Montefalco, Museum of St. Francis, Church of St. Francis, Chapel of St. Jerome
Montefalco, Complesso Museale di San Francesco, Chiesa di San Francesco, abside centrale: “Storie di San Francesco - Il dono del mantello a un povero e Gesù mostra in sogno a San Francesco un palazzo ornato di scudi e bandiere crociate”, affresco di Benozzo Gozzoli, 1452.
Montefalco, Museum of St. Francis, Church of St. Francis, Chapel of St. Jerome: "Stories of St. Francis - The gift of the cloak to a poor man and Jesus showing St. Francis a palace adorned with shields and crusader flags during a dream“, fresco by Benozzo Gozzoli, 1452.
Complesso Museale di San Frances, Montefalco (PG), Umbria, Italia - Italy
05 août 2004
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
Notre référence
Droits gérés
Format disponible
38,1Mo (2,8Mo) / 34,7cm x 27,5cm / 4102 x 3245 (300dpi)
Mots clés
Rêve Fresque Art Benozzo Gozzoli Christianisme Quattrocento 15e siècle Italie Montefalco Musée Pérouse Peinture Religion Rinascimiento Renaissance Ombrie 15e siècle Saint Saint François d'Assise Christ Jésus Pauvre Palais Rêve
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