African elephant, Loxodontra Africana, is crossing an airstrip. The elephant herd is walking together, in distance you see two people running, jogging on the landing strip in the African bush. Lower Zambezi National Park, Zambia, Africa

African elephant, Loxodontra Africana, is crossing an airstrip. The elephant herd is walking together, in distance you see two people running, jogging on the landing strip in the African bush. Lower Zambezi National Park, Zambia, Africa


04 déc. 2023


Photo12/imageBROKER/Anette Mossbacher

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Format disponible

124,2Mo (15,4Mo) / 68,3cm x 45,5cm / 8069 x 5379 (300dpi)

Mots clés

several bunch of multiple deserted no one No People nobody uninhabited empty many numerous plenty building buildings structure construction constructions fitness health jogging jogging jogger joggers sportsman sportsmen athlete athlete athletes sport sports cross crossing crosses airstrip airstrips runway runways airport airports go going goes walk walking walks movement movements motion together with each other two 2 bush bushes bush bushes shrub shrubs vine plant plants see seeing sees distance distances wild animal wild animals animals in the wild Wildlife herd herds herd of animals Flock animal animals nature open air Africa wildlife fauna aviation aviation Aviation industry Proboscidea Trunked nosed mammal Trunked nosed mammals natural preserve natural preserves nature park natural park nature park Naturpark runner runners airport building airport terminal building reserve reserves protected area sanctuary conservation area African airport grounds airport grounds group groups run running runs race racing races National Park National Parks N.P. NP gregarious animal gregarious animals Mammal Mammalia Mammals Mammalian Mammalians person persons Human being People human humans individual individuals nature reserve nature reserves natural preserve natural preserves nature conservation area NSG natural reserve environmental reserve Zambia fit quick speedy fast rapid East Africa Eastern Africa elephant Elephantidae elephants elephant elephants two people 2 people two persons Many Animals several animals group of animals groups of animals airfield airfields wildlife photography wildlife photography far away far off in the distance away run running running over natural environment natural habitat habitat natural environments pachyderm pachyderms herd of elephants African bush elephant African savanna elephant African savanna elephant African elephant Loxodonta africana African elephants African bush elephants Lower Zambezi National Park Photography

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