
5 résultats pour : 1625nyc12

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Lithograph depicting a view of Fort Amsterdam, a fort on the southern tip of Manhattan that was the administrative headquarters for the Dutch and then English/British rule of New York from 1625 or 162...

Lithograph depicting a view of Fort Amsterdam, a f...

Zevenhonderdjarig jubileum van de stad Amsterdam (1275-1975) en het driehonderdvijftigjarig jubileum van de stad New York (1625-1975), objectnr 1719.

Zevenhonderdjarig jubileum van de stad Amsterdam (...

the official flag of New York City flapping along with the American Stars and Stripes national flag in the background. Official seal of New York City.

the official flag of New York City flapping along ...

The seal of the City of New York on the side of a school in New York on Saturday, April 15, 2017. (© Richard B. Levine)

The seal of the City of New York on the side of a ...

Fondation de la Nouvelle Amsterdam (plus tard New York, en 1673) par les Hollandais

Fondation de la Nouvelle Amsterdam (plus tard New ...