Rossetti, "Paolo and Francesca da Rimini"
"Paolo and Francesca da Rimini", (1855) by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882)/ watercolour on paper. In the first scene Paul has an open book on his legs with an image of Lancelot who had a relationship with Geneva, wife of King Arthur. In the second scene, Dante led by Virgil to Hell. In the third scene the embrace between Paolo and Francesca.
Tate, London, , United Kingdom
30 avr. 2013
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
Notre référence
Droits gérés
Format disponible
90,7Mo (10,1Mo) / 62,6cm x 36,3cm / 7392 x 4291 (300dpi)
Mots clés
Art Oeuvre d'art 19e siècle Ottocento 19e siècle Angleterre Préraphaélite Préraphaélites Dante Gabriel Rossetti Peinture Littérature Poésie Femme Figure féminine Beauté Femme Poète Sentiment Amour Baiser Embrasser Moyen Age Dante Alighieri Aquarelle Divine Comédie Paolo e Francesca Enfer Luxure Virgile Etreinte Scène d'amour Amoureux Amant
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