
19 résultats pour : mthorez12

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Jan. 01, 1961 - Referendum: Voting In Paris: French Communist Leader Maurice Thorez And His Wife Jeanette Vermeersch In A Filing Station At Ivry, A Working Suburb Of Paris, This Morning.

Jan. 01, 1961 - Referendum: Voting In Paris: Frenc...

Dec. 23, 1955 - Electoral Campaign of Maurice Thorez: Mr Maurice Thorez, General Secretary of the French Communist party, helped by deputy Georges Cogniot made an address yesterday to the population o...

Dec. 23, 1955 - Electoral Campaign of Maurice Thor...

Artist Pablo Picasso at the he Matarasso Gallery with politician Maurice Thorez

Artist Pablo Picasso at the he Matarasso Gallery w...

Photo portrait of Maurice Thorez (1900 - 1964). Maurice Thorez was a French politician and longtime leader of the French Communist Party from 1930 until his death. He also served as Deputy Prime Minis...

Photo portrait of Maurice Thorez (1900 - 1964). Ma...

Nov. 11, 1958 - General Election for the new assembly were held in France today: Maurice Thorez, the French communist leader, voting at Choisy Le Roi, in Theparis suburbs, this morning.

Nov. 11, 1958 - General Election for the new assem...

Oct. 10, 1959 - Speaker of French Parliament holds reception: M. Chaban Delmas, speaker of the National Assembly, gave a reception on his official residence Last Night. M. Chaban Delmas shakes hands w...

Oct. 10, 1959 - Speaker of French Parliament holds...

Apr. 17, 2012 - Maurice Thorez.

Apr. 17, 2012 - Maurice Thorez.

Jul. 12, 1964 - Mr Maurice Thorez of French communist party

Jul. 12, 1964 - Mr Maurice Thorez of French commun...

Nov. 11, 1959 - Thoee~~~~proves De Gaull's ''Self Determination' Algerian Pol~~~~: Mau~~~~~, The French communist leader, in a statement mad~~~~ congress of the central committee, expressed his app~~~...

Nov. 11, 1959 - Thoee~~~~proves De Gaull's ''Self ...

Apr. 04, 1953 - American Journalist Counterpart of Maurice Thorez ates commotion at Gare du Nord: John Roderick of associat

Apr. 04, 1953 - American Journalist Counterpart of...

Antifascism, thirties, 30s, 1936, france

Antifascism, thirties, 30s, 1936, france

Crise ministérielle en France, mars 1938

Crise ministérielle en France, mars 1938

Discours de Marcel Cachin à la Conférence nationale du Parti communiste, 1936

Discours de Marcel Cachin à la Conférence national...

Maurice Thorez et Léon Blum au Vel'd'Hiv à Paris, 1936

Maurice Thorez et Léon Blum au Vel'd'Hiv à Paris, ...

Rassemblement au Mur des Fédérés à Paris en 1936

Rassemblement au Mur des Fédérés à Paris en 1936

Maurice Thorez, Albert Bayet et Jacques Duclos

Maurice Thorez, Albert Bayet et Jacques Duclos

Pablo Picasso et Maurice Thorez, avril 1953

Pablo Picasso et Maurice Thorez, avril 1953

Affiche de propagande anticommuniste encourageant Maurice Thorez à rester en U.R.S.S.

Affiche de propagande anticommuniste encourageant ...

Manifestation du Front Populaire le 14 juillet 1936 à Paris

Manifestation du Front Populaire le 14 juillet 193...