Holman Hunt, Study for the Infant Jesus in the arms of the Virgin for the "Triumph of the Innocents"
Study for the Infant Jesus in the arms of the Virgin for the "Triumph of the Innocents" (first version), painting that would have represented the Holy Family in the Flight into Egypt, (1876) by William Holman Hunt (1827 - 1910)/ chalk on paper.
Tate, London, , United Kingdom
30 avr. 2013
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
Notre référence
Droits gérés
Format disponible
98,8Mo (8,7Mo) / 41,7cm x 59,3cm / 4928 x 7005 (300dpi)
Mots clés
Art Oeuvre d'art 19e siècle Ottocento 19e siècle Angleterre Préraphaélite Préraphaélites William Holman Hunt Peinture Craie Portrait Femme Figure féminine Religion Christianisme Marie Vierge Marie Madone Christ Jésus Enfant Jésus Etude Fuite en Egypte
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