Tea factory laid out for a Christian ceremony. The interior of a factory on a tea estate prepared

Tea factory laid out for a Christian ceremony. The...

The Lawleys at Laverton gold fields. Sir Arthur Lawley, Governor of Western Australia, shovels

The Lawleys at Laverton gold fields. Sir Arthur La...

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