Buste de l'Empereur romain Caracalla
Rome, Capitolines Museums: bust of the roman emperor Caracalla. (212 - 217 AD), "Lunense" marble and porphyry.Caracalla is remembered as one of the most notorious and unpleasant of emperors because of the massacres and persecutions he authorized and instigated throughout the Empire.Caracalla's reign was also notable for the Constitutio Antoniniana (also called the Edict of Caracalla or the Antonine Constitution), granting Roman citizenship to all freemen throughout the Roman Empire, which according to historian Cassius Dio, was done for the purposes of raising tax revenue. He is also one of the emperors who commissioned a large public bath-house (thermae) in Rome. The remains of the Baths of Caracalla are still one of the major tourist attractions of the Italian capital.
Musei Capitolini, Rome, Lazio, Italy
27 déc. 2002
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
Notre référence
Droits gérés
Format disponible
31,4Mo (2,4Mo) / 22,9cm x 34,4cm / 2704 x 4064 (300dpi)
Mots clés
Italie Latium Rome Art Musée Musei Capitolini Musées Capitolins Histoire Epoque romaine Rome antique Rome antique Oeuvre d'art Sculpture Statue Porphyre Empereur Caracalla Epoque romaine Romains 3e siècle Loi Justice
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