Church of Santa Croce, Mausoleum of St. Pius V
Chiesa di Santa Croce, Mausoleo di S. Pio V: un altorilievo in marmo bianco con Resurrezione e Pio V in preghiera. Su disegno di Giovanni Antonio Buzzi (1568-1571).
Church of Santa Croce, Mausoleum of St. Pius V: a high-relief in white marble representing the Resurrection and Pius V in prayer. Based on a design by Giovanni Antonio Buzzi (1568-1571).
Chiesa di Santa Croce, Bosco Marengo (AL), Piemonte/Piedmont, Italia/Italy
22 févr. 2006
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
Notre référence
Droits gérés
Format disponible
44,7Mo (3,0Mo) / 27,1cm x 41,4cm / 3202 x 4884 (300dpi)
Mots clés
Viggiu Memorial Alexandrie (Italie) Haut relief Relief Architecture Art Bosco Marengo Eglise Christianisme Christ Jésus Giovanni Antonio Buzzi Cinquecento 16e siècle Italie Maniérisme Marbre Mausolée Monument Œuvre d'art Pape Piémont Pie V Prière Religion Résurrection Relief Rinascimiento Renaissance Sculpture Statue 16e siècle Viggiu
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