![Ferrare, château d'Este](https://www.photo12.com/lt/ghr20a00_491.jpg)
Ferrare, château d'Este
Ferrara, Castello Estense, detto anche Castello di San Michele: Ritratto di Laura Dianti, nota anche con lo pseudonimo di Eustochia, l'amante di Alfonso I d'Este e dopo la morte della moglie Lucrezia Borgia probabilmente divenne anche la sua terza moglie. Dipinto del XVII secolo.
Ferrara, Castello Estense (the Estense Castle), also known as Castle of St. Michael: Portrait of Laura Dianti, also known as Eustochia. She was Alfonso I d'Este's lover and after the death of his wife Lucrezia Borgia she probably became his third wife. Painting of the XVII century.
Castello Estense, Ferrara (FE), Emilia Romagna, Italia - Italy
15 mai 2003
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
Notre référence
Droits gérés
Format disponible
28,3Mo (2,2Mo) / 22,9cm x 31,0cm / 2704 x 3656 (300dpi)
Mots clés
17e siècle Aristocratie Art Peinture à l'huile Huile sur toile Maison d'Este Emilie Romagne Ferrara Gente dame Seicento 17e siècle Italie Noblesse Peinture Portrait 17e siècle
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