Thunderstorm over the Orange River, also known as the Orange River, on the border between Namibia and South Africa, Oranjemund, Sperrgebiet National Park, also known as Tsau ǁKhaeb National Park, Namibia, Africa

Thunderstorm over the Orange River, also known as the Orange River, on the border between Namibia and South Africa, Oranjemund, Sperrgebiet National Park, also known as Tsau ǁKhaeb National Park, Namibia, Africa


Thunderstorm over the Orange River, also known as the Orange River, on the border between Namibia and South Africa, Oranjemund, Sperrgebiet National Park, also known as Tsau ǁKhaeb National Park, Namibia, Africa


12 juin 2019


Photo12/imageBROKER/Oliver Gerhard

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130,0Mo (2,6Mo) / 69,9cm x 46,6cm / 8256 x 5504 (300dpi)

Mots clés

Diamand coast Diamond Area 1 Famous Place Gariep Karas Karas Region Kumulonimbus N.P. NP Namib Namib Desert Namibia National Park National Parks Naturpark Nimbostratus Nimbostratus cloud No People Orange River RSA Republic of South Africa South Africa South African Storm cloud Storm clouds Thunderstorm atmosphere Tsau ǁKhaeb National Park UNESCO UNESCO World Heritage UNESCO World Heritage Site UNESCO World Heritage Sites UNESCO site UNESCO world natural heritage Unesco world hertiage site arid atmospheric attraction attractions bad weather barrenness blocked body of water border border station borders boundary closed cloud cloud atmosphere cloud atmospheres clouds cloudy cloudy atmosphere cloudy mood cloudy sky countryside dark desert desert landscape desert landscapes desert region deserted deserts dramatic dreary dry dryness empty exclusion zone frontier gloomy landmark landscape landscape photo landscape shot landscapes natural landmark natural landmarks natural preserve natural preserves natural reserve nature nature conservation area nature park nature reserve nature reserves no one nobody overcast overcast sky place of interest protected area rain cloud rain clouds reserve reserves restricted area restricted areas restricted zone river rivers sanctury scenery severe weather sight skies sky sky with cloud stormy atmosphere stormy atmospheres thundercloud thunderhead thunderstorm thunderstorm mood thunderstorms tourist attraction tourist attractions tourist landmark travel photography uninhabited world heritage site world natural heritage ǁKaras ǁKaras region Southern Africa atmosphere barren desolate drought droughts meager meagre mood sparse water waters Africa

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