Shepherd dipping Scottish Blackface sheep in mobile dipper

Shepherd dipping Scottish Blackface sheep in mobile dipper


Shepherd dipping Scottish Blackface sheep in mobile dipper, Whitewell, Clitheroe, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom, Europe


11 sept. 2015


Photo12/imageBROKER/John Eveson

Notre référence


Model release


Property release



Droits gérés

Format disponible

52,6Mo (1,9Mo) / 29,3cm x 45,0cm / 3459 x 5315 (300dpi)

Mots clés

1 person Artiodactyla Aves Baden Bird Birds Black-headed Sheep Black-headed Sheeps Breed of livestock Breeds of livestock British Cinclidae Domestic animal breed Domestic animal breeds Domestic sheep Europe Even-toed ungulate Even-toed ungulates Flock of German Black Head Muttonsheep Human being Lancashire Mammal Mammalia Mammalian Mammals Many Animals North Europe Northern Europe Oscine Ovis orientalis aries Passeri Passeriformes Passerine Passerines People Pet Scottish Blackface Scottish Blackfaces Sheep Songbird Songbirds Ungulata Ungulate Ungulates agrarian agricultural agriculturally agriculture animal animal breed animal breeding animal breedings animal breeds animal husbandries animal husbandry animals bath breed breeds cattle dipper domestic animal domestic sheep breed farm animal farmer farmers farming flock of sheep flocks of sheep gregarious animal gregarious animals group group of animals groups groups of animals have a bath herd herd of animals herd of sheep herds in the water in water livestock livestock breeding livestock breedings livestock farming male males man men mobile on water one person out outdoor outdoors outside pedigree person persons pet productive livestock purebred several several animals sheep breed sheep breeds sheep flock shepherd shepherds single person stock farming take a bath taking a bath thoroughbred water waters while bathing wildlife photography worker workers working man England many numerous Great Britain UK United Kingdom

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