Church of Jesus, the interior: the dome of the transept

Church of Jesus, the interior: the dome of the transept


Chiesa del Gesù, interno: la cupola del transetto, con "Il Paradiso inneggia a Gesù" e i pennacchi con Profeti, Evangelisti e dottori della Chiesa; affreschi del Baciccia (Giovan Battista Gaulli), 1679.

Church of Jesus, the interior: the dome of the transept, with "Paradise praising Jesus" and the pendentives with Prophets, Evangelists and Doctors of the Church; frescoes by Baciccia (Giovan Battista Gaulli), 1679.
Chiesa del Gesù, Roma (RM), Lazio, Italia/Italy


31 mars 2006


Ghigo Roli/Photo12

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