![Turin, the Royal Palace](https://www.photo12.com/lt/ghr20a04_212.jpg)
Turin, the Royal Palace
Torino, Palazzo Reale, "Galleria del Daniel", la volta con "Apoteosi di un eroe (Vittorio Amedeo II)": particolare meridionale con "Venere sul carro di Trionfo" e, in basso, "Pace, Giustizia e Abbondanza". Affreschi di Daniel Seiter (1690 - 1694).
Turin, the Royal Palace, the "Daniel's Gallery", the vault with "Apotheosis of a hero (Vittorio Amedeo II)": southern detail with "Venus on the chariot of Triumph" and, below, "Peace, Justice and Abundance". Frescoes by Daniel Seiter (1690 - 1694).
Palazzo Reale, Torino (TO), Piemonte - Piedmont, Italia - Italy
15 nov. 2004
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
Notre référence
Droits gérés
Format disponible
31,4Mo (2,4Mo) / 22,9cm x 34,4cm / 2704 x 4064 (300dpi)
Mots clés
17e siècle Palais royal Abondance Fresque Aphrodite Allégorie Art Baroque Daniel Seiter Déesse Divinité Galerie Justice Seicento 17e siècle Italie Mythologie Olympe Œuvre d'art Paix Palais Piémont Peinture Turin Triomphe Venus Voûte 17e siècle
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