Parambassis ranga
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Parambassis ranga


Parambassis ranga, 'Indian glass perch, Indian glass perch, Other animals, Fish, Perch-like, Animals, GLASSFISH chanda ranga color, GROUP OF ADULTS


31 mars 2016


Photo12/imageBROKER/G. Lacz

Notre référence


Model release


Property release



Droits gérés

Format disponible

51,8Mo (2,0Mo) / 40,1cm x 32,3cm / 4741 x 3817 (300dpi)

Mots clés

Ambassidae Asia Asiatic glassfishes Bony fish Bony fishes Chanda Chanda nama Elongate glassy perchlet Fish Fishes Gastropod Gastropoda Gastropods Glassfish Golden bullseye India Indian Indian X-ray fish Indian glassy fish Indian glassy perch Many Animals Mollusc Mollusca Molluscs Mollusk No People Osteichthyes Parambassis ranga Parapriacanthus Parapriacanthus ransonneti Perciformes Percomorphaceae Philinidae Pigmy sweeper Pigmy sweepers Pisces Pseudosimnia Ransonnet's bullseye Rosy sweeper Silver glassy sweeper Silver sweeper Slender sweeper Yellow sweeper adult adult animal adult animals alert alertness animal animals animals in the wild aquaristic aquarium aquariums attention attentive attentiveness color colors colour deserted empty fauna fishkeeping glass glasses group groups habitat hobbies hobby look look out looking out looking,looking at looks marine animal marine animals mature matures mid-adult woman mid-adult women natural environment natural environments natural habitat no one nobody perch perches sea slug sea slugs sea snail several several animals sit sitting swarm swarm of fish transparent travel travel photography under water underwater underwater photo underwater photos underwater world underwater worlds uninhabited view watch out watchful water animal water animals water snail water snails wild animal wild animals wildlife wildlife photography Actinopterygii Chelidonura amoena Lovely Headshield Slug Lovely Headshield Slugs Ray-finned fish Ray-finned fishes Schooling fish Swarm behaviour Swarm behaviours Swarming group of animals groups of animals many numerous pods school of fish shoal shoal of fish

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