Orvieto, Badia
Orvieto, Badia (Abbazia dei Santi Severo e Martirio), oratorio del Crocifisso, che probabilmente era un antico e vasto refettorio: "Madonna in trono tra i santi Agostino e Severo, affresco dell’ultimo quarto del XIII.
[ENG] Orvieto, Badia (Abbey of St. Severo e Martirio), oratory of the Crucifix, which probably was an ancient and vast refectory: "Madonna enthroned with the Saints Augustine and Severus",fresco from the last quarter of the XIII century.
Badia (Abbazia dei Santi Severo, Orvieto (TR), Umbria, Italia - Italy
15 févr. 2019
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
Notre référence
Droits gérés
Format disponible
77,1Mo (6,2Mo) / 46,3cm x 41,7cm / 5470 x 4928 (300dpi)
Mots clés
13e siècle Abbaye Fresque Art Art médiéval Enfant Jésus Christianisme Christ Jésus Duecento 13th century Italie Vierge Marie Madonne Marie Œuvre d'art Oratoire Orvieto Peinture Religion Saint Augustin Saint Sévère Saint Terni Ombrie 13e siècle
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