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Léda au cygne
Rome, Capitoline Museums: Leda with the Swan, a restored Roman copy, perhaps after an original by Timotheus (360 BC).Marble sculpture.This group is a sculptural representation of the erotic theme of Leda and Zeus in the guise of a swan. Leda, nude, is depicted in the act of lifting up her matnle with her left arm in order to protect the swan from the eagle in the act of snatching it. With her right hand, she holds the swan. The figure is leaning on a tree trunk placed to her right. The statue could be a reworking of a group attributed to the Greek Timotheos, in the fourth century BC, and very common in many replicas beginning in the first century BC.
Musei Capitolini, Rome, Lazio, Italy
10 déc. 2002
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
Notre référence
Droits gérés
Format disponible
31,4Mo (1,6Mo) / 22,9cm x 34,4cm / 2704 x 4064 (300dpi)
Mots clés
Musées Capitolins Archéologie Art Greek Art Artiste Cigno Swan Dieu Divinité Epoque romaine Giove Zeus Romains Italie Latium Leda Marbre Mythe Mythologie grecque Mythologie Musei Capitolini Musée Olympe Oeuvre d'art Polyclète Rome Sculpture Statue Style artistique Histoire Mythologie Olympe
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